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Everything posted by JoshVilla

  1. Day 8, still positive. I feel absolutely fine now though, it's just dragging on until I get the coveted single line on the test.
  2. Did anybody else have a really bad sore throat that just wouldn't shift? This is doing my absolute nut in
  3. Looked down at my phone and heard the commentator say "cock", wasn't sure if he was talking about Koch or Bamford.
  4. I really hate when we stand around when we think the ref is gonna blow for a foul. Play to the whistle ffs.
  5. Dan James is a bit of a clearing in the woods isn't he
  6. Amazon Prime using our old badge. Amateurs.
  7. Went to my first gig in 2 years on Monday - Funeral for a Friend at the o2 in Brum. Some wonderful teenage-years nostalgia, as I grew up listening to that band. Shame I ended up with Covid afterwards . Though I think I got that from the pub a couple of days before.
  8. This virus is weird. I only really had a few hours of feeling properly rough yesterday (body aching, head pounding, feeling weak etc). Smashed a load of ibuprofen & paracetamol and by the evening I was feeling a lot better. This morning, I pretty much just feel a little bit achy and the right side of my throat/ear is sore. I've definitely felt worse than this, but I didn't enjoy yesterday very much...
  9. I know that's it's Piers Morgan trying to be funny/clever, but that joke doesn't even make any sense.
  10. I'm up to level 21 at the moment, so I'm doing decent damage to him. I think I just need to be a bit more patient and pick my shots. Also need to find how to upgrade my flasks too I think. Outstanding game so far though. I've spent a lot of time just wandering about (accidentally wandering into areas where I have to turn around because I get battered) and there's so many places that I can't wait to come back to.
  11. Margit the Fell Omen can **** off for a start
  12. Got royally **** over here . Need to put some more time in later to see how I'm gonna get out of this mess. Loving it though
  13. I do enjoy seeing Rugby players taking the piss:
  14. On the reflux front - our daughter has suffered quite badly with it. Went to the doctors, got referred to the specialists and they've put it down to cow's milk intolerance. She's been on several different milks and she's now on Neocate, which essentially has the milk protein fully broken down. Smells (and apparently tastes) disgusting as it's basically fully digested. However, it does seem to have done the trick as she's feeding a lot better and not vomiting anywhere near what she used to. We did try Omeprazol but we found that it didn't really do anything except bloat her up, which is probably what made them sure that it was an intolerance as opposed to the usual reflux.
  15. Nearly finished the main story in Judgement. Will probably mop up a few side quests and then finish it off. There's just too many games either out or coming out in the next few weeks/months, I have no idea how I'll have time to get through them: Elden Ring, Horizon, Sifu, GT7, Ghostwire. Not sure which to get/start first.
  16. Dammit, I thought it was St Andrews finally collapsing.
  17. I was wondering whether this should go in the Gig thread, but thought it'd be good to separate this purely to talk about what your biggest regret was in terms of bands you never got to see, passed up the opportunity, saw them too late etc etc. Obvious one for me was Prince. I had the chance to see him while I was Uni. However, being a poor student, I couldn't spare the money to go so had to pass. A few years later, once I was out of Uni and back working, he announced his piano tour. Went online as soon as the tickets were due to go on sale, only to find that he'd cancelled the tour as he was unhappy with how much the promotional companies were charging the fans for tickets (very admirable, of course). He'd said that he would rearrange the tour at a later date, and then unfortunately he passed away not long after that. My absolute hero and I never got to see him live. Had a couple of chances to see Rush when I was younger too that I passed up. Shame.
  18. Absolutely pathetic. Same old Villa. Easy run of fixtures and we **** it up. Last thing we need is to piss these next few games away and end up looking over our shoulders with a tough run to end the season. I just don't understand how we can't score goals with the players that we have. Defence is an absolute disgrace. Powderpuff team.
  19. We haven't been able to break them down all game, we have absolutely no chance now. This slide these past few weeks is getting a bit worrying.
  20. I wish I could unsee the Newcastle game and this one...
  21. Newcastle are shut, but we are worse today. Why does this always happen when we have a run of easy games?
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