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Everything posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. DCFC are fine but since Zooey is over 15 she probably found his lyrics really shallow and boring.
  2. Demo is out. http://www.planetcricket.net/forums/don-bradman-cricket-14-forum/don-bradman-cricket-academy-v0-9994-beta-available-87105.html You need to use a controller with 2 joysticks, I plugged my PS3 controller in then used this http://www.motioninjoy.com/download to get it working and it's great. It's only net batting at this stage, but it's **** awesome, especially if you crank the difficulty up and it doesn't baby you by helping your footwork. You use your left stick for footwork and your right stick for shotmaking, with triggers being utilised for power and defence etc.
  3. Can someone explain to me why Piers Morgan is so awful? My only knowledge of him was that he called a US gun nut an incredibly stupid man during a TV interview after the Sandy Hook massacre
  4. I'm still hoping ASADA finally come through and punch him for us.
  5. It's just the greatest player of all time. It's no different from someone releasing a game called Michael Jordan Basketball or Wayne Gretzky Hockey. There were a few Colin McRae Rally games released after his death IIRC. Also they don't have any official licences so probably couldn't use any current players, so grabbed the Bradman licence. it's a Pro Evo Soccer style setup where you can edit and create players and teams and they've already released a player and team editor, so I imagine you'll be able to download updated and correct squads for all teams by the time you get the game home from the shops
  6. Yep, it looks much more polished. Hopefully it's out before too long. The key feature for me is the career mode where you get to take your own created player from club level to international level. Cricket as a sport is perfect for a be-a-pro type mode.
  7. But women live longer so they always end up with all the money the guy killed himself earning. wat
  8. Wealthy. That's the goal. Being white and male just makes it easier to get there.
  9. It's not an easy group but A or G would have been worse I think. Yeah Australia are the worst side at this world cup, so that's a guarantee of 3 points. I don't think Australia are awful. Now Honduras, there's a rubbish team. Just for perspective for Villa fans, Brett Holman is one of our top players. Safe to say the 2006 golden era we had with Kewell, Viduka, Emerton, Bresciano and a young Cahill is well in the past now. We have a lot of okay players but zero in the way of top quality. Us getting out of our group would be the unlikeliest Australian result since Stephen Bradbury and would take a similar amount good teams falling over.
  10. Australia are apparently 8-1 to get out of our group. It may as well be 800-1.
  11. Carberry's drop was absolutely unforgivable at Test level. A sitter.
  12. I'd take him in a second if it weren't for the financial issue. He probably needs the sort of reinvigoration he might get under Lambert at Villa. We are desperate for a bit of creativity and at his best he is creative and has a lot of flair. He definitely has a lot of ability. He left us in reasonable circumstances for the best club in the league, unlike Barry or Downing.
  13. Spiders are fine. You just let the huntsmen live and they take care of all the other spiders for you for free. What a pack of legends. That said, it's not just foreigners who are scared of spiders. At work today I used a magazine to put a huntsman outside and save it from 3 or 4 of my terrified colleagues who were going to kill it as soon as they were brave enough to get close. I'm a policeman
  14. This is probably the most fun satire page i've seen on FB https://www.facebook.com/atheismgetreal
  15. This is probably the most fun satire page i've seen on FB https://www.facebook.com/atheismgetreal
  16. About as sharp as a spoon. We didn't have a meaningful chance. We should have bloody sold Benteke when we had the chance. Actually that's an overreaction and he'll come good but that was an incredibly frustrating display.
  17. It's really sad that Trott wont be out there next test, he's one of my favourite bats even though I obviously was hoping he had a poor series over here. Hopefully he has a quick recovery
  18. I always buy him at first opportunity when playing FIFA career mode.
  19. I think the series will be a lot more interesting if we can finish you off here. If you guys had won the first test we were probably looking at a comfortable series win but this should spice up the series. Your bats will have a bit of time to get themselves in on the absolute road at Adelaide Oval next test and once Cook, Trott and Bell get going, we really struggle get them out. Trott played the shot of a man who didn't believe they could save the test. Watson earlier in the day wasn't much better, but in a totally different situation.
  20. I wouldn't accept a name or colour change, but i'd play at Red Bull Stadium and have Red Bull colours for the away every year if it meant crazy investment that could make us a top club again. We are a much bigger club than Wimbledon or Cardiff or Salzburg or Metrostars and we'll fight a crapload harder against a total rebranding.
  21. These monochrome kits are sooooo baaaaad Countries have an iconic look with shorts and socks that has just gone out the window.
  22. Great idea. Premier League football is getting bigger and bigger in the states as i've heard and this is a great way to get our foot in the door.
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