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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I've only just felt the need to come back in here. Mods.... that is a fantastic thread change
  2. **** him and anyone who looks like him. To be clear I'm referring to Rodney Marsh. Not Delph. I'm keeping schtum on Fabian until AVFC deny or ITSOTP applies.
  3. You're a relegation threatened club who has just sold their best player and a team that has won 2 titles in 4 years has just put in for him. If you think this is about money then you're just not paying attention.
  4. Aaaand this is why you read the whole thread before commenting. Cheers Omar.
  5. I'm not picking on you Omar....and appreciate you often have genuine insight but you must see that these two posts appear at odds? Main backer couldn't get the funds out of China but didnt lose them because the funds arent in China?
  6. As opposed to Lambert who actually bought Benteke in the first place? As opposed to Lambert who actually bought Benteke in the first place? His one beacon of joy in an otherwise ocean of unspeakable shit.
  7. I'd be stunned if any of the super rich folks involved in Dalian Wanda have their cash in their own stock. Thats like rule number 1 of being a massively rich bloke. Diversify you cash. Even 50 cent can get this right - he's filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the US simply to protect his assests. If your a mega rich chinese bloke looking to drop £150m on an English football club, a couple of billion off your companies value makes no difference at all and IMO wouldn't impact the sale. Hodgson talks an awful lot of bollocks IMO.
  8. Get him sold. Trouser the cash. Buy his replacement. Build the squad and FFS lets get on with it. A good footballer who didn't REALLY want to join us in the first place and was very open about us being a stepping stone to bigger and better things. He did his job - earned his moved and thats all we could have expected.
  9. I'd be genuinely happy if citing "speculation" from twitter was banned. To be fair it depends who's doing it. A verified Journo from a reputable paper is the same as what they'd print. The moose from TalkSport or that Amy account can happily get ban hammered.
  10. I think the point where I can sit on my sofa and wirelessly charge my stuff via WiFi is the point I get interested in the technology. Anything until that point it's simply not functional enough to be useful.
  11. Positive development. Seems to be a theme to bring a slicker more professional approach to the club from top to bottom. Happy with this.
  12. Don't care where he goes if he goes. It's all about the money. 32.5m smackeroos.
  13. Its not dead. Its sleeping. Its pining for the Fjords.
  14. He did commit to the club. Didn't he sign a new contract last year? Or the one before? This is a stupid idea. He stays. Unless someone ponys up the cash.
  15. A fully justified critical mauling. Cold toast is appalling. If upon exiting the toaster its not buttered, the condiment of choice applied and consumed within 30 seconds I'm not interested. A restaurant/hotel should know better.
  16. Ruined back/neck from injuries IIRC. He was an excellent technician but I hated him as a kid. Just wanted Jericho whom I loved to smash him.
  17. Beautiful botch right there.
  18. Absolutely not. Naming rights for the North and the Witton are fine by me. Maybe also teh Trinity. The ground however is and must always be Villa Park.
  19. Why people believe some desperate tart on Twitter who is so unashamedly whoring herself in the hope of a Sky Sports News gig is beyond me. She knows **** all about a takeover. I suspect the number of people who do know about a takeover or not can be counted on one hand. If it happens it happens. If it doesn't Randy needs to invest if for no other reason than to protect his investment. All those saying "OMG Randy is staying we're going down" need to have a serious word with themselves. If Sherwood replicates his win rate since he took over next season we will end up comfortably mid table. I'd take a turgid 14th tbh but there we are.
  20. I've owned six different QI chargers. They all required contact, sometimes quite precisely aligned. Am I missing the point of this technology then? I can see in the office a wireless charger removes the tiny inconvenience of being wired to a socket but for most whom I suspect charge phones overnight in struggling to see the merits.
  21. Take out "to myself" at the end of the first paragraph. I'd also edit some of the details about your social media account. Delete everything between the % signs. Apart from that it's good.
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