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Everything posted by Kingfisher

  1. That song on the BBC 4 Alien nation season advert they put on between programmes does my head right in, I have to mute the TV.
  2. No chance, Baker on the other hand... ps wasn't it you who was waxing lyrical about Clark being a 'cultured' CB, which made up for his defensive flaws? What happened on Monday? Ball at his feet, didn't have a picture in his head, wasn't thinking ahead, missed a bread and butter pass to Delph, failed to clear it, got in a panic, tripped over the ball and got dispossessed. Bravo, very cultured. When you make a mistake it looks bad. Some great keepers have let the ball roll through their legs. It happens sometimes. Clark would still be my first choice Villa CB. This post ignores my previous points, as I've said it is the frequency of the mistakes that is the problem.
  3. No chance, Baker on the other hand... ps wasn't it you who was waxing lyrical about Clark being a 'cultured' CB, which made up for his defensive flaws? What happened on Monday? Ball at his feet, didn't have a picture in his head, wasn't thinking ahead, missed a bread and butter pass to Delph, failed to clear it, got in a panic, tripped over the ball and got dispossessed. Bravo, very cultured.
  4. I think Clark does some really good clearances, some good tackles, he has had the odd decent game. However, he makes mistakes, a lot of them and those mistakes are just too frequent for this level. The bottom line is that I think he's not good enough, and I don't think he has shown enough to convince me he's worth keeping for the future.
  5. I can't believe you think it's fine to try to do a Cruyff in that position when there is a bread and butter pass on.
  6. No way in a million years do I want to see Villa CB's doing that, it's bad practice, and it was a perfect example as to why it is. We haven't been doing it all season, I've seen Clark do it when we've had three at the back, Vlaar do it when he's had to, it's never ideal and to do it unforced, in that position, no way, there were two better options, a hoof or a pass to Delph. He didn't slip, Dzeko was on him faster than he expected, it was the kind of misjudgement Clark makes too often and it is literally costing us points.
  7. I think that rhetorical question has a concise answer. With five minutes left in the half, at 0-0, against the champions I think our players should be looking to just get to HT. That means being more cautious in defence and better with possession. Clark was neither cautious in defence and lost possession. But lets be honest here, it was a crazy thing to do as a CB at any point in a game against any opposition, it was a terrible decision and he got caught out, and MC punished it, as the best players will do, with a goal.
  8. Baker is the future, Clark's career will be in the championship. But as Baker ain't ready, why didn't we buy two centre backs in the transfer windows - we bought one with a dubious injury record. Poor judgement, and not said in hindsight on my part, I though so at the time. But Clark, oh dear, never rated him and he's costing us so many points it's quite shocking.
  9. Our attack is pretty good, our midfield is pretty bad, our defence is pretty awful... Clark (sigh) yet again!
  10. I think Vlaar's form has been hampered by injury. I think with time and fitness he will improve as he gains in experience and consistency. If he can stay fit.
  11. Our defence stands no chance whatsoever of stopping them, but it will be nice if we at least make them work for their almost inevitable win.
  12. For the record, I agree with both of you.
  13. ...unless your sexual orientation is towards children.
  14. N'Zogbia has been keeping him out recently.
  15. He doesn't play on the wing? Also Weinmann's work at the other end leave a bit to be desired... Yes, he works hard but too many times he do the wrong things defensively. I think he'll be a very good striker in the future, though. Talking about Weimann. Gabby was my motm yesterday, but he wasn't great. But he worked hard and caused them some problems. I'm not having a pop at Weimann, I think he's doing really well.
  16. He doesn't play on the wing? Also Weinmann's work at the other end leave a bit to be desired...
  17. i keep hearing this line. He's not a wide player and not a goalscorer...HHHMMM Its a bit like a centre half that can't stop goals. There are goalscorers out there that do all the things Gabby can do and score goals. Our own Gary Shaw, could hold the ball up bring players in pass with great timing and be aware of all around him.....and scored goals To have a player that is working hard up front making his presence felt, but does not score regularly .....is simply not enough for me. This season has been a bit stop and start with injuries, but I think him being used on the wing for much of his career has a bearing on his goals record. But looking at the bigger picture, last season his goals and assists combined record was our best.
  18. To be fair I don't think it's Gabby's game to be a prolific goalscorer, so that comparison wih Benteke is a little simplistic. Also the little matter of Benteke playing up front might also have a bearing on goals scored this season relative to others. Benteke is a really promising talent, but I think Gabby is right up there with him as a very important player for us.
  19. I won't back down by Tom Petty.
  20. Anyone know what's happening with Dunne?
  21. You have to consider a players wages and what you get back from that. Ireland hasn't really been good value, his attitude may be a cause, or maybe he just isn't all that good. But it's neither here nor there because his performances haven't been good enough and that is the bottom line.
  22. I can't see him moving on for a good while yet and I'm surprised it's such a hot topic for people. Hopefully in his time here we can improve somewhat and hold on to him a bit longer still. But inevitably, even if we do improve as a club, if he becomes a top top player he will go, just as has always happened at Villa in the whole 20+ years I've been supporting us. That won't be anything new.
  23. I have worked in the NHS, as an administrative officer and I have to say it was the worst working experience I have ever had. There were about four managers, three of them just dealing directly with only our department and a higher up manager with broader responsibilities. There should have been one manager and a deputy manager., that's all that was needed and their £45k (and higher) salaries could be much better spent on several clerk level employees, which is what was really needed. Mistakes were being made as people were over worked, everybody was unhappy and I had enough, I was so depressed and angry by the whole situation that I had to leave. I was lucky I could. I love the NHS and I loved my job, but it's run by clowns.
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