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Everything posted by Danwichmann

  1. Was planning to go to bed when the winner became clear. Looks like that will be a long time.
  2. I'm sided with Cameron, Osborne and London. I need a shower. Really need some bug remain results to slow my pulse down a bit.
  3. I'm quick going off Wales though. Will be supporting N. Ireland in football now.
  4. They get more out than put in net. I don't think it's the most gross.
  5. I think the country is going to be very much divided whatever the result now, not just along geographical lines.
  6. Hope you're right, but I'm pretty much panicking at the moment to be honest. Almost every where the bbc are going, Leave seem to be performing better than expected.
  7. It's not a finger in the air. If the pound is weak, it buys less with foreign currency. I'm genuinely interested to hear why you think that wouldn't be the case or is not significant.
  8. In all seriousness, would you mind explaining how you come to that conclusion?
  9. It matters quite a lot if you buy anything imported.
  10. Apparently I've used all my likes for today, and we're only 84 minutes into it.
  11. And low turnout in London. Soft southerners costing the referendum because they didn't want to get their hair wet?
  12. I want to see the results, but getting fed up of the coverage. Wish they showed funny cat videos in between results instead of banging on immigration and punishment voting.
  13. People voting out to 'kick the establishment '. Boris Johnson and IDS are obviously working class heroes now.
  14. Swindon closer to what was expected, but feel Remain really need some stronger than expected results at the moment.
  15. Brexiters only use pen or blood, otherwise MI5 change it.
  16. Take a look at the sterling market, the economy is going to go tits up.
  17. It's really starting to look like the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
  18. Because it was expected to be much closer. If that is replicated throughout the country, it is bad news to remain. Add to that, Newcastle was expected to show a kick stronger remain. At this stage leave are performing much stronger than expected. I'm feeling very worried.
  19. As leave aren't a government party (or remain), I can't imagine they could conceed and void the result. Surely the result is based only in the count and not statements.
  20. There is going to a big fallout whatever happens. There will be opportunists in very party looking for a chance to make a move, really anything could happen in any party.
  21. Most EU migrants don't. Not sure why your wife has, British citizenship? Married to UK citizen?
  22. Sounding like pensioners turnout high as usual, while the youngsters haven't bothered. That's infuriating.
  23. That is far to close in Newcastle. Feeling rather nervous about this now.
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