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Everything posted by M_Afro

  1. M_Afro

    Matty Cash

    I would start Young on Saturday. Or maybe Chambers.
  2. This guy has overseen one terrible signing after another. I don’t understand what he does.
  3. Every other team in the league is full of bigger, stronger, faster, more athletic players than us. Our squad has some talent but nowhere near enough PL physical players. I honestly think we are in a relegation battle regardless of who is manager. That’s why I would play Tim now. Every week just get the kid in.
  4. We’ve lost more games than every other team in the PL. We’ve also had a very easy start to the season. Pretty depressing stuff that to be fair.
  5. I hate to say it but he is a super sub. He’s always rubbish when he starts. It’s probably the only thing that Gerrard is getting right.
  6. M_Afro

    Matty Cash

    Really poor player. He was poor before Gerrard and he is poor still. What do our scouting team do?
  7. He’s never been good when starting matches. His better performances have always been as a sub. I feel it’s the same for Buendia too. We desperately need some midfielders tomorrow.
  8. To be fair to the players, they all look up for it we have just been awful. Effort is ther.
  9. Kamara is the only one who looks remotely like a PL player. That was truly depressing. Arsenal look like prime Barcelona well we look like…….well…..Aston Villa! Depressing. Roll on a red card in the second half too!
  10. Well if that happens, I for one will look back on this transfer window in anger!
  11. I did actually look at the team and think that it was a “last roll of the dice” type selection. He’s gone back to his favourite midfield, that he trusts and it’s win or bust! It feels as though he knows it’s unlikely to get back from where he is.
  12. McGinn and Ramsey. That’s it. Even I give up! Brainless selection
  13. I doubt a Champions League midfielder who is a clear upgrade on Luiz would sign for us at the moment but if they would, then I would be happy. I don’t particularly rate Luiz. I think he has largely been average during his time here but at the moment, he is an important part of the squad. I don’t actually rate any of our 8’s but we need numbers in that area. I’d be happy to see Luiz, McGinn or Sanson go if it meant that a superior replacement was coming in. Without a replacement then I would keep all of them.
  14. I know that it sounds ridiculous but I am really looking forward to this tonight. Everyone writing us off will help is in my view. Being forced to sit deep and counter will also help.
  15. Not at this stage. If it was the start of August, then yes. We can’t afford to lose any central midfield players at this late stage. Better to hold on to him and try to convince him to sign a new contract. Otherwise try and sell him in January. If both of those fail then so be it. I know that it sounds blasé but writing off £20m in transfer fees now is significantly better than not having him around all season.
  16. Luiz is not going anywhere. That would be a ridiculously bad decision and despite what lots on here are currently thinking, our owners have made hardly any bad decisions so far. He will stay. 100%.
  17. The lack of signings must be down to the size of our wage bill. We have added Coutinho, Ings, Digne, Carlos and Kamara who will all be on big wages. That could easily be £700k per week on wages. We have off loaded fringe players who are probably on less than £100k combined. We need to shift a couple of big earners to make space for new players.
  18. Umbrella man was at Selhurst Park. I am old enough to have been there
  19. I don’t think so. He is just speculating I suspect. Our owners are tight lipped on all matters.
  20. Hope you’re right mate. Why have we been so inactive for so long though? We went early and then nothing at all has happened since. It’s all a bit disconcerting.
  21. Bailey has been largely disappointing for us. We spent a lot of money on him in transfer fee and wages with very little return. Butler is just leaping on the current chaos at Villa to protect his asset. It’s predictable and annoying but the bloke is a bit of a loud mouth and thus it’s not unexpected. If he was half as good as Butler makes out he’d be doing a bit better than links with Ajax.
  22. The fact that we aren’t hearing any links is really worrying. Only 3 days to go and then we have to go with what we’ve got. If that’s true then I expect Purslow to come out and realign his expectations to the quality of our team upgrades. No way we get anywhere near Europe with this first 11, no matter who the manager is. I thought that last summer was a disappointment but this is just as bad. If the board are going to talk us up then they need to back it up with some action in the next 3 days. We need at least 3 ins and then if things don’t improve they can get in a new manager. Sacking Gerrard will not massively improve things in my mind unless the new manager has a better balanced squad than what we currently have.
  23. I think Coutinho is better than Buendia too. The problem is, he is just so out of form. Gerrard is playing him in the hope that something will spark but for now, I would get him out of the team for a bit.
  24. People expecting an imminent dismissal are likely to be very disappointed in my view. History seems to have been clouded somewhat in some peoples minds but NSWE were very patient with Dean. We had awful, sustained periods in each of Dean’s seasons in charge and they stuck with him through the first three of them. I suspect that Gerrard will be given until at least the WC break. It is however, becoming harder and harder to see what Gerrard is trying to do. He desperately needs to change things in the hope that a change in fortunes follows. I think Luis will get a run of games now which is helpful. At Arsenal, I would also play Tim as a 6 alongside Bouba, allowing Luis to play more centrally as an 8. He can then play Phil/Emi and Leon as inverted wingers with Ollie up top. This will enable us to sit deep and hit Arsenal on the break. I actually think we will get something at Arsenal. They are due some dropped points and we are due a bit of luck. If Gerrard is brave enough to mix up selection and tactics then we may even win.
  25. M_Afro

    Ezri Konsa

    This kid is petrified of the ball. He never closes the opposition when they have it and he rarely shows in possession. For their goal today he should have been flying out to attack the ball but he is totally statuesque. He drives me mad. I would have Hause ahead of him. At least he has got some courage.
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