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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. That doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence either though - Hutton is by far our best RB, Cissokho the best LB.
  2. Lowton has been poor at LB too in fairness.
  3. Hit and miss as you'd expect - wasn't the right game to play him in IMO.
  4. Overshadowed by how shit Richardson was but had a terrible game defensively - awful clearance cost us the first goal. Should only play in midfield.
  5. Great to see him get a brace already. 'Mon the hattrick!
  6. Sanchez was outnumbered and I think all things considered he didn't do that badly.
  7. He got brutalised every time Man U came down their right flank. His lack of pace and poor positioning is an awful combination for us. The sooner Cissokho gets back, the better.
  8. Another poor performance from him today - been awful.
  9. If you're a striker and you score goals, there's not much that people should or can complain about.
  10. Guzan's a good keeper going through a slightly shaky spell. It really alarms me how quickly people turn on players - I find it pretty abhorrent.
  11. lexicon

    Carles Gil

    There's just far too much guesswork there still. All we know is that at the moment he isn't playing. That may well change between now and the end of the season, and even if it doesn't, he may well stay. He also could be carrying a minor knock that we are unaware of. Even if he did leave, there's no certainty at all that he'd go to a team like Newcastle or Everton, or that he'd do well if he did. People got all misty-eyed over Makoun based on a funny jumper, a rap video and a half decent game against Man U, and he hasn't amounted to much since. It wasn't half-decent, it was an excellent performance. A one off, sure, but an excellent performance.
  12. One of those results that Lambert would have been destroyed for, I feel.
  13. Really well taken and crafted Swansea goal but a bad result for Sherwood. Needs to be better than that.
  14. Its not even correct. The correct phrase is "One swallow does not a summer make" - Aristotle Please! You're not talking about the phrase, you're talking about a translation and the word order here doesn't matter as the meaning is the same. Ridiculous pedantry all round (me included, I realise).
  15. You genuinely think that he, single-handedly could have gifted Sunderland at least 4 goals in 25 odd minutes?
  16. The epitome of a form player - lets hope this patch continues for as long as possible.
  17. He supported MON, and look what that led to. The best years I've had as a Villa fan. With the worst years as a direct consequence. It may be an age thing as well, but the GT Mk 1/BFR/Sir Brian Little days were all much better than what pubehead served up, and didn't almost ruin the club as a result. Surely Lerner's to blame for that though?
  18. Looks like the type of player we need. Yes please.
  19. He supported MON, and look what that led to. The best years I've had as a Villa fan.
  20. Except he wrote off most of the debt, didn't he?
  21. I think I'd projectile vomit out of my eyes if they did play YNWA.
  22. Either that or you forgot about all the ones he's completed.
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