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Everything posted by norwegianvillain

  1. well Sharknado obviously had better plot, cast and acting And special effects
  2. Minimal collateral loans creating huge bubble in price of stuff, further margin lending backed by stuff at crazy prices (e.g., oil)... price drops, whoops Lets see how long it takes for the parasitic bankers to look for a bailout of their precious free market again. Bailouts have NOTHING to do with free markets, they are the antithesis of free market capitalism. You do know the essens of a free market is that it is free from government intervention? Blame greedy bankers and the politicians that enable them, but keep free markets out of it. EDIT: If you actually believe the US have free market capitalism, you should put more hours into your self taught economic theory. errr... I believe you have rather unfortunately misinterpreted my statement. I guess I should have put free market in quotations. I simply think it's self-evident that the whole free market thing is silliness told to the plebs to make them feel all warm and fuzzy. See, you're poor and I'm rich because I work hard and/or am smarter etc. than you. It's a free and fair system and you can make it too etc etc. Now more QE please 'cause stawks and triwcle down I think I must have misinterpreted, but what has bailouts and QE got to do with free markets? The Fed wouldn't exist in a laissez-faire free market....
  3. Minimal collateral loans creating huge bubble in price of stuff, further margin lending backed by stuff at crazy prices (e.g., oil)... price drops, whoops Lets see how long it takes for the parasitic bankers to look for a bailout of their precious free market again. Bailouts have NOTHING to do with free markets, they are the antithesis of free market capitalism. You do know the essens of a free market is that it is free from government intervention? Blame greedy bankers and the politicians that enable them, but keep free markets out of it. EDIT: If you actually believe the US have free market capitalism, you should put more hours into your self taught economic theory.
  4. Beside that, it's really hard to comprehend why Gabby wasn't taken off at HT.
  5. Congratulations on the stupidest post I have ever seen on this forum. It's beyond me how low some people can sink. If you're having problems in your life I would suggest you go see a professional instead of acting like a complete shit on the internet. What's the point?
  6. I have a 15 hour flight in a couple days, any suggestions? (Not crime novels, and preferrably not too heavy stuff - probably going to end up beside a toddler, knowing my luck)
  7. It seems to me they only do major changes to the game every 2-3 years, hopefully this will be one of them. Lets also hope Grealish is as world class on this one as he was on 15.
  8. To do what? Get past the Great Firewall
  9. Anybody know which VPN I should use in China? I've tried Private Internet Access and StrongVPN (only used them in the UK), but I wasn't very satisfied with either of them.
  10. Time to start a thread. Really looking forward to this edition. I think we will have the most promising (fm-wise) Villa side since I started playing the game.
  11. This popped up on my internet the other day. Good thing we have the US gubment to fund entrepreneurs all over the world.
  12. You have to give credit to Man City, they played some amazing football today
  13. Heard about it, might give it a try!
  14. Half way through 2666 (Roberto Bolano). I found part 1,2 and 3 pretty god, but i struggle a bit more with part 4. Might just be too many names and locations in spanish for my taste, don't think I've read any latino literature before. Anyone read it?
  15. Sanders is a nationalist, who effectively (by not believing in either free trade or open borders) believes that non-US citizens aren't fully human. I guess Gary Johnson is the only candidate that doesn't want to shut Mexicans out. Even the ''libertarian'' Rand Paul want strict border control. Immigration has never, and will never work when you have a welfare state.
  16. Glad he got a new contract, the guy deserves it. Not the most exciting player but he's solid and reliable.
  17. Try imagining the infinity of the universe. It's scary as shit.
  18. Bombing seven countries and increasing national debt (which in simple terms is a tax put on future generations) by $7.5 trillion in six years is pretty disastrous imo. To put it into perspective, Norway's, ''one of the richest countries in the world'', total GDP was $512 billion in 2013. He has done some good, like improving relations with Cuba and Iran, which never would have happened under a GOP nutjob, but his failures far outweigh his successes.
  19. It's a fair point about checks and balances and that it in principle is a good thing they exist. That doesn't mean you can't think the Republican majority are ***holes. And Obama a semi-socialist? If only that were true. I do think both GOP and democrat politicians are 455h0le5. If socialised healtcare isn't socialism, I don't know what is. I'm not saying Obama is an outright socialist, but some of his policies are. Besides that, he's a f**** terrible president. He's bombed more coutries than both Bushes combined, as well as f***** over several coming generations with his insane spending.
  20. The political system in the US was created to make presidents have as little power as possible, which is why congress is blocking Obama all the time. In order to radically change politics you need overwhelming support of the people. It's a VERY good thing that 51.2% (Obama's votes vs Romney) of the voters are unable to impose dramatic laws on the other half. People in Europe that shun congress because it stops Obama's semi-socialist policies doesn't seem to understand this.
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