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Everything posted by JulieB

  1. 2. For ever since I can remember it's been nigh on impossible for a Villa player to play more than a 20min cameo appearance on the whole. eg. Brian Little who actually cancelled and moved his wedding so that he could play for England! IIRC he didn't even play or he only played for 20mins..I remember my Dad cos I was only a squid at the time being furious! Unless they've come on and made a huge impact like Barry, Vassell successive England managers have picked from more preferred teams like Spurs...even coming down to playing for the likes of Ipswich!...instead of Sir Dennis being an England regular!
  2. Warm skimmed milk!....... Night night :yawn:
  3. Sorry to bring this up at a time of national crisis...when it's appears to be all crumbling right before our eyes!!... BUT... Watching Sky News and the unfolding political crisis....anyone else noticed that the male guests they've been interviewing in the past hour have had mad blow dried hair??... The political correspondent from the Times hairstyle was amazing!! ....methinks there's been a Danny La Rue fan let loose in make up tonight at Sky in honour of his death!
  4. Sky mentioned Scholes suffers badly with Asthma & would have struggled in the heat in Rome, so maybe that effected team selection.
  5. That's Amy the Ginger Ninja......She & Harry presented Stilian Petrov with this player of the season award from NW Villains... BTW North West Villains won Supporters Club of the Year Award & Jon Morris won Aston Villa Clubman of the Year also!!
  6. Before the Newcastle Game.. Stuck on the M6 on the NW Villa Bus due to an accident, so we all got off....even had time for a game of footie!
  7. Someone told me that Pear Cider is very nice...but is it very sweet?.. Sweet enough!
  8. I'm NOT voting for the 3rd selection .....cos I try not to swear! But you get my drift...
  9. Well I couldn't here a thing & I'm in my 40s ...however that might not be anything to do with my hearing because the audio on my laptop plays up sometimes on media files.
  10. OMG!...What a sickner for Chavskis!!...
  11. I'm a bit of a Don't know... I'd like him to stay but honestly I think we've had the best out of him...and he's been here 10/11yrs and he deserves his chance to play CL football.. I'm just disappointed that he may well have to go somewhere else to play in that league. If MON had bought more players and maybe not thrown away the UEFA Cup maybe just maybe things might have been different...but who knows, it's no good looking back, we have to look forward & if that means without Bsrry then so be it... It's funny I feel different somehow to last summer.......it's like if he goes...I'll think I'll wish him well, whereas last summer I was outraged, but I think that had alot to do with the way FSW went about it all....... Anyhow c'est la vie... Let's just hope Ashley Young starts banging in a few more free kicks next season!
  12. I work from home...and until the end of this week...I'm self employed.....but by the end of the week I should be employed... But I should still be working from home a good deal anyhow...which is good.... So I guess it works for me.... the only problem is I tend to work most of the time when I'm at home!! When I should limit it to a working day.
  13. He's funny....very sarcastic dry sense of humour...makes me laugh anyhow... .. bit full of himself sometimes but also laughs at himself which makes him human!
  14. Never been to the others & I don't go clubbing anymore cos I don't like crowded places much.... but Ayia Napa is just awesome. Just to sit & watch the sites go past....is hilarious..lol Don't they have that River Reggae club that starts when all the others finish...& then everyone jumps in the moat that runs all round the club...about 10am... Mad!!
  15. JulieB


    Great phrase that, one of my favourites and it really made me chuckle. Thanks Julie. lol It's Cumbrian.... unless I correct myself I often say Aye now instead of Yes... Dreadful!!!
  16. JulieB


    I like his stuff...it's melodic & just nice to chill out on. Will definitely get the" Best of"...when it appears I've got a track of his..which I absolutely love on a compilation album...stands out a mile from everything else... Way before Amy Winehouse & Duffy lever caught on..
  17. That doesn't sound right to me, I am self employed and manage to keep more than 75% of what I bring in. Have a word with a decent Accountant...
  18. One of the other predictions on the webcast was that houses in the UK will probably fall by a further 20%. I think leaner will mean more robust....and fitter in the long term. Hopefully with some poignant lessons learned!
  19. It does ..the short term effect globally is that many businesses are failing because they see their market decimated....and even the ones who CAN sell their products are being stifled from trading because they simply cannot get finance from the normal channels. Some developers & such like are starting to look at innovative ways of raising capital by tapping into private investment & by passing the banks altogether. eg the emergence of Sale & repurchase contracts.. Leaner also means less tax for the government to spend.....and consequently the one's who have jobs are going to feel the effects also... Where the hell is all the money coming from to support these failing institutions?,....The US & UK have spent an awful lot of their reserves propping up the war on Iraq & Iran already. This is tax payers money! Less people in work though means less people paying tax. cue higher stealth taxes methinks along the line somewhere.... When the US Treasury bailed out Freddie Mac & Fanny Mae...this DOUBLED the US national debt overnight!!...& that was only the beginning...we're talking Trillions more being pumped in to support the financial system since then...on both sides of the Atlantic. As I see it...we've all seen that you can't continue to run an economy based on personal debt allied to property prices indefinitely...there had to be a pay back time...but on the other hand nor can you run the country's finances on the same basis either in the long term neither.
  20. I think the fear is that if the UK/US governments allowed one retail bank to fall....it would have a knock on effect like a row of falling dominoes. The fact that banking shares have fallen dramatically is already having a huge impact on fund & Pension values because alot of managers hadn't seen the warning lights & continued holding large stocks of former banking shares, like RBS, HBOS etc, hoping that they'd recover with the argument they were yielding decent dividends. We're talking final salary schemes as well as private pensions.... hence Cherie Blair being employed to take Sir Fred to task by some of the local authorities, in a hope of recovering the losses suffered by their Pension schemes. Also the way the FSCS scheme works is that building societies, even ones who have been prudent in the past & responsible in their lending and in no way involved in these toxic debt assets, are being punitively "taxed" by huge levies imposed by the scheme. ie. Skipton BS required to hand over £25M & Nationwide BS reserving a whopping £250M to pay the levy from their balance sheet.The figures involved are just mind boggling and the general consensus is, that the tax payer has not finished bailing the banks out just yet neither....There's more than likely more bad news on the way for a fair few major financial institutions as a payback for reckless lending & involvement in credit default swaps, catches up with them after decades of policies driven by greed, insane bonuses & profit. The UK in particular has the highest levels of personal debt per capita of any other economy in the world. This could not continue & will take a fair few years to rectify itself. We may well see as a next step full nationalisation of some financial institutions. Some commentators are starting to see green shoots of recovery. However, I was listening to Neil Woodford yesterday, from Invesco Perpetual, on a webcast, who is one of the most respected fund managers in the country. He is very downbeat about the UK & US economies for the next 2 to 5 years, saying that this recession is not like any other we've experienced as the amount of debt in the whole mechanism works it's way through. Unemployment will rise significantly & weaker business models will fail. Yet there are companies & sectors, which will buck the trend & currently offer stocks well under their true values giving good returns on dividends. As a fund manager running the IP high income & income funds, of course that is his job to source & purchase. In the long run the UK economy & businesses that survive should come out of this leaner & more robust going forward, however the road will surely be rocky in the interim!
  21. Touchpad for me on my Samsung Laptop...I'm just used to it..feels strange using a mouse on somebody else's PC now!
  22. Does it make a difference where in the world you make them :winkold: It can do. Altitude plays a part. Actually ...the flour in NZ is totally different to that in the UK.To me it's much finer...almost like cornflour Last year I cooked for all my friends...cos they wanted some proper English food to taste & I tried it with normal NZ flour...Yorks Puds were a disaster..they were soggy & horrid! THIS year I was told by someone to cook Yorks Puds with NZ High Grade flour & I used Jamie's recipe..... the resulting Puds were proper big puff balls, cooked in a muffin tin. Went down a storm over there!
  23. I have to say... I tried Jamie Oliver's recipe for Yorks Puds - using 3 eggs instead of 2 etc as I was recommended the recipe by a friend.... & they are the best ones I have ever made.....I made them in New Zealand as well & they were huge!!.... I must get one of his cookbooks.
  24. Well it's definitely catching!!............. :idea: I REALLY NEED TO STOP SPENDING SO MUCH TIME ON VT & I REALLY NEED TO GET A GRIP OF THE HAG HAIRS!! :idea:
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