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Everything posted by MessiWillSignForVilla

  1. Piss off Fulham, just sell Sessegnon to Tottenham in exchange for Rose if you want a LB ya bastards!
  2. You seem to have gotten very angry and shouty whilst typing that, are you Jack Grealish?
  3. The biggest problem with these suggestions that he's had a promise broken that he could leave is that they were based on us needing to raise funds for the club, surely he'd realise after the takeover that was no longer the case? Why would he be upset now when it would've been clear we'd reject offers since the takeover?
  4. He seems to play a similar role to Hourihane, and I've seen Celtic fans saying they wanted him to replace Brown, so I'd guess he'd play the opposite side to Grealish against stronger sides with someone like Whelan/Jedinak playing and maybe at the base of a Grealish - McGinn - Hourihane three against weaker sides. Assuming Grealish stays that is.
  5. This makes the most sense to me from all the rumours. It doesn't matter how big a Villa fan he is, of course he's going to be disappointed as it's a big opportunity to play in the Champions League and maybe the England squad, but it always seemed a tad ridiculous that he'd be "disillusioned" with his boyhood club and try to force a move. Hopefully, I'm not eating my words by 5pm tomorrow.
  6. I think at this point it may just be we don't want to sell to Spurs after Levy's tried to dick us around all summer, again. I reckon we may even sell to someone like Chelsea for less than Spurs would be willing to offer.
  7. Haha, if this is true then Levy really **** himself by not snapping him up before the takeover
  8. I'd bring off Taylor for Green, move Hutton to LB and Elmo to RB.
  9. It kind of is meaningless stats if to get them you have to ignore our start to the season. I can do that too, if you don't include the 11 games we won with Grealish starting, our win percentage with him is 0%, he must be terrible!
  10. We can have 8 loans, with only 5 in the matchday squad, so Moreira wouldn't be taking up a spot needlessly unless he was on the bench every week.
  11. Just been announced, welcome André!
  12. They are for sale technically, there was that massive saga with Amanda Staveley a few months back, but Ashley **** about with the asking price and it fell through. Whether he wants to actually sell or not is debatable, but he's had negotiations to sell very recently.
  13. It has nothing to do with whether he'll be good at Villa then, is it? You personally don't like him, that seems to be all there is to this. Which is fine, you can dislike whoever you want, but it has no bearing on whether he'll be a good appointment or not.
  14. That's not stopped us having a New Manager thread for the last 4 months despite already having a manager.
  15. I know it's not the place for the most well thought out opinions, but I've seen that sentiment on Facebook and Twitter a lot. With Sherwood in particular I've even had fans of other clubs on some forums tell me that he was great for us and I should be more grateful for him.
  16. Co-Chairmen are lower ranked than Executive and Xia is after Edens alphabetically. I think you might be reading into that list a bit too much.
  17. They did, you're not meant to get red cards for penalties anymore to avoid "triple-punishment". The exception, however, is for players deliberately denying goal-scoring opportunities, or basically, outright cheating like Sanchez did.
  18. Basically, Wyness **** up. We should be paying the tax soon. Apparently, HMRC tends to threaten winding up orders to get business to pay up from what I've read. Palace were threatened with the same thing recently.
  19. Which version of FM? On the latest update, Terry is on £60k pw at Villa.
  20. There's no way Terry is on £100k pw, most reports suggest it's closer to £50k-60k pw.
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