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Everything posted by JulieB

  1. Yeah I thought we'd scored cos of Sir Jack as well!!
  2. He's injured as Lancs says... I don't think he's even travelled up to Ewood this weekend... Which is a bit like me because i'm full of cold....so didn't get a ticket... Gutted cos everyone was meeting up this morning for breakfast!
  3. I think someone said it's his brother's funeral Wednesday......plus he's still coming back from injury.
  4. Dead centre in the D about 20yds from goal I would say.
  5. Both goals were great strikes but that's the 2nd home game in a row Gab's scored a quality goal. Sidwell said he rarely misses one & one's in training -he's lethal. Definitely a confidence player & fans need to remember this next time he's going through a lean spell!!
  6. If you look at Blog on OS for Tuesday 15.09.2009. Specifically mentions Luke Young:- The interview PB refers to with MON is also available on OS...so it's hardly a case of keeping Luke situation a secret.
  7. Didn't miss a header, positioning was first class & I can't remember a misplaced pass neither.....impecable debut.
  8. Brilliant...Gabby mugged again em at the end! Thought Collins, Dunne & Warnock look more than useful & Cuellar played extremely well as RB. Blues worked very hard today to make it difficult. 3 wins on the trot ...can't complain!!
  9. Bin impressed with our new defence so far James Collins looks very assured on the ball.
  10. Have to say on a lighter note as regards material if not atmosphere....Dark Knight is on Sky at the moment with Heath Ledger's last performance before his demise....as the Joker.. Actually very good I thought....
  11. General firstly all best wishes for a speedy recovery. Can I just say as a fan who travels with the official NW Villains supporters club coaches to Home games, what a great idea it is to have a proper car park designated for the club coaches adjacent to the Transport Museum on Witton Lane. I know there's construction works going on currently but I attended Wigan game and this is such a help because it means we get away much quicker from the games and we have a long way to travel. Also what a nice gesture from the club to the supporters regarding those who attended the Rapid Vienna game. Like someone else this is very much appreciated.
  12. It's not really a rigid 4-5-1 system though is it.... Because of the pace of Milner and AY...it very quickly reverts to a 4-3-3 and even sometimes a 4-4-2... Was clever today because I noticed in the 1st half AY & Milner swapped wings completely....and then at another point AY was playing just behind Gabby with the 2 of them upfront. Must be a nightmare to mark players when they have license to drift.
  13. I like my life... I'm on my own at the moment but live in a lovely place.......and kinda happy. Wish the weather would improve though..had to light a fire tonight... August for goodness sake!..the one worry at the moment is my Mum's health...I'm so worried about her because she's 200miles away and being treated to stop her going blind! She loves going to VP with me sometimes..took her to Wigan game with my brother.... but she couldn't tell who had the ball most of the time or what was happening....... ..I told her just as well Mum!!!.... ...it's such a shame.
  14. Carew won every header from what I recall when he came on. I thought this was going to be a really tough game today. We drew last season IIRC after being in the lead. Didn't think we needed to get out of 2nd gear TBH because Fulham were poor and we tired them more and more by simply passing the ball and making them chase the game. Early goal helped, however I thought Petrov, Cuellar & Gabby were outstanding. Special mention to Ciaran Clark - great debut - didn't put a foot wrong and kept a clean sheet. Was great to see the whole team come over to congratulate him as soon as the final whistle went as well, particularly Petrov.. He must be very proud at 19! Did very well considering that was his PL debut.... Who said he wasn't ready??!!! Special mention to the Holte for singing to Martin Laursen in the Sky box in the 2nd half. Must have been a good moment for him!
  15. Laursen - what can you say.. HERO!! Never mentioned Clarke being England U20 Captain though did they!
  16. Decent line up... 4-5-1 Good on MON... but it quickly changes to 4-3-3 with NRC/Sidwell making runs into the box. One worry is Clarke ...hope he does OK... he coped well against Sturridge on Monday night watching a stream. Well done MON for not dropping Shorey... He deserved not to be dropped.
  17. Peter Snow? Pah. We have our own snowy who has promised to deliver interactive graphs, region based supporter level penetration map and instead of a picture of the house of commons filling up with blue or red representing the two parties, we'll have a representation of the holte stand filling up with er.....claret or blue(?) representing the stay or go factions. I want a MONometer!!! Interactive live VT...will I have to press the red button on my Sky remote??
  18. You're welcome Gringo...On second thoughts after being supplied copious amounts of wine this evening by my lovely neighbours showing off their new outdoor Chimenea I don't think I'm quite up to designing pictoral representations of data! If I might make an observation - I think your scientific results may need the variance of alcohol consumed and how it effects each participant's viewpoint on life in general as well as MON, at the time of selecting the option also being factored in.
  19. How many more times are we going to see the same poll on VT??!! I've learnt how to produce pie charts on Excel so if you'd like me to oblige, please scream!!
  20. Were we watching the same game? Cuellar played well throughout. He was left high and dry by the goal by the fact that Delph let his man go. Get a grip!! Even the pundit on Channel 5 said Cuellar had played really, really well. It was Delph who should have tracked the player back, he was at fault not Cuellar.
  21. Half full Villa Park for those big European nights... Couldn't even manage 30K! UEFA Cup/Europa League has lost all the sparkle it used to have..... ALL the attention is on the Champions League. We played well tonight and won but it just wasn't good enough. We should have scored more. Curtis shouldn't have been playing he was in pain but determined to do his best. His shoulder was completely locked when he went off and he couldn't move his arm. Oh well THAT was the prize of finishing 5th or 6th!
  22. I thought it was much better tonight than last week up until 75th minute. I did think we should have changed the formation to 4-5-1 but blaming Heskey is not right...he made a decent contribution. Thought Beye and Shorey both played well & Cuellar was a beast.
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