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Everything posted by skarroki

  1. I would think Weimann would have scored if it was that simple why is he not furthest forward?!
  2. It sounds from this thread that we're utterly hopeless bar a world class left back
  3. Gonna get Cissokho on my shirt like I did after Luna's performance first game last year. #firstgameLBhero
  4. I think that last page made me laugh more than it should have. If I was Lambert then I would be looking to introduce Jack in the 2nd half if things aren't going our way. He's a game changer and coming on with fresh legs will be good. But I personally would prefer an experienced solid XI in a 4-4-2 out there. Make sure we're not losing and try sneak a goal somehow
  5. I'm just not excited by this transfer one bit and I feel as though he is best used as a super sub but I imagine that will mean massive wages for a sub and he won't be happy in that role. Similar to how I veiw Agbonlahor. Hoping he proves me wrong obviously but has a black mark as a sick note who hasn't done anything impressive for a very long time by footballing standards.
  6. What exactly is going on in this thread right now?? With the players we have now I would use this as my favoured starting XI, which means I think this is our strongest 11 and also how I will like to play as Villa on FIFA 15 Guzan Hutton, Okore, Vlaar, Cissokho Sanchez N'Zogbia, Westwood, Delph, Grealish Benteke Weimann, KEA, Agbonlahor, Cole, Bent, Senderos, Herd, Clark/Baker all as good enough back-up for our current position. I'm fairly optimistic at this moment in time
  7. Can you name a player who's had a good world cup but is generally shit? I know he was always well thought of at Valenciennes, and Elche had a similar season to us last year so even if he doesn't know the league he's been in the same league situations in his career
  8. I like this article but don't believe it, goal.com are worse than the papers most the time. The problem with all these articles is that his medical has to be completed in Spain, he can't travel to the UK till a deal has been completed. That's what I'm led to believe anyway due to what people were saying a few pages back about his visa
  9. Birmingham Mail reporting the deal might be off but seem to have got that info from the sun, also after the 2 lines, there is nothing in the article about Sanchez, the article has no foundation. It's complete crap. We have a few weeks we're just gonna need to be patient. There will always be a plan B too so worst case scenario, news of another DM will start to filter through. If there is noone else to go after we won't pull out the deal, it would be madness
  10. People were saying previously that he wasn't learning English at Liverpool or something, what was he like in the interview, was it in English?
  11. Thank you my point but less long-winded
  12. Blackpool is a great shout as he could play alongside Delfouneso
  13. The Sun have made it up they are just reporting something different to other papers, their report has no foundation, no quotes and is ridiculously vague. It needs to be ignored
  14. Sorry that's what I meant by like makelele comparison. Protector of the defense, breaks up opposition play, unsung hero of the team. He's the same height as diame and plays a similar role, has also spent a lot of years playing in France which is what made me think of makelele originally. I think it's like us signing us diame but obviously will have less experience in this league, which is a compromise for how much better his wages will be. But it took almost no time for him to adjust to Spanish football last year and he played well against the best at the world cup so I think he'll settle quickly and be a good signing for us. Wouldn't start him at Stoke though as I think for him that game is a red card waiting to happen
  15. There is no way we would pull out of a deal unless something came up in a medical. It's late in the transfer market and he's a player we need. If it doesn't go through it would be something from Elche or the 3rd party owners stopping us
  16. Think Makalele, but can't pass and has a huge afro
  17. Does anyone think this guy is signing as a DM? Pace and good defensive capabilities, and we already have plenty of people who play LB. I'd like a LB that can defend but signing another one seems odd
  18. It’s not easy to break into the first team when Lambert is the manager and your being cock blocked by the dross he signed like Bowery, Tonev, Helenius, Luna, Sylla and Holt. FFS he has yet to give any of our players a chance to prove they are better than that lot. Albrighton walked after being ignored for too long. I don't think you know the full meaning of the term cock blocked
  19. I'd say out of the 28, Steer, Johnson and Stevens are unlikely to be added to the team and made available for loan/ transfer. Lowton possibly too
  20. I'd like to see him with a 4-2-3-1 with a big guy up front and N'Zogbia in the middle of the AM 3, Grealish to the left and Bacuna on the right. They could all interchange and all have different attributes so would be interesting having them there
  21. Giving Burke a number seems strange to me as he seems to be rarely mentioned and doesn't look like he'll ever get a look in but is included in the squad numbers. Same goes for Donacien. I guess no number 9 cos it would be weird giving it back to Bent and noone else wanted it? Basically not as interesting as last year though when nearly the whole squad changed their numbers. Everyone's stuck to the same bar the bomb squad I'm guessing 9 - Helenius 25 - Carruthers 23 - Luna 26 - Sylla 39 - Siegrist Just leaves 29, 30, 33 for new signings or academy players to be promoted mid season
  22. Well I was fairly pessimistic but I think that's because I've been so focused on Villa over the last few months. Leicester, Burnley, QPR, Sunderland, WBA, Crystal Palace, Southampton and even Swansea arguably are equal to or worse than us on paper. I think we'll be absolutely fine this year by the end but it'll still probably be a bit of a shit struggle. I think it works in our favour that the majority of the country has written us off as a shambles because we can spring a surprise against that sort of attitude
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