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Everything posted by ThunderPower_14

  1. How was it not even a bloody yellow? Can't complain too much, their strikers took their chances, ours didn't. **** devastated though.
  2. Heading to the Rosemont Hotel in Adelaide for the game, I know there will be a few Villa fans there and likely a lot of ManUre fans as well. Can't wait!
  3. I know this thread is about 6 years old, but unless it's a greatest beard ever competition... it's not really a competition.
  4. I'm an atheist, but it hardly matters. I believe what I believe based on critical thinking about evidence I have in front of me. If that evidence were to shift a significant amount, i'd be stupid not to change my belief. If several absolute miracles happened in front of me, someone I know prayed for something impossible and got it etc etc etc, I might question my sanity just a little but i'd surely have to change my mind. Likewise, if I were Christian, then some kind of undisputable historical evidence was uncovered that proved the bible was completely false and that Jesus never existed, how could I possibly continue to believe what I believe.
  5. Anyone who wouldn't be willing to change their mind if unquestionable evidence came up is completely mental IMO.
  6. James Milner only came on against Brighton because the Brighton players begged MON for a chance to play against the great man.
  7. Any highlights that are viewable by people outside the UK?
  8. James Milner believes that matches being cancelled for something as trivial as a frozen pitch is a symptom of the French being allowed to play in the Premier League. Back in his day, if at least one player didn't break his leg every game, nobody could look eachother in the eye in the dressing room post match.
  9. Guzan is our cup specialist. Friedel isn't young, needs a rest, and nothing Guzan has done suggest he shouldn't continue to be picked.
  10. Young has been good for quite a while now IMO, we definitely miss his crosses in. We also missed having Milfner in centre mid IMO, so our whole structure was thrown out and it showed.
  11. How fitting that we get robbed by scousers. Referee was shit shit shit all game. Made stupid calls and missed obvious ones for both sides.
  12. NRC has been pretty good so far. I keep thinking he's going to get himself into trouble and he keeps getting out of it. We're doing fine, there is nothing between the clubs. Gone are the days when Liverpool could outclass us, that's for sure. I feel like Downing's volley from the corner would have been a goal 4 times out of 5. Just really hard luck, really well directed on goal.
  13. Not pretty, good result. Good teams get results when they don't play well, we're a good team. Pretty happy, goal was terrific, defensive tenacity was terrific, good win.
  14. Best. Episode. Ever! UP THE VILLA! 10/10 all round with a special 11/10 for all players I didn't specifically mention.
  15. Didn't look like it struck his arm to me. If there was slight arm contact, it was minimal as the arm was against his side. If we'd been disallowed a goal because of a handball like that given i'd be livid.
  16. Olaf Cuellar and Carlos Mellberg were both amazing. It's great to see a bit of quality competition for the centre half positions. It's not so great to see the lack of quality competition for the centre mid positions. Really disappointing performance, we were dominated and we were lucky to scrape that point.
  17. The reason Han Solo didn't reply with "I love you too" to Leia at the end of Empire Strikes Back is because he was really in love with James Milner.
  18. Good game, Gabby was brilliant again, we defended really well and Friedel was brilliant as usual. If only Dunne scoring a header over Barry was the winner, it would have been so fitting. Not a bad result but draws are never very satisfying.
  19. I look at it this way, if Gabby had tried the overhead and it had hit Samba in the arms in the same fashion, and a penalty HADN'T been given, i'd have gone absolutely apeshit.
  20. To MON: 4-5-1 plz. kthxbai. The penalty was there. If you've got your hands up in the air in the box and the ball strikes them, you can't really complain. A game we should have been able to put away a lot earlier.
  21. I watch from a couch, but that's only because I live about 16000km away. I'd be a season ticket holder without doubt if I lived anywhere near Birmingham. Generally I distinguish between fan and supporter by saying a fan is someone who follows the club, but a supporter supports the club financially by attending games on a fairly regular basis if they can, buying merchandise and generally doing what they can to support the club.
  22. I think Lerner will give save his dignity by letting him see out the season at least, even if things aren't going well. I don't think we'll be relegation fodder regardless, but if we drop to below 11th or 12th I think he'll be replaced at the end of the season.
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