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Everything posted by Morley_crosses_to_Withe

  1. Lol! One of the, if not THE, most unpopular manager in our history thinks that it's only the minority that dislike him! WRONG! The majority think you're an inept word removed, so f*ck off you deluded t*sser! This is why I believe we need a protest - to show McDeluded how most fans really feel.
  2. Before I check VT, I hope that this thread has expanded rapidly by 50 or so pages due to AMc receiving the boot! It never happens though
  3. I can see what you're saying, but you can draw some hope from them. They're a prime example that a club doesn't need a ridiculously huge budget to get in amongst the top six.
  4. If we leave it until we're safe then we run the risk of not being able to do anything until the end of the season. I can really see it going down to the wire. We need to let our thoughts be known before and after each game from now until the ginger idiot gets sacked.
  5. Just quit McLeish!! You aren't up to it, so do the right thing and go.
  6. I've been one of Randy's biggest supporters, but he'll have lost me if he doesn't dispose of Alex McLeish.
  7. Exactly. I hope the board remember this. Sort this mess out now - Fatty Faulkner and Lerner, you cowards...sack McNobber ASAP!
  8. This! I HATED it when people were saying "Oooh, isn't he a brave man for taking the Villa job?". Bullsh*t! It takes no bravery whatsoever to sign a two million pound per year contract; it takes bravery to walk away and admit that you aren't up to it. Will he, though? Will he, b*llocks!
  9. Bolton play Fulham next weekend at the Reebok - that'll be three points to Bolton as Fulham don't travel well. Blackburn are more than capable of pulling a win off against West Brom. By the end of next weekend, the gap could be two points between us and the team third from bottom! The bookies have got us at 12/1 for relegation. Lump on for free **** money. **** you, McLeish!
  10. Terrible news! I have a mate who fought this and he's still battling now, but it can be beaten. Best wishes to Stan and his family. We'll miss his presence and leadership on the pitch, but we'll still be supporting him all the way! Number onnnne is Stan Petrov, number twooo is Stan Petrov, number three is Stan Petrov, number NIGHTEEN is Stan Petrov.... We all dream of a team of Stan Petrovs, a team of Stan Petrovs...
  11. I like it. And what about: "We should be there pushing for Europe" Faulkner, 25/11/11.
  12. Agreed. The only problem is that he seems to "want it" for a quarter of the season, and then for the rest of the time he looks like he doesn't want it at all!
  13. Mazrim, some excellent posts! I'll just add that this idea that not enough was spent is utter nonsense! In 09/10 we had a shockingly bad home record. If MON could have set us up better at home then just a minor improvement in our home results would have seen us into 4th place. Even just a moderate improvement (three more wins at VP) would have tipped us into fourth spot and it would have meant we'd have had the SIXTH best home record. That's right - the sixth best instead of twelth - the position we were SUPPOSED to be according to the bizzare wages = relative position argument. I sometimes wonder how much more money people think Randy needed to throw at it for MON to have achieved fourth? £20M? £30M? £50M? More? What is the exact price for three more wins at home!?
  14. What is your job? Nothing exciting, I just work for a bank. Are you based there mate? I work in the Citi building (number 25).
  15. If he said we can't expect anything against Arsenal then the word removed better get on the phone to the FA and ask them to cancel the games against Chelsea, United and Spurs. Why should we bother turning up!? We might as well have those weeks off because we probably shouldn't be expected to get anything from those games either! Twunt!
  16. Meh! This win hasn't changed my opinion of him. The result returns a much needed three points, but we were 30 seconds away from equalling our worst run of results at VP in 90 odd years. The crowd were ready to snap near full time, but the goal released that pent up anger as pure relief. He's dodged a bullet this time.
  17. Why? Even if we win I don't think people will suddenly change their long held views on McLeish I know I won't. Neither will I. Humble pie will be eaten when we star to play decent football and/or get some positive results. A win today won't change the fact that he's been generally awful so far as Aston Villa manager!
  18. Same here. I've been to see AFC Wimbledon a fair few times this season. It's cheaper, closer, and whilst they can't defend, at least they bloody have a go at attacking.
  19. See Gabby "No goals in 12 games" Agbonlahor backing AMc in the press!? If the manager is doing such a great job, how come YOU haven't scored during the equivalent of a quarter of a season!?! Oh, either YOU'RE shit or his managerial style is stifling our forward play so which is it!?
  20. I'd say most of that was paying off Gerard and his backroom staff.
  21. My choice is Lerner, but I'll NEVER forgive him for the appointment of McLeish.
  22. Anyone watching Sunderland beating Arsenal AND holding onto the lead they've gained? I'd say their squad is no better than ours, but the difference is they have a manager who knows his arse from his elbow. It makes my piss boil that we're lumbered with McFuckoffbacktoSHAyouuselesswordremoved.
  23. Ellis had over 30 years in which to judge him, but Lerner has had less than six.
  24. Agreed. Oh, and anyone harking back to Ellis' managerial appointments, and whatever else they deemed to be better under Ellis are forgetting the absolute dog shit appointments (such as Venglos, Turner, GT MK II), and that all the 'glory' days spanned over decades. Lerner has been here for less than six years; three/four of those were good years. The only thing I can say for Ellis us he would have never appointed McWordRemoved and, if he had, would definitely have sacked him by now.
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