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Everything posted by Morley_crosses_to_Withe

  1. Won't happen. Any of the big clubs will argue that large sponsorship deals are fair market value. Man City will argue that they are now a Champions League club so their deal is also fair value (with their argument strengthened should they qualify again and also get to the knockout stages of this year's tournament). Platini and his other chumps will pass this off as fair and no action will be taken. Any team like ours who gets taken over now, and who tries this trick will no doubt be made an example of - how does a club not in the CL justify a huge shirt/stadium sponsorship deal!? IMO, that trick of huge sponsorship deals is out of our reach as well. Man City got it at just the right time; the rest of us are **** and the door has been slammed.
  2. If the new FIFA FFP rules are enforced then a rich(er) Sugar Daddy taking us over isn't going to make any difference. In two seasons time, an owner can only pump 45million Euros of his own money, over two seasons, into the club. Even if they were to come in now and pump millions into transfers (thus forcing us back into a deeper loss) the monitoring period for losses has started so we've basically missed the boat anyway. Sorry, but these rules have **** us. They're there to maintain the status quo and a little club like ours can now do **** all to break into it.
  3. Good optimism, and I kind of agree, but part of me is saying - "six points off 18th with Spurs, United, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool to come before the New Year (with tricky fixtures against Stoke and Swansea, too)".
  4. Bags with wheels: When did this sudden explosion of the use of bags with wheels take place!? They're everywhere. I'm pretty sure that in the next decade, there will be more bags with wheels than people! It's not just dainty little women who are too weak to carry their luggage that use them, it's grown **** men as well. I can't walk through an aiport or train station without being stuck behind some mincer flouncing along with his bag on wheels snaking behing him!!! PICK IT UP FFS!! Friday breakfast/lunch rocket polishers: When was it decided that Friday had to be the ONE and ONLY day that people can have something a little bit unhealthy for their lunch or breakfast!!! There's a buritto place that I like to frequent regularly, but can I get in there on a Friday!? Can I ****, because it's mobbed full of people who have decided to 'treat' themselves and be a little 'naughty' (Tee Hee!) because it's Friday. Twunts! Lunches that consist of a packet of sandwiches, a bag of crisps, and a piece of fruit/chocolate bar: How the **** do people eat this shit for lunch? Fair enough if you're nine years old, but not if you're a grown adult! I used to eat this shite because my mom made me, but since I've had my own free choice, I couldn't think of anything more depressing that grim, pre-packed sandwiches, a bag of walkers and a **** apple. People who believe everything they read in newspapers: LOOK! It's in a newspaper - it MUST be true! As if journalists are all-knowing, fountains of the absolute truth. Derren Brown: Word Removed. ****, I'm angry for no reason tonight. :evil:
  5. Now the communications are the same or worse than the Ellis years, I wish people would be consistent and organise a protest. You know, like they used to.
  6. Spot on. AM has basically wasted £14M on a load of shite. Granted that it's not a huge amount of money, but surely it could have been better spent. Did we really need Hutton when we have Herd and Cuellar!? Was N'Zogbia REALLY all we could get for the best part of 10M quid!?
  7. I never met Paddy in real life, but I used to enjoy his VT posts (especially when I used to frequent the boards more five or so years ago). He was a top poster - intelligent, witty, & good banter. He was also very candid, but highly positive about his illness. I thought he was over the worst of it, so this is a huge, huge shock. RIP mate.
  8. Good posts PB. I'll add this... This idea that we didn't spend enough is hardly evident in our final league position of 2009-2010. That's unless you sincerely believe that six points between us and fourth was a gaping chasm! That's merely a couple more wins at home (where our record, relative to other top six teams, was awful!). Or even a better set of results in March (which MON couldn't seem to manage!). And then there's Darren Bent. We could have had him for £12M quid from Spurs, but obviously MON didn't think he'd work well in a team containing Young, Downing and Milner. Ahh well.
  9. He cost us 9.5M. How much did we buy Ashley Young for!?
  10. Where are you getting your figures from!? A larger portion of the money was pumped in as equity investment so not all of it is currently yielding a return. Also, where's the 10% figure from!?
  11. Hmm, would I prefer a shit sandwich or a turd baguette. I think Houllier's appointment was thinking along the right lines - a manager who's won major trophies, lots of contacts across Europe, managed big clubs in both the PL and on the continent etc. It was just unfortunate that he was the wrong man. I can't, for the life of me, understand the thinking behind McLeish. A shit manager, who plays shit football, and is known for finishing third in a two horse race and being relegated twice. But at least the players are 'happy' and they have adult conversations. He still hasn't worked out a system, though, we're getting over-ran in midfield and look completely shite up front. Going back to the question of GH v AM...well, it's probably unfair to compare at the moment, but they currently seem as bad as each other; just in different ways!
  12. Ahh, this again! When the club was up for sale previously, we were looking for someone richer than an ex-travel agent whose wealth was less than a EuroMillions roll over winner. Exactly! Only one Sheikh Mansour type character has purchased a Premier League club since our takeover. How many other clubs have changed hands since Randy bought us? How many have been able to spend on the levels that Mansour has?! Actually, as I've mentioned Man City, it's worth posting these recent comments from their Chief Operating Officer:
  13. Funny because it's true!! Probably older than the internet, but I've not long seen it.
  14. If it was anything to do with his transfer budget being slashed then he's a proper word removed. Not so many months before his departure, he gave an interview about how he'd get on with things if the money wasn't there. What a load of bollocks that turned out to be. If he'd have got on with it and proved his ability with a more limited budget then he'd probably still be touted as Fergie's eventual successor. He didnt, so now it seems that no club wants to go near him.
  15. I can't see why he can't score a shit load again this season. He scored 24 league goals in a team containing the likes of Frasier Campbell, Lee Cattermole, Andy Reid, and Steed Malbranque. Surely McLeish can get us playing in a manner that is conducive to another hefty return from Darren Bent.
  16. Shitty Khorsandi? Well considering she's Iranian, I doubt she spends 90% of her time talking about being Black/Asian. Iran is in Asia. Yes it is, but you try calling an Iranian person an Asian. My missus would scratch your eyes out for it. Persian/Middle Eastern - fine! Asian - no.
  17. Shitty Khorsandi? Well considering she's Iranian, I doubt she spends 90% of her time talking about being Black/Asian. :wink:
  18. You must be the only two then - I don't know anyone with an iPhone who hasn't had signalling problems & 'call failed' issues.
  19. You're probably right. Doesn't mean I understand why though (apart from the "fanboi" reason, obviously) I had an iPhone in the early days, but ditched it. In recent times I have become increasingly frustrated with my Blackberry Bold, mainly because I think the antenna is either very weak, or just works when it feels like it. Looking into it again I can get an iPhone, which is more user friendly, and save money on a Vodafone package. So it will sit alongside the iPad and the MacBook! Out of the frying pan into the fire there with the signal problems Tell me about it. **** shit iPhone signal. I'm on my second handset - I smashed the first one up in a rage at how bad the signal was being.
  20. This weather. It's the middle of July. I should be lying in a park, drinking beer, looking at pretty chicks who are wearing next to nothing. Am I, though? NO! I'm sitting at home watching men in windcheaters and caps hit golf balls around a large expanse of greenery. **** the British summer time.
  21. When someone uses the word "Leg-End" rather than "legend". "That {insert person's name here; usually someone famous} is a proper leg-end" "Yeah...and you're a proper c-unt"
  22. Awkward, boring, going-through-the-motion lift chat with someone from your office (in particular someone you don't know all too well).
  23. Which would be Castillian, but like I said, although they would use the 'th' - they'd also pronounce the V as B.
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