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Everything posted by skarroki

  1. feeling positive, they're letting us play on the break, can see Gabby getting a goal here
  2. I'm hoping we win 3-5 of that tough run and then smash QPR and there can be a little feature on MOTD at the end of that game (which will be shown first) about whether we should be considered title contenders. I fully expect this question to be asked by Gary Lineker and he'll direct it at Robbie Savage, instead of answering he'll just laugh and say something annoying like "I can't see them top 6 by January" and they'll move on to the next match Benteke to be top goalscorer in the league this season too. Balotelli and him to square off I reckon when we face Liverpool
  3. I think people took what I said the wrong way. If I was a young player coming through this club right now, yes I love villa and would want to stay, but noone knows what's going on at board level right now and until a new owner came in or Lerner committed himself to the club again I wouldn't sign a contract. Not because I'd plan to leave but because you don't know what will happen in the future if there is likely to be change. Money is factored into it but only partly.
  4. I'd heard 24 before but thought it wouldn't be allowed because it had already been officially allocated to Tonev. That must not be the case then He wore 24 for Elche too.
  5. That's what we like to hear. Exactly how I described him very pleased with myself What's his squad number for this season?
  6. I've always gone by the "don't shit where you eat" policy. So unless she's really worth it, I would leave it till the Christmas party as someone else said, then leave it alone or quit your job. Kanye would probably say go for it though, as would offspring, seeing as they've been thrown in the mix maybe follow their lead
  7. I thought there was only 1 page so far my phone was playing up. My bad
  8. Is it too late to be a manager? I would be honoured if given the opportunity to take on the role of manager of the Albatross species EDIT: oh deary me I'm late to the party. Maybe in 4 years
  9. I'm thinking of getting a ps4 and fifa 15 as a birthday/Christmas present to myself. The thing is I feel as though everything I need from a console I get from the ps3 is it that much of a difference? Is it something you want as an upgrade than need to upgrade
  10. Was in Budapest last week for Sziget festival. First day I wasn't sure about it but mainly due to the hostel I stayed which was appalling. Enjoy your birthday!
  11. Nah that could be awkward. Just make a move on her when you're both drunk. She will react how you want and then you have a f**k buddy. Trust me on this one. Unless you want more? Nah don't really want more I just don't wanna get into a mess with it really. I want to know what it is and where it's going basically.
  12. Well I know what will happen if we get drunk together, I'll try it on then it's how she reacts. Like I say the problem is its more lust so it would be more like a committed friends with benefits scenario if that exists from my point of view. Just how she sees it all. So I guess I just need to say something to her?
  13. skarroki


    Do people feel that drugs are looked on negatively by society? I personally think they are glorified, accepted by all on social media and in the music industry. it's weird if you haven't done something by 16-18 from my experience. I don't mind if people decide to take drugs, I choose not to myself. What does annoy me is the arguments you get for why drugs aren't that bad from just about anyone taking them. I don't want to be presented with all the reasons why what you're doing is okay and safe and better than drinking down the pub. Just do it and don't talk to me about it
  14. I wouldn't if it wasn't so cheap. But it is cheap and the restaurant costs money
  15. DHUTWU. I don't know what that means and I don't know where to look to find out
  16. Nintendo 3DS for me (or Game Boy Color if it is supposed to be retro) Stuck waiting for a flight in a hotel. I have the option of going to the restaurant downstairs or Maccies. If I go to maccies it will be my 5 consecutive maccies over 3 days is that too much?
  17. #lapalLAD #bantz #carnage #ladsontoure #magaluf2k14
  18. After failing last year to keep on top of it I decided to make a 2014 Music Playlist on Spotify and the idea originally was that I would limit it to 50 songs so that I would keep taking out weaker songs and only putting songs in that I felt were really worth it. However it's now on 88 songs so I need to get on top of it again My favourite album this year has to be Dark Days by Canterbury. And there are 3 albums I'm hoping come out this year. Mallory Knox, Don Broco and Young Guns
  19. There's a girl I've been interested in on and off for about 3 years. Thing is I think it's a lot more lust than any other emotion but throughout this time we've talked regularly and been friends So I'm wondering should I go for it or have I been longterm friendzoned. Part of me thinks it's a no go as I've said things drunk in the past which have been ignored but then there's been times she's been suggestive on other occasions.
  20. Currently learning Spanish as I am going to Peru for a little while. Got an app called Duolingo which is free and addictive to use and I definitely think it helps with learning. Also recapping my french as I was almost fluent a few years back but an nowhere near good enough now Tried learning Chinese whilst I was living out there but could only get to grips with the very basics and it isn't something I've continued with since I left. I think languages are only as useful as you make them. If you learn Italian but never speak it or don't spend long amounts of time in a native speaking country then it's not helping you communicate
  21. It's not puns that I like, it's people's reactions to them. Nothing as funny as a collective groan
  22. skarroki


    Are those players signed to the same agent consortium?
  23. Went through the last few pages before posting and guessed you would appreciate that
  24. I realise I'm going WAY back but my phone opens pages on the last page I read and as I rarely visit off topic it sent me to page 1. Thought this was brilliant. Some of you guys have been kicking about for over 10 years! Had no idea how long the forum had been going That poster seems familiar... Is it... You? I don't get it...
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