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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Yeah I don't think we need a world class player, Unai no doubt knows 10 players who could do the role for not much money. We just need someone who can allow Doug to do his thing in Kamara's absence.
  2. Our manager got Villareal to the CL semi finals too. No reason why we couldn't go on a run as well.
  3. He won't. The only thing that surprises me is that the ref didn't pussy out of it and book both players like they usually do.
  4. They didn't really miss it, they just decided not to do anything. If you just brush someone's face though it's a red card of course. **** daft.
  5. Fun my arse. I want it all to be over already.
  6. We definitely need another one in the squad to let Doug play where he is best if Kamara is out again. It's been too big a burden on him in the last few weeks. I'm sure Unai and Monchi know of some who aren't that expensive.
  7. To be fair to Pau I don't remember him putting a foot wrong recently before yesterday. Early in the season he was getting run past quite easily but that seemed to have stopped. Yesterday they all decided to defend like they're pissed for 10 minutes.
  8. I must have watched another player all season because for me he has been excellent at right back and centre back. Yesterday was a bad day at the office, 10 minutes of piss poor defending from all of them.
  9. Exactly, the striker's only purpose at that corner is to be a pain in the arse to the goalkeeper, he's never going to actually score, he's solely there to interfere.
  10. I mentioned in the match forum, my only criticism is when he has the ball and releases it too quickly thinking we can launch a counter, even if he puts a perfect long pass into Ollie's feet, it's really hard for him to keep the ball and probably 6/10 times or more the ball just ends up with the oppo. Then for the third goal he tried to throw the ball to McGinn to release him quickly and it went out of play then with the possession Brentford scored within a minute or so. Just pass it short to Torres or Doug, keep possession and build from the back like we've done so well.
  11. One thing that annoys me is that when we go 2 goals up we stop playing out from the back so much. For one of their goals Emi booted it long and it just came straight back, for the 3rd he got the ball and wanted to start an attack and just threw the ball out of play. They get the ball back and score. The thing about keeping it calm and playing out from the back is that you always have an extra player available so it's actually quite easy to keep the ball and take the sting out of the game. It was the same against Luton and it took Lenglet to take charge and just keep the ball, run with it upfield and then pass it when everyone else was losing their heads.
  12. There's no reason we can't get draws in those games. Thank God Unai isn't this defeatist. All teams can lose and win points against the grain at this time of year. If Liverpool win tomorrow then we need 6 points in 6 games for 5th, we are still in a really strong position.
  13. Yeah a huge miss. Doug just has so much more workload and it's taken its toll.
  14. Yeah if we get wins against Brentford and Lille by being able to put our first choice team out and Utd drop more points against Liverpool then it just further highlights Unai's genius decision making.
  15. They had 28 shots against them, more often than not you're going to concede at least 3. They got away with it vs Brentford somehow but got what they deserved last night.
  16. Tbh I think it's alright. Ignoring the oil teams for a moment, it seems daft that we can be debt free, selling out games every week and on the verge of qualifying for the Champions League and yet may have to look to sell a big name player just to comply with the current rules. If owners can give cash to the FA, they then confirm it's kosher then give it back minus say, 20% tax which gets distributed out, then I think it's a bit fairer.
  17. It feels like my life flashes by so quickly these days and yet this Premier League run in seems to be taking an eternity. I just want it all to be mathematically certain (yes I know it's extremely unlikely Utd can catch us). A draw or Chelsea win tonight would at least be another step on the way so come on you cockney clearings in the woods.
  18. Just keep Moreno and Digne for another year. We know their qualities and character, we can rotate without dipping in quality, assuming Moreno gets back into his rhythm. If we qualify for the Champions League I don't think I'd sell any of our regular players, as a reward for their efforts as much as anything. I'd put my money towards one of the best defensive midfield prospects as back up for Kamara and probably a quality right back/wing back option.
  19. Absolute game changer, cheers mate!
  20. Really, very few of the players in world football that have gone for over £100m have proved to be worth the money.
  21. I've only recently started playing computer games again and mainly EAFC, I just find it so hard to deal with the same move every time, they run to the byline, cut inside, pass it and it's impossible to stop the player from shooting, with it almost inevitable it goes in with the top strikers. I'm OK playing against people who seem to make it like a football match and try different moves but some people just do the same thing over and over again and it becomes pointless.
  22. This season I've seen plenty of occasions where I'm shouting at the TV at Watkins and Bailey to react more strongly to challenges which should be free kicks, even penalties. Even that challenge by Mee on Bailey could've been a leg-breaker but Leon just tried carrying on and luckily we had VAR to step in. Obviously none of us want to see players taking the piss play-acting but when it's a genuine foul you sometimes have to make it obvious to the ref otherwise they bottle it. I'm sure if Martinez was an outfield player, the opposition would be getting a shitload more yellows and reds.
  23. I seem to remember him doing it with Haaland before, who didn't quite take it as passively as Jack. I'll be the first to say it, hopefully it means the return of Jack to us is a bit closer.
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