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Everything posted by lexicon

  1. His premier league track record but not his managerial track record, yes.
  2. Inadequacy? He's hugely talented ffs - he's been going through a huge trough lately but his ability is there, he's shown he can do it for us in the past and there's no reason, bar your seeming vendetta against the man, that he can't find some form again.
  3. He really isn't doing anything different, the style of play just suits him a hell of a lot more.
  4. Eh? Delph is completely different - he drives forward with the ball and takes his man on.
  5. He was just a cog and the slow pace was nothing to do with him - he was just doing what he was told to do.
  6. Could well happen - it has before. If he's managed well, he could be very effective though.
  7. A goal and an assist - his work was very much done last night and long may it continue.
  8. I'm fairly bemused by the reaction to Cleverley - for me he's played exactly the same in almost every match he's played for us - worked hard, kept the ball moving and offered an option. I think this style of play makes better use of him as it's quicker but he's effectively doing exactly the same thing. I've rated him since he's been at the club and I think he'd be a great signing on a free.
  9. Good old-fashioned big-man/fast-man combo worked well last night - effective is what we need, so I'm all for it.
  10. He was alright, I think it's important not to get carried away here. He's got it all to prove and I hope he understands that, sometimes I feel he's got a misplaced sense of arrogance and needs to knuckle down.
  11. Give him a chance over Westwood Imo - I can't stand the latter's set pieces.
  12. Some poor performances don't disguise the fact that he's been quality for us tons of times either - glad to have him on board and signed up, there's a reason he got an England call up.
  13. he's got it all to prove and Sherwood is giving him a chance - whether he takes it or not remains to be seen. Bit of a nothing performance yesterday but not dire.
  14. Kept him quiet afterwards didn't it? Means to an end.
  15. Early days yet - he got the win he told us would be the platform, let's hope he utilizes it well and we really don't look back.
  16. Needs to do that consistently - he was excellent today, a far cry from the vast majority of his performances this season. Hope he keeps it up.
  17. I love his enthusiasm and work ethic but he's got to practice his crossing - a lot of promising attacks amounted to nothing because his final ball wasn't good enough. He's got the determination to do it, just hope he has the ability too.
  18. Well won pen and a couple of decent crosses but the sooner we get cissokho back defending, the better. Lowton at LM could work but his lack of pace and positioning puts a lot of pressure on the team at times, like when Okore bailed him out after he was stranded in no man's land.
  19. It's a fair comment - he's got a hell of a lot of making up to do before people will get on his side.
  20. He just can't be bothered - horrific work rate.
  21. We've been the better half against Newcastle - Sherwood's higher tempo play looks promising but it doesn't matter for shit when you're 1-0 down.
  22. Certainly looks that way - hopefully Sherwood will find it in them somewhere.
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