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Everything posted by ozvillafan

  1. I'm a big fan, but I have noted the amount of times he is easily dispossessed in midfield, especially with his back to goal and pressure as soon as he receives the ball. Not so today. Superb. He twisted and turned, even won back possession up the pitch and got under Dan Burn's skin (McGinn finished the job). Found so much space between the lines as their midfield struggled to contain us. Some lovely passing and through balls. Great performance
  2. Doesn't get a lot of plaudits and - I'll admit - I thought he was done about 12 months ago. He was excellent today, both in and out of possession. His partnership with Mings and Martinez is superb.
  3. Looking forward to this. I don't see it anything else than a draw and a cracking game. Early kickoff is excellent too - that equates to a 9:30pm kick off down here. Might get some sleep for a change.
  4. Came here to post that. Fantastic listen. Quality person is Alan Hutton. Excellent interview. Well worth your time just for some of the behind the scenes stuff that goes on
  5. ... and I don't get it. The Dyer/Bowyer handbags Nobby Solano. James Milner. Sob on the Tyne ... I can't think of anything else. Even their current sportswashing is not a good enough reason
  6. Lies, damn lies and statistics. I'm certain many will fly to the defense of xG and how important it is, but I'm not convinced. We lost 4-2 to Leicester in a game where our xG was 2.38 and theirs was 1.35 (source: https://footystats.org/england/leicester-city-fc-vs-aston-villa-fc-h2h-stats#2782255) We defended poorly that day: Martinez with a poor pass to Kamara for their first. Moreno missing a simple clearance for their 2nd. Now compare that to Chelsea where we won 2-0. Their xG was 2.77 and ours was 0.77 (source: https://footystats.org/england/chelsea-fc-vs-aston-villa-fc-h2h-stats#2782323) - but we never looked like losing that game.
  7. Hmm... I find that hard to take any other way than: "You've never been here, so you don't get it". Which irks, since I've never been to Villa Park - and, likely, I never will. Something I share in common with a LOT of posters here.
  8. I'm only going off the small amount I paid attention in this match - but rather than timid, I thought they were frantic. Whenever they finally got the ball back off Liverpool in their own half they treated it as a transition and immediately pumped the ball forward.... ... even when it was Martinelli or Saka vs 3 defenders. They squandered so much. I noted how little in control of the game Arsenal were compared to how we were against Forest. Different clubs, different grounds, different abilities yes - but no less headless than we were in possession under our former manager. Emery really is a cut above
  9. For me, this game is telling. We are expected to win fairly comfortably against a team that is struggling - especially away. The old Villa would come in full of confidence - and get humbled in a spanking loss.... ... but are we still the old Villa? Or are we going to rise to expectations? I'm confident.
  10. They could do a lot worse. Smith's resume is pretty good: knows how to stave off relegation from the PL? knows how to setup a strong culture within a club? knows how to go on a run of good results? will engineer a way to lose whenever they play Villa?
  11. Gotta finish somewhere too. I hope it isn't us. After enduring his management, we definitely need to "share the love" to other clubs. Hopefully a PL club.
  12. There was a period around the hour mark where Leicester had a lot of the ball in our half. We struggled to retain possession, and when we did, Luiz turned over possession on his next 4 plays: - Missed a pass to Moreno which went out for a throw (the beginning of this period) - Twice sprayed poor passes in our own half, finding opposition players instead - Took a free kick just over half way that ended up at the feet of the first defender, where they started a counter attack. To his credit, he got his head back in the game. I put it down to fatigue. But outstanding? Not for me.
  13. Manager performance: Good Referee performance: Good Commentator performance: Dire. I'd rather drown myself in an unflushed toilet than listen to Tony Gale again.
  14. Bailey trying too hard - and making it worse. Case in point: Receives the ball on the edge of the box, sees Luiz square as an easy pass - goes for a shot through 5 bodies instead.
  15. I'm not sure we'll get Europe - but I know that it's going to part of Unai's conversations with the players. I suspect if we keep up our current form we will be denied only by unfavourable results from other European-vying sides. It's a little out of our hands since we started this run after reaching the heady heights of 17th under the former manager.
  16. It's not a bad idea. Handball in the box - accidental or not - means a foul. The only thing left is "Was this intentionally stopping a shot going in?". If so, penalty. If not, indirect free kick. It's no less unlucky than the kind of handballs they are giving as penalties now (or not, in our case vs Bournemouth) and a little clearer on the punishment.
  17. Ah... the instep on his boots doesn't match the outstep. So that's his left foot with the blue and white stripes. Was doing my head in. Thanks.
  18. That photo - what is that between the 2 players boots? Looks like Marvelous took a trip to the lavvy in his studs and has some toilet paper stuck under his boot.
  19. ozvillafan


    Please be Gerrard. Please be Gerrard. Please be Gerrard. Please be Gerrard.
  20. 1 lap restart - Alonso to repay Sainz?
  21. Soft. Every Villa game is on at 2 or 3am in the morning here. Jog on.
  22. He does some wonderful things when given space. However, when under pressure as soon as he receives the ball - and especially with his back to goal - he turns possession over far more than he should and often immediately Needs to learn from McGinn on first touch and ball shielding in central midfield.
  23. By that logic, he'd require zero markers.
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