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Everything posted by Kingfisher

  1. He has three assists though, and would very likely have more if he was played more regularly. Nobody in the squad has more than four assists.
  2. I'd play; Weimann......N'Zogbia/Holman......Gabby .............................Benteke...................... N'Zogbia is better on the ball but Holman can close down better, so I might use N'Zogbia or Holman depending on the game.
  3. He's got three assists though.
  4. If you squint, and move back from the screen you'll see a big McDonald's M appear in 3D.
  5. Big Bang theory confirmed by new satellite image. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-21866464
  6. I think he should be getting more games, I think he's looked really good. He has a high work rate and a keen eye for a pass.
  7. He is incredibly dull on TV, but I can't understand why people can't accept his star shone very brightly for a few years and give him credit for that instead of just moaning about their perception of his character, like they know him personally.
  8. I think it's highly disingenuous to say Owen went to Man U for an easy time. I think he went because he fancied the challenge and still believed he could get fit and win trophies.
  9. I dunno, scoring a cracking winning goal in the 2001 FA Cup Final with his left peg wasn't bad for just a standing leg! Great player in his day I was probably harsh on him in my OP, he could use his left, though I recall he'd make every effort not to if possible! He did switch to his strong foot more than most players deemed 'top' strikers if we want to judge him by those standards. He was all pace, when that went he had little to fall back on except for his deadly finishing.
  10. Michael Owen set to retire at end of season. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/21839361 He made it to a very high level in the game with unusually (for a modern footballer) very limited technical ability. He was also extremely one footed, never used his left foot for anything other than standing on, and he never ever looked quite in control of a football. But his pace and anticipation in the box made him a lethal poacher. Injury robbed him of his pace a few years ago and it's probably long past time to hang up his boots, a month younger than me, which makes me feel old.
  11. The egg in the mix, his passing is impressive.
  12. Strong and fast, he provides the pace in a three pronged attack, popping up with important goals and assists.
  13. He's the fulcrum of a front three that seem to be clicking, his physical prowess is a nightmare for defences. Good in the air, good with his feet, long may it continue.
  14. His improvement this season has been tremendous, he's turning into a real gem. High workrate and a knack for scoring is a good combination. You might say a couple of his goals have been fortunate, poor keeping, it's amazing how many 'lucky' goals the best strikers get.
  15. He seems to be getting it together, as is so common with keepers experience trumps physical prime. Hopefully the next seven or eight years should be his best.
  16. I think Lowton is a find. I think he will eventually become a steady eddy full back who never grabs the headlines and quietly gets on with his job, slipping under the big clubs radars. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders and in time I think the mistakes will become less and less frequent. I can see him being a loyal servant for years to come. A decent passer, a decent crosser, a decent tackler, his positional sense needs honing but that will come.
  17. I've always wondered how he'd fare at CB, he was never in a month of Sundays going to be a top flight FB with his lack of ability on the ball. I wonder why that switch wasn't made early in his development.
  18. We're not a million miles from being a decent side, but we just need to hang on this season because the inexperience at the back is killing us. Next season if we add two or three experienced defensive players it should settle us down and we can move forward with some confidence. I think we are blessed with some excellent young players with potential and it's exciting, it would be a shame to if they got relegated because it's a good base to build from.
  19. Terrible first half, much better second because everyone worked much harder. 5 mins injury time??
  20. Did more than any other attacking player to keep us up last season, so that wage seems fair. This season has been a bit stop start with injuries. really? did **** all after October. Robbie KEane did as much in his limited gamesYeah but his attacking contribution was still better than all others when the final final whistle blew.
  21. Did more than any other attacking player to keep us up last season, so that wage seems fair. This season has been a bit stop start with injuries.
  22. 4-2 Villa. Benteke with a brace of headers, Gabby to break his VP duck with a low shot under the keeper and Weimann with a neat finish. And the lottery numbers will be 14 22 9 36 10 and 49* 30*
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