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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Just had a stab at making Dakgalbi at home which was my favourite Korean dish. Turned out a treat and actually tastes like it does there. I am delighted to be reunited with it's wonderful taste. *note, this is not the one I made.
  2. All I want for Christmas is 'connectors' to join my moustache and beard.
  3. Is Kuwait non drinkers? I got Belarus, the heaviest but I must stress that the past week was my 30th birthday week and I usually drink nowhere near that much.
  4. This is exactly what I came on here to post. (the team and the Brian Little part.) I was going to suggest exactly that but Lowton on the right and Bacuna in behind the strikers, Grealish on the bench.
  5. He used to win The Sun's 'Top Shagger' award.
  6. Why has nobody ever given Keane a slap?
  7. I'll never believe 100% of anything I don't see with my own eyes at the time but I think the most telling thing about that doc is the amount of former Seaworld trainers on hand to talk it down.
  8. Women make up 95% of sick notes. Man flu is a myth. Real stats.
  9. You really can't decide if you're sad or happy about this can you?
  10. Shame none of them are on PS4 Far Cry, Dragon Age, GTA and PES. Still have my Villa season on FIFA too.
  11. Hoping Dragon Age will take the title for me when I get hold of it next week.
  12. So many games, so little time!
  13. Well considering I used to relentlessly get called Mark Delaney, him.
  14. That reads as though you think 9/11 was some inexplicable act of random aggression, coming out of nowhere. From other things you've written over a long period, I know you're very aware of all sorts of grievances against decades of western interference in countries in the Middle East, including installing corrupt and pliant regimes, setting up US military bases, and exploiting local natural resources (usually in conjunction with whichever corrupt regime the US has supported). It's resentment of the actions the West has taken over decades that's the issue, not some kind of blind hatred of anyone who's different. I think you're massively understating the role of religion in this. As the poster said on the previous page, by far the biggest number of casualties have been people in the Middle-Eastern countries themselves, usually for minor variations in the way they worship the same sky fairy. Yep including one today in that Pakistani school. How about the actions of Boko Haram? Don't think they've attacked any western targets but are wreaking havoc in Nigeria. Fair enough attributing the terror threats here and in the US and Aus to anger over the West's actions but it does only make up a tiny portion of the violence carried out by these organisations.
  15. Just got this. I'm going to Frisbee FIFA out of the window.
  16. Delph for Dembele would be great business. Might finally have some balance and that attacking midfielder we have craved for so long.
  17. What possible motivation could anyone have to do something like that?!
  18. Yes. They cannot go toe-to-toe with our military so they need to resort to this kind of 'revenge'. But Westerners make up a tiny tiny percentage of their victims.
  19. Looking like the nutjob and one hostage dead, RIP to the latter
  20. Couldn't they just have snipered him from distance through the window at the start?
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