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Everything posted by VILLAMARV



    I appear to have 6 garlics I obviously missed harvesting last year. I assume they'll be alright, never had surprise garlic before. In the flat I have infestations everywhere. The Olive and Kaffir Lime have got scales, I reckon there's still spider mites on my fern and loads of greenfly on a thyme plant, which I realised because there' a ladybird been hanging around for a few wintery months and it's presently tucking right in, perhaps having the thyme of its life. This indoor gardening thing was much easier when it was all succulents and cacti. On the plus side we have grown a little orange.
  2. if they can't understand metric I doubt they'll get abbreviations to be fair
  3. Cheers mate, and I suppose in years gone by I'd have been much harsher on myself, I'm kinda getting better at letting things like that go. In years gone by it's also the kind of nice thought I'd have and then a subtle blend of inaction, procrastination and self doubt would end up with me not doing anything. I'm also getting better at not talking myself out of stuff though
  4. There's a funeral in my town today for one of us. Not a VTer as far as I know, but a Villa fan, season ticket holder. His son was a few years above me in school and while we were never big mates or anything we'll often stop in the street or the shops to chat villa. Last time we did so was after the Spurs game and he's walking down the road with his wife and there's me blabbering on about how tough it was to watch the game on the weekend, totally oblivious to the fact that his dad had died - in front of him - that very weekend. He was too polite to say anything. "That was a tough watch eh?" I'm cringeing just writing it out as I do when I re-live it, as I'm prone to do, over and over again. Anyway I'm thinking of hanging around somewhere either outside the church or on the route the hearse will take, which is probably past my place anyway, in one of my villa tops. I think it will probably be quite a big funeral and I don't feel the need to go to the service, but feel like I would like to show some solidarity. Deciding whether/where to stand might take me a while. Small town problems I suppose. HEITS and all that.
  5. Cheers guys - you're loads more help than "Wales and the Borders leading electrical suppliers" fwiw
  6. Does anyone have a definitive answer as to whether I can buy a replacement bulb for the near 8foot (Sorry Limpid ) striplight in my kitchen? Most builders supplies/electrical supplies/housewear shops only stock up to 6' - the internet seems to not understand what I'm asking it - the electrical suppliers never got back to me. Have they been phased out? I know the old skool bulbs are now led stripbulbs and are less girthy and all that, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I feel a new fitting/housing might be in order.
  7. There's one group identity who I am all tribal about and though I know it to be a false assertion I will continue to assert it. But, between us, I have met the local bluenose and know his mother and his sister are 2 different people really. But outside of that, I detest group identities. And I really dislike hypocrisy. Be the change you want to see and all that. we're way off topic of course but outside of football I just don't get how tribalism has more of an impact than factual reality. The idea of people having a political 'team' regardless of policy has always been nonsensical to my mind. Not so much you have to watch this, but it kinda tenuously brings it back on topic maybe Good band though.
  8. Hopefully, that's an addition to the list of seemingly socially acceptable forms of bigotry and not a suggestion I'd personally say or post such a thing.
  9. I thought about doing the same here It's hard to read the banner headline and not respond "No you wont"
  10. The problem with prohibition of stupid is that it makes a martyr of stupid. Prohibition is a knee-jerk response of fear. We shouldn't fear stupid we should correct it, reason with it, educate it.
  11. Always been a massive fan of Pilger's work An awful lot of his documentaries are available to watch free of charge at his website alongside old interviews, appearances at the Hay Festival and so on. https://johnpilger.com/videos Love him or loathe him, I'd argue we were lucky to have him and his body of work is one hell of a legacy to leave.
  12. I'm genuinely jealous/happy for you there That's the device for character vs self conflict for ya - Data, Spock, 7of9, Tpol, Odo etc trying to understand the humans
  13. I think Gene Roddenberry agreed fwiw. Lots of people associated with the reboots (TNG onwards) have loads of tales of him not agreeing with their storylines (and outright stealing scripts or re writing them) - but one of the main themes in those tales seems to be that by introducing so much war n that it goes against his idea of mankind having transcended all that conflict. Writers say they were often frustrated because so much of stroytelling/writing is based on literary conflict.
  14. It crops up on here from time to time. It's seemingly one of the last socially acceptable forms of bigotry. I don't get why people are so allied to absolutist statements.
  15. I'd say the air of cheapness from the costumes to the sets to (most of) the aliens irks me. When it tries to be bawdy it seems shoehorned in with little thought past get those girls in something more revealing than a jumpsuit. They try and make Tpol a 7of9 clone without much thought for the character past a vulcan in a skin tight costume. The whole time cold war storyline and the going back to the 1940's makes it a weird cross between Quantum Leap and when Eureka went rubbish (when they get trapped in the 1940's) for a while and too many of the main cast don't resonate with me. Scott Bakula included. I loved Quantum Leap fwiw, the formulaic nature of which added to it's charm but I'm not convinced it works the same here. Trip, the English guy, token black, they're all a bit meh. The brilliance of the Andorians (especially Jeffrey Combs) and the cool ship (from the outside) aren't enough to salvage it imho. The whole thing just wreaks of coked up self important execs surrounded by sychophants all making ill advised decisions. It's fun to play spot the guest actor(s) though
  16. Only, coz it's fairly easy from a "West Wales" perspective, but the answer is 7 (out of 26 MP's in total). Bridgend, Preseli, Carmarthen, Ynys Mon, Vale of Clwyd, Clwyd West and also Aberconwy.
  17. Where has this phrase 'high quality pollsters' come from? second time I've seen it in this thread. It's sales speak, not an ethical qualifier. Oxymorons.
  18. I'll perhaps be only interesting to myself with this one but in NUTS 2 terms (the geographical grouping) West Wales there (Number one baby!!) is actually "West Wales and the Valleys". It encompasses everything in Wales that is not Powys, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, Newport and Monmouthshire as well as Wrexham and Flintshire. So from the Gwent Valleys in the east of Wales all the way over to the coast via Bridgend and Swansea and pretty much everything west of Mold in the North. It's not important, the image still shows that the greatest measured difference in Northern Europe between the rich and the poor is in the UK, but the placement of the number on the map without the geographical areas being clearly defined makes it look like the Tory voters in Little England are really hard done by. Whereas it's referring to a fair bit more than half the landmass and huge swathes of the population. Be interesting to see the maps at the NUTS 1 level, where Wales is one area. TL:DR Wales is comparatively poor y'all
  19. After completing the DS9 marathon it's on to Enterprise. Or rubbish Star Trek as it's called in this house. I always think Hoshi and Phlox are a bit hard done by, the performances and characters don't deserve to be in the franchise killer. But it really is laughable. And that theme tune......
  20. Aaron Taylor Johnson - the kid from kick ass - has been offered Bond apparently
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