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Everything posted by Danwichmann

  1. If we doubled our points, we'd still be bottom the league.
  2. Sanchez was dreadful on Saturday. It's the first time I've been to Villa Park this season I was shocked how bad he was when watching live. I don't know if was a particularly bad game, or if he just doesn't look as bad on TV, but in the flesh he was shockingly bad. Constantly gave the ball away, did nothing else.
  3. It was only the 'SOTV' and 'ZW' that let us know it came from SHA fans. My first thought on seeing 'Randy is a Blue' was that Villa fans had done it. So generous of the Blues fans to contribute to our campaign.
  4. Granted, being booed all game doesn't encourage you to stay on the pitch. On the other hand, if they had any desire to win the fans back and stay at the club they'd need to show some extra effort. Clearly they're both out the door mentally, I hope their bodies follow their minds shortly.
  5. I noticed the first two players to head off the pitch were Lescott and Bacuna. Let's hope they're two of the first to head out the door permanently as well.
  6. A huge well done to everyone who's been involved in organising this. You've done a fantastic job of getting a bunch of bickering Villa fans behind you, the protests have all been highly visible but of a positive nature. Hopefully it's over now, but I fear we may need to again before too long. And sorry to @markavfc40 for not contacting you on match day as promised to pick up inflatables. Fortunately it didn't seem to matter too much as I'm pretty sure I spotted some that made it into the ground.
  7. Boaz Myhill is another. But these arguments are often over simplified, the players developed differently as a result of leaving Villa. Cahill in particular wouldn't be the player he is if he hadn't gone to Bolton and played regularly. You never know, had someone like Clark gone to the right club at the right time, he could be enjoying Cahill's success right now. There are so many variables in a footballers developments that it's rather pointless to look at players that left young and went on to achieve more or less.
  8. Let them bring whatever banners they like, it only draws more attention to how badly the club is being run, which we're all trying to do anyway. Every banner they bring only supports our cause.
  9. What's the difference between bio and non-bio laundry powder, and should I actually care?
  10. Yes, I really want Gabby, Richards, Okore, Bacuna et al to start just so they can get the appreciation they so fully deserve.
  11. He'll get to play with Bacuna and all our other players that can't wait to go and play in Champions League then
  12. The problem with that is, Villa fans will holding up similar banners.
  13. Really pissed off. I almost put Deeny in my fantasy team.
  14. This, with lots of gallows humour thrown in. 'Let's pretend we scored a goal' and songs along that line. Makes for a party atmosphere while still making it clear that the players aren't good enough.
  15. I hope he plays against Newcastle. The fans should get a chance to show their 'appreciation' of his efforts this season.
  16. I think this post is about where I'm at. Basically I'd be quite happy to move Westwood on, but there are 15 to 20 players I'd be focused on moving before I got to him.
  17. I'm just wondering what our legal options could be here. I'd love to see us sack Okore, then sue him for the potential transfer fee we could have received. Or maybe we can sack him, but still refuse to transfer his registration until someone pays a transfer fee? Sadly, with the way Villa is run these days our legal advice probably comes from a company with an 0800 number who advertise their no win no fee service on day time ITV.
  18. If we've got largely the same players next year as we have this season, our players deserve a manager along the lines of Kim Jong-Il.
  19. Can anyone think of another job, where you can flat out tell your manager you don't want to work anymore, and not only not be sacked, but continue to be paid? The attitude of our players is just mind boggling. If I go to a game this season, I will be booing until I'm horse. I've never liked booing players, but some of this lost are nothing but oxygen thieves.
  20. Even during the Yorke and Dublin eras we never seriously challenged for the league, but no denying it was nice to be top for a while and dream. There were also some good times under Lerner for the first years, I've got fond memories from both eras, but all ultimately ruined by how they finished. I think there are a lot of modified memories of what it was like under Ellis at the end. I'm convinced that had he stayed longer, we'd have been down years ago. But this is like arguing over whether it's worse to be strung up by your right or your left testicle. I don't care who was worse anymore, I care who comes next and what the future holds. We will be back. I just hope it's this decade.
  21. That's just a matter of time and perspective though, surely? Can just add easily say that in 10 years well look back on Lerner's time and think of Carew, Benteke, Milner, Downing and Young. We deserve better than both, agree with you on that point.
  22. Could still play a couple more games then.
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