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Everything posted by Kingfisher

  1. Greens or UKIP?? Are you schizophrenic?
  2. What? Most goals + assists last season. Today him and Benteke were a class above everybody else out there, anyone with even a quarter of a brain can see that. If everyone out there 1 to 11 played their positions as well as these two did we'd have three points and a clean sheet. Disagree? Put it in the Gabby thread.
  3. Said in the true spirit of VT, write a player off straight away.
  4. Agree, not at the moment, he's some way off.
  5. I think we have a player here but only time will tell. Sometimes he shows maturity and ability beyond his experience, other times you can see his inexperience. It's a tough learning curve, especially in this side, but he's on the curve and if we can get through this season I think we'll see a much more mature player next season playing for us - in the premiership.
  6. I think he's class. Him and Gabby - too good for this Villa side.
  7. Don't rate him at all, never have and he's not improving. Sorry Ciaran.
  8. 'Concrete Ron' I've taken shits harder than him after a two day bender. Out muscled and out jumped for the goal.
  9. Guzan 7 - Some good saves Lowton 6 - Assisted the goal well, his defending lets this lad down from time to time Bennett 4 - Poor, doesn't look good, he can't do the basics of defending Vlaar 4 - 'concrete' out muscled out jumped again, more like putty. Clark 4 - his lack of ability to defend was shown up again - he's a bit of a weed. El Ahmadi 5 - did nothing. Westwood 5 - not involved. N'Zogbia 6 - did well at times, a glimmer of hope. Gabby 7 - class, too good for this team. Benteke 7 - ditto Weinmann 5 - lost his head in front of goal, not good enough at this level.
  10. So, we've got Sylla, it's funny how the unexpected hits you between the eyes...
  11. Hopefully Dawkins can set up a few goals, if he hasn't got the selfish gene...
  12. Thanks for the heads up SGC, at 15 I won't get too excited, unless he is a very exceptional talent we won't see him for another 3 or 4 years yet. Lets see where he is at 18.
  13. Why do people flying in to Birmingham airport have to go to London?? If that is the real reason for this folly, I doubt you'll hear a politician say it, because that's a bloody scandal. It's meant to be about spreading he wealth geographically.
  14. I missed a few Villa games earlier in the season, it sounds like KEA had stinkers in them, I guess I guess that is why he was droppes at the time and i guess this is why my opinion of him isn't tainted. The games I've see of him he's looked good. Passing being his main attribute.
  15. Why can't people (if they must) fly in to do business in Birmingham? I think awareness grew of the environmental, social and aesthetic impact of motorways as more and more got built. Peoples attitudes to cars have changed in the UK.
  16. Stats are meaningless unless they support a point you're trying to make - FACT. In truth, I think all stats have to be put into context of what is happening on the pitch in games rather than just looked at in abstract.
  17. I thought KEA was good and shouldn't have been dropped. I think he'll come back in and make a difference if he gets picked again.
  18. I think he's over confident, I think he gets excited and plays a big pass when most of the time he should keep it simple, it's youthful inexperience. He should watch Scholes, he always has a picture in his head and picks the right pass nearly every time he has the ball. Let the ball do the work, it doesn't always have to go forward, use your head, always look for to take up a position to receive the ball, play the next pass in your head before you receive the ball and do it for 90, would be my advice - for what it's worth, which is very little. I like his confidence, he needs more nous and composure.
  19. Kingfisher

    Top Gear

    Can we change the title to 'Top Gear...Is Shit!'
  20. Oh yeah I remember now. Maybe they could play together thinking about it. In fact forget what I said.
  21. ........................Guzan......................... Lowton......Vlaar.......Clark........Bennett ................Ireland...Westwood.............. N'Zogbia...............................Abonlahor ............Weinmann...Benteke...............
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