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El Zen

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Everything posted by El Zen

  1. And in a stunning plot twist, it will be revealed that Less is in fact Mor.
  2. I think @NurembergVillan may have something to say about this.
  3. @maqroll Don’t know if you watched it, and while I’m happy with a W, that game was a mess. Not a good advertisement for baseball, even though I’m sure it will be sold as that.
  4. This London series thing is looking like a bit of a joke. Pitchers not dealing with it well at all.
  5. El Zen

    U.S. Politics

    Watching the second debate, Biden is a dud. Offers nothing. Harris and Mayor Pete impressive.
  6. Didn’t he try to buy us before Lerner, way back when?
  7. How can you even like Wednesdays? That’s like saying your favourite part of a burger is the lettuce. Freak.
  8. I just feel a bit sorry for Norway’s manager. Being completely schooled by Phil Neville. Oh, the humiliation.
  9. El Zen

    U.S. Politics

    Just watched last night’s debate in full. I have to say, perhaps naively, that I like a lot of what Dems are talking about right now. Warren, Booker and Castro were impressive. I hope they narrow the field soon, though.
  10. Clearly didn’t think it through. How will the male members of the congregation ever be able to find it?
  11. El Zen

    U.S. Politics

    Wow. So basically a case where they get to rave about the second amendment AND attack women’s rights. GOP porn, in other words. Sick. (edit: forgot the obvious point about racism to complete the full GOP porn hat trick.)
  12. We’ve been called worse by ignorant outsiders
  13. Not that I think too many put too much into it, I don’t even care. It feels like a whole new VT meme is born, and that (for children of the Doug Ellis era like myself) feels like a new signing.
  14. You can stuff your Thursdays in a sack, mister. You’re dead to us.
  15. Nothing good ever happens on wednesdays anyway.
  16. Yeah, kind of impossible to tell. It’s not as if he immediately sprints to the ref to appeal for handball.
  17. My only worry is if he’s strong enough. Very good player. Intelligent, quick, good on the ball. Calm head for a young lad, communicates well.
  18. Vålerenga winning the Norwegian league in 2005. Vålerenga staying up via play offs in 2003, and in doing so saving the club from going bust. The game was played indoors, would you believe. The atmosphere was completely surreal. Yankees winning the World Series in 2009. Norway beating Brazil in France 1998 with a last minute penalty.
  19. Argentina juuuust scraping through with help from Colombia.
  20. Yep. Looked shockingly out of place at Barca.
  21. Who cares if Aston’s a bit rough? Yankee Stadium is in The Bronx for chrissake. Be proud of where we’re from.
  22. They have to play a lot of games to separate the good teams from the bad teams. It is fairly frequent that the worst teams can beat the best teams in a one off game or even a three game series, as you can’t control baseball games the way you can a football game and more is left to small margins and chance. However, if you play enough games, the difference in quality will become apparent. The best teams will typically win 100+ games, and the worst teams will typically lose a similar amount. 162 might be excessive, I don’t personally think so, but any significant reduction in games played would significantly increase the amount of chance involved in determining who gets to go to the play offs.
  23. Any chance to talk about how sh*t Muse are does cheer me up.
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