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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Erm, has she had a full body and face transplant in the last couple of years or is she a different Nikki Graham?
  2. Our MP is minister for the Internet or some crap so you'd expect us to have decent broadband around here. Well that's not the case because I can't even get **** BT Infinity! Really? We've got fibre optic here. Don't feel bad, at least your internet makes some sci-fi noises as it dials up. You'd think on a new build it would be wired in ready.
  3. That is clearly a completely unrelated interview, probably conducted before the speculation. **** the media!
  4. Lolz Anyway on the Merry Christmas video, Benteke does look the happiest.
  5. Wow! Had no idea Red Dead Revolver existed!
  6. Although there's two of them it's 'True Detective'. Sorry for the pedant
  7. Our MP is minister for the Internet or some crap so you'd expect us to have decent broadband around here. Well that's not the case because I can't even get **** BT Infinity!
  8. Might be old news but Computer and Video Games magazine is to close. Along with Powerslam I'll have lost two staples of my teenage years recently
  9. You can pull off some beautiful moves on this. It's just more, more, erm footbally.
  10. It's from The Mirror so not even worth discussing.
  11. Wainy316

    GTA 5

    San Andreas was definitely the one I enjoyed most at the time. I was completely over-awed by the size and vastness of the map.
  12. Wainy316

    GTA 5

    Nope. No loving for my (Carl) Johnson that day.
  13. I had to compile a Christmas quiz at work last week and chose that as one of my questions. I had great joy watching everybody trying to fruitlessly figure out the X Factor winner from that year.
  14. Looks delicious, apart from the spring onions on top (assuming that's what they are) which would render the entire dish inedible. Must try harder.
  15. Got to be The Witcher's year. As disappointed as I am with the delay it's probably a good thing considering all the buggy games getting released at the mo. Hopefully it will be the start of games being made exclusively for the new gen too, actually pushing the capabilities of the consoles.
  16. Wainy316

    GTA 5

    2nd year of uni for me. I remember being on a date and making the girl queue in game with me to get it.
  17. I think I drank to Belarusian levels yesterday during my entire day at the Aston Social.
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