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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Pulp Fiction > Aladdin > Lion King > All Aston Villa Season Review 80/81 > Pulp Fiction > Aladdin > Lion King > All
  2. English food is great but gets a bad rap from abroad from people that haven't truly sampled it. I just remembered Turkish food so need to revise my list. Italian has been relegated to the Championship. 1. Indian 2. Korean 3. Mexican 4. English 5. Turkish
  3. Oh been meaning to watch this for a while. I assume it's worth it? She should be commended, not arrested!
  4. We'll call it a top five. Maybe it will evolve into debate on the merits of each. Mine is: 1. Indian 2. Korea 3. Mexican 4. English 5. Italian
  5. It's one of the reasons I'm glad I'm not a parent yet. It seems all parents of young children know every single word due to forced repeat viewing. There must be something in it that has a crack effect on kids.
  6. If any scousers laugh at us for paying £6m we can just remind them about Downing.
  7. Nevermind padded seats, the way to improve the atmosphere is to have no seats at all.
  8. That could've been very dangerous if we'd had Albrighton to put in place of Bacuna.
  9. Let's hope they're as good at fulfilling 5 year plans as Randy Lerner.
  10. Every vote for Green is a vote wasted that could've been used on removing the Tories.
  11. I'm the same Me too. It's definitely a save the best til last thing for me. Do other people eat from the bread inwards towards the crust?
  12. I do What is the reasoning for women getting pension earlier despite having a longer life expectancy? This can of worms is already open now...
  13. Got myself some free tickets to the exhibition in London. Being a sky customer has some perks afterall.
  14. We pay them the remaining £3m in the summer. And that's better for them why? Maybe they're terrible at saving money?
  15. That sounds about right with lattes being heavier.
  16. What a guy. Never tire of this at 2:39 in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_7Fl_wDAQk
  17. Unbelievably, nobody caught up with your post count.
  18. Why are people acting like there's anything in this?
  19. Ironically a real skinhead's look is based on a love of black music, it just got hijacked by the neo nazi types.
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