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Everything posted by NurembergVillan

  1. I didn't realise it when I lived there but I look back with a dewy-eyed nostalgia and actually feel perhaps more shaped by my time there than here.
  2. Fulham reject Leon Andreasen who has less than 20 Danish caps at the age of 29? No ta. Also, I'm sure we've got a fairly handy reserve keeper. Unless we're going to be able to get him off the wage bill.
  3. When he played for Leeds he was smacking goals in from all over the pitch. Since he scored for us against Brighton a few years ago I don't think he's had a shot.
  4. On what level is he incredible then? How can he be incredible but not good enough for first choice?
  5. So, erm... what are the rules again only I'm getting all confused about what your point is? So far you've compared his playing to style to that of Xavi and said you wouldn't sell him for £20m. Are you Daniel Levy?
  6. I was literally about to post that. First thing I thought when I saw the picture was "ChatRoulette"!
  7. Whilst a different type of player, I think Herd is a better midfielder than Bannan.
  8. Why? I'm a fan so am happy to accept I may be biased in his favour but what makes you want to wish death on him? My greatest moment of 2012? It'd be hard to single out one. It's been a year of incredible highs and equal lows. "Generally" Super Saturday was great, and watching it with my parents. I just thoroughly enjoyed it. Personally I had plenty of good moments - friends getting engaged or married; facing redundancy for the first time in my career but seizing it as an opportunity which boosted my confidence and landed me a great job; seeing a dear friend emerge from a series of personal tragedies to father a little boy; just having my family and friends around me. Sounds like hungover sentiment but I guess 2012 was the year I became truly grateful. Grateful for what I've had, grateful for what I've got. Achieving that is my greatest moment.
  9. I haven't. Not once. Find it, quote me and I'll apologise. But whilst we're suggesting going back and reading what other people have written - You didn't answer my other questions regarding your suggestions that people only want 6' midfielders or WWE wrestlers. Where did you get that from? Whilst your point may be that "He's not like Xavi in ability but in style of play Bannan is more like Xavi than other midfielders", mine is that I don't believe this to be the case at all. The only thing I can see that they have in common is that they're both small and play in dark red and blue shirts. I think in order to have a style of play like Xavi you need to have an ability level approaching his. If you haven't then you can't play like him. In terms of Joe Allen, he was superb for Swansea last season. He grabbed games by the scruff of the neck and dictated play. I've never seen Bannan do that for the Villa first team. He's (as far as I'm aware) not a set a goal up for us yet, at least not this season and he's only scored once from a penalty. His set pieces are poor, whatever you may believe you've heard commentators say (I've certainly not heard them mention how good his set pieces are), to the point that the only corner we've scored from this season was taken by Ashley Westwood against Reading, after a string of poor ones from Bannan. I hope he proves me wrong, I really do. I'd love to see him become the player you seem to believe he can be. I just don't see it, and haven't since he left the reserve team.
  10. They've been crap today. Fair play to Southampton though - they've looked solid.
  11. I was going to get one but ended up paying the extra for my model. I've got two LG tvs now and they're both great.
  12. NurembergVillan


    There are places you can get beer for a reasonable price. Obviously if you're on the Champs Elysées or near the Eiffel Tower then you'll pay a premium though. Last time I went with the Mrs we went to the Crazy Horse Saloon which was a great night out (and hot chicks!) and we also went to Le Batofar which is a former lighthouse boat that is moored up on the Seine and now used as a club. We wanted to visit the Catacombs but just missed the opening hours when we got there. We did the open top bus thing as we had a hangover one morning so that was a nice trip. Had booked a boat cruise too but it was rained off. You could try booking one as I've done them before and they're nice.
  13. Excuse the analogy but that's like being crowned the tallest midget. At least we've cleared that up For what it's worth it appears that your argument is simply that you believe Bannan to be the best midfielder we have on our books at the moment. It's an opinion many disagree with but at least you're providing stats, albeit occasionally without real context, to try to back that up. I think the regular mentions of global superstars and fabricated quotes about what others expect of in a midfielder, though, are muddying how your point is coming across.
  14. What's that got to do with anything? My point was that you'd said Walcott kept improving well into his 20swhere in reality he and Barry are the same age(ish) and yet Walcott is a far superior footballer. I haven't put words into anyone's mouth. I didn't say you'd said he was at that level but you've compared him to Xavi on more than one occasion. See? Now who's putting words in peoples mouths? You keep bringing up Xavi, a Champions League winner. And for the record, I'm unsure about Gabby's role in the team but right now I think he's more of a threat and more valuable than Bannan. In fact, on the subject of putting words in people's mouths - Who has done that? Who said that? Where? Again who, where and when?
  15. It's not, he just needed to be starting more regularly and Stuttgart gave him that opportunity. And as for him on a free - he's available again in about a week unless Everton extend his deal. I'd sign him. I'd also like to go back to the Walcott comparison with Bannan from a couple of pages ago where the poster mentioned something about Theo not coming good until well into his 20s (or words to that effect). Aren't he and Bannan the same age? I agree that it's lazy to label Bannan rubbish based on his height. That's not my issue though - if he was brilliant he could be a Pygmy for all I care. Similarly it's lazy to compare him to Scholes, Xavi etc based on his height. He's nowhere near the level of those two and shows no signs of ever being so. Being small doesn't automatically equal crap, but it doesn't automatically equal technically gifted either. Remember Adrian Heath? If Barry Bannan wins a UEFA Champions League winners medal (apart from in an auction) I'll eat my car.
  16. He'd be a handy back up for Benteke till the end of the season anyway. And it'd lift the fans.
  17. Same as any form of business, your staff are only as good as your wage budget will allow. You've GOT to think Lambert has the same thoughts about our squad and knows what we need. You've also got to think Lerner will support his man.
  18. It'll be a deserved wankfest if they turn this around. They're as bad as us!
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