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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. This is the truest statement that was ever said.
  2. He also effectively kept us up one year didn't he?
  3. Lambert's Lifetime Lazy River Every time you get to the end, you reach a sign that says "we go again", and you go round and round and round and round and round...
  4. If anyone truly believes that the FT have found things that the legal teams of AVFC, their external advisors and Randy Lerner's advisors missed in due diligence then they are very wide of the mark. They could not and would not have missed something as big as what Recon actually holds. I truly believe this is just a stupid mistake in the article published on the official website more than anything else. Calm down everyone.
  5. I see nothing untoward about this at all to the point I feel I've missed something. Not everything in business is black and white and that's why so many different corporate structures exist - to hide things, far more often than not legitimately and for legitimate purposes. You will never find out everything about this guy and his businesses. Has this all stemmed from "5 subsidiaries" actually being 1 and 4 probable purchases? If so this is almost definitely just a mistake from whoever drafts what goes on the website. I spend 90% of my life drilling home to clients that corporations are different entities and what owning or controlling them actually means. I would bet everything I own that Recon being the majority owner in one and seeking to buy 4 more got lost in translation and became "having 5 subsidiaries" either through the drafter misunderstanding what he was being told or not realising how big a mistake it is to essentially pre-empt a bunch of other acquisitions when they haven't yet happened (they may have just misunderstood something about how far down the line the sales were without actually having been completed). Who knows. I personally have confidence that this guy is the real deal. His credentials are excellent, he speaks sense, he has been honest about his intentions (including non footballing intentions), he has been very open where he hasn't had to be and he is from a country who are pushing football so any government involvement or influence can only be a positive thing (for now).
  6. Football has changed. We must change with it. It's a business. It's about money. And you don't just get huge investment for free. Everything comes with a business reason. The group that has taken us over both because I think they want to try and do something with the team and they also want to extend the reach and reputation of their current business. They will do this through sponsorship and that may well include renaming the stadium. I'm fine with this as it is still Villa Park regardless. Your options are essentially these in the modern day: accept huge investment and compete in exchange for sacrificing some of the imagery of the club and by accepting sponsorship of all aspects and the business driven side of the club taking over to an extent, or in the alternative do not accept investment, maintain all traditional aspects of the club and then disappear into nothingness and don't compete. I'll take the sponsorship and compete option.
  7. How expensive are your choccy digestives if you can't get them for £3????? You must be buying those Chocolate Lesbians...
  8. I haven't quite forgiven him missing 2 against Fulham...
  9. Didn't he score a decent one against Leicester?
  10. Not really tbh because weirdly it's the Eurpoeans (including non-Brits) here who support Arsenal. Arabs tend to support the likes of Real Madrid, Barca and PSG. You would think that as Manchester City are owned by the ruling family of Abu Dhabi (and, therefore, the UAE) there'd be more Manchester City fans here but I don't think I have seen Manchester City related anything anywhere at any point.
  11. Here in Dubai its Arsenal. Everyone and their mums is an Arsenal fan.
  12. That is the worst thing I've ever seen and I've been to some quite harrowing places.
  13. I quite like Tsingtao. Her balti pies are way too fake for me.
  14. People have to get a bit real to the changing circumstances here. Pearson has proven Championship pedigree and has achieved promotion before. He knows the league. Even if he is a moron. Moyes is the dream but he just isn't what we need right now. He'd be out of his depth in the Championship. My ideal manager would be spadeface but I doubt we can afford his compensation. He's done this time and time again and could do it with us. It may hurt to read, but names like Bruce, Pearson and Warnock (god forbid) are exactly the sort of people we need to be looking at. Even if Mourinho wanted to manage us I'm not sure he'd be the right option...
  15. I have to disagree with that. N'Zogbia as never done anything. Sinclair has scored more goals for us this season than N'Zogbia has in his career with us. And he cost £9.5m, Sinclair was £2m max and isn't an arrogant, poisonous presence, he just isn't very good.
  16. He has been at the club for FIVE years! Quite incredible. Comfortably the worst signing we have ever made.
  17. The shoe laces on my work shoes have actually just broken. I guess I'll just buy some new laces.
  19. Spoony posted in the Things That Piss You Off That Shouldn't thread. You won't believe what happened next... Spoony shocked VillaTalk members when he said this... Spoony has revealed that this is the reason he joined VillaTalk. ^^^^^THIS KIND OF CRAP IS DRIVING ME MENTAL AND "HITC" ON NEWSNOW IS THE BIGGEST CULPRIT AND I HOPE ALL THOSE RESPONSIBLE SIT ON WOBBLY TABLES WITH ONE LEG SHORTER THAN THE OTHERS FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES
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