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Everything posted by MessiWillSignForVilla

  1. Damn it! Now I can't appear to be smart and know about these things
  2. Most of central Arabia was just nomadic tribes, with the coasts being controlled by the Ottomans. What is now known as Saudi Arabia was unified by Abdul Aziz bin Saud, shortly after the fall of the Ottomans, by essentially just conquering the various regions in Arabia. Said regions being; Nejd, Hezaj and Yemen. Don't take that as 100% fact though, it's just what I could gather from a quick skim online (aka Wikipedia )
  3. From a Pro12 point of view, possibly. But from the view of the Premiership and Top14, it'll be much fairer. The Heineken cup currently gives an advantage to the Pro12 teams as they don't have to worry about qualification for the competition and can rest players in the League to save them for Europe. But French and English teams need to get the top half of their domestic league so need to be trying to win every single game. Although this isn't to important towards the start of the season, towards the end when it gets to the quarters, teams in the Pro12 don't need to worry about where they finish in the league (unless it's in the play-offs) so can just concentrate on the Heineken/Amlin, whereas Anglo/French teams need to worry about European qualification, Play-offs and Relegation as well as the Heineken/Amlin, so have to really spread themselves. The ERC refused to budge on the qualification issue, so the RFU and FFR (or whoever made the decisions) have had to force the issue. Pro12 teams will be able to participate still, so it's not as if you'll have the Heineken and this Anglo-French Cup. but this was never a problem when English and French teams were dominating . Does it really give an advantage as Welsh and Scottish teams always struggle I think an Anglo-French Cup will be bad for ratings as French teams will crush competition and also bad for local businesses as Irish teams bring a big away following and think the Welsh do as well No, it wasn't much of an issue 5-10 years ago and the English and French teams were more than happy, the main issue though is more to do with the amount of qualification places each country gets, which give a slight advantage to Pro12 teams. The Heineken is currently a 24 team competition, and to qualify you have to either; finish in the top 6 of the Aviva (or win the Anglo-Welsh Cup), finish in the top 6 of the Top14, finish top 3 of the Irish/Welsh teams, or be Scottish/Italian. Which is not fair as only 2 teams from the Pro12 will not qualify. The new proposed format consists of 20 teams (20 in second tier also), and to qualify you have to; finish top 6 in the Aviva/Top14/Pro12, and the last two places are given to the countries of the teams that win the Heineken/Amlin equivalents. Everyone else goes into the second tier competition (with two teams from a third tier, consisting of teams from countries like Romania and Portugal, filling the last two places). A much fairer qualification system. The new competion will not be exclusively English and French, the Pro12 has been invited to join also, a lot of the format is based on the presumption that it will. The French teams probably will crush the competition, as they currently are in the Heineken. It's essentially the Heineken, but without the ERC as they refused to listen to France and England's ideas to make the qualification process fairer.
  4. It is, at least according to Wiki, which is fairly reliable for that sort of thing as it gets moderated quite a lot.
  5. As Vampire Weekend so eloquently said, "Who gives a **** about an Oxford Comma" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_i1xk07o4g
  6. From a Pro12 point of view, possibly. But from the view of the Premiership and Top14, it'll be much fairer. The Heineken cup currently gives an advantage to the Pro12 teams as they don't have to worry about qualification for the competition and can rest players in the League to save them for Europe. But French and English teams need to get the top half of their domestic league so need to be trying to win every single game. Although this isn't to important towards the start of the season, towards the end when it gets to the quarters, teams in the Pro12 don't need to worry about where they finish in the league (unless it's in the play-offs) so can just concentrate on the Heineken/Amlin, whereas Anglo/French teams need to worry about European qualification, Play-offs and Relegation as well as the Heineken/Amlin, so have to really spread themselves. The ERC refused to budge on the qualification issue, so the RFU and FFR (or whoever made the decisions) have had to force the issue. Pro12 teams will be able to participate still, so it's not as if you'll have the Heineken and this Anglo-French Cup.
  7. Isn't FIFA 14 meant to have a different engine for the next-gen consoles? Ignite, or something like that. So any demo you play on current gen won't be a representation of the best version of it.
  8. Well, until Breaking Bad finishes and the spin-off starts, it can be classed as on topic, imo. I don't know what to think of the spin-off if I'm honest. On one hand, Saul is a brilliant character and it would be interesting to see him before he met Walt (spin-off is supposedly a prequel). However, spin-offs can be tricky to get right. I also don't quite see what storylines would fit, would it just be Saul trying to get a different client out of trouble each week? If so, it could quickly turn in to a kind of cheesy cop story, but with a lawyer. I look forward to it still though, as Vince Gilligan is an awesome writer and producer, and if anyone were to make it work, it would be him. I don't think it will tie into the main series that much, maybe the final episodes leading up to when he first meets Jesse and Walt.
  9. Probably true seeing as Carew came from abroad. Best thing Houllier ever did for us if so. The best thing Houllier ever did for us was sign Darren Bent, saved us in 10/11. In all honesty, was Carew even that good for us? He had a good first season or two, but went off the boil pretty quickly and looked lazy ever since the nightclub incident. I still love him though
  10. does the website do a youtube though and stick a 10 second advert in front of it Ha, not as far as I'm aware, as it's technically an app for phones. Although I'm sure they could be persuaded to add it I hate YouTube for that though This should probably go in the things that piss you off thread, but why have ads that are longer than the video?
  11. Pretty much, BOF. In fact Twitter "acquired" it after only four months of it being created. Before it was an actual thing I should add. So Twitter technically launched it.
  12. Vines are short videos that can be up to 15 seconds long, published on a website/app called Vine. I quite like the idea of them, as it forces the creator to get to the point of video quickly and not fanny about with a huge build up. Most of them are probably quite shit though.
  13. It's like VT's version of Godwin's Law, the longer a thread grows, the probability of Bannan's ability being mentioned approaches 1. And I have inadvertently invoked Godwin's Law. You may not rate Bannan, but implying he's a Nazi is out of order. Sorry, I didn't actually mean to. I added the second line in later as I thought that comparing a "Bannan" law to Godwin's Law invoked it by accident, which as MJ pointed out, it doesn't. It was a poor joke that I made in a tired state and in poor taste, which is highlighted by the lack of likes for it. And apologies if I offended anyone with it, I feel really bad now
  14. It's like VT's version of Godwin's Law, the longer a thread grows, the probability of Bannan's ability being mentioned approaches 1. And I have inadvertently invoked Godwin's Law.
  15. http://sport.stv.tv/football/international/238944-barry-bannan-scores-an-unconventional-free-kick-during-scotland-training/ For #1, whoopty-****-doo, pretty much all professional footballers can do an overhead kick in training. Plus, that first touch is shot. and #2, Bannan had potential, 5 years ago. It's been pretty much pissed away, be it through not being played, or generally playing shit. His style of football would suit Barcelona, but so would mine. When I play, I play short simple passes, passing is one of my strong poitns and I'm not the most physically imposing player, doesn't mean I'm good, and it doesn't for Bannan either. Any Swansea player suits Barca's style, doesn't mean Leon Britton's any good. Holloway is just trying to talk up his new signing as it's not a particularly inspiring one, one I imagine Palace fans aren't particularly over the moon about, especially when considering fellow new boys Cardiff spent £30m on players. Bannan will never be anymore than a relegation fodder midfielder.
  16. The shooting wasn't that bad when you consider it was a "Hollywood" style shoot-out Almost screwed up the spoiler tag
  17. Maybe we should send this thread to UEFA/FIFA to show what happens when you put an International break in the middle of the **** season!
  18. Milner is playing on the left wing tonight ffs! Did Gabby sleep with Woy's missus or something?
  19. 92/93 - After first two losses, went unbeaten for 11 games. (6 were draws, so yes slow start) 95/96 - After loss to Villa, went unbeaten for 10 games. (Only 2 draws, not a slow start) 96/97 - Didn't lose for first 9 games. (Drew 4, Won 5, not slow, but not fast) 98/99 - Only lost one of their first 12. (Only drew 4, again mixed, but not slow) 99/00 - Unbeaten in first 9 games. (Only drew 3, not slow) 00/01 - Unbeaten in first 7 (3 draws, borderline) 02/03 - Lost 2, Drew 2, Won 2 in first 6 (Slow start) 07/08 - 10 game unbeaten run after first 3 (slow by their standards, but not that slow) 08/09 - 7 game unbeaten run after first 3 (Slow start) 12/13 - Won 4 of first 5 (Not slow) 3, possibly 4, slow starts in 20 seasons is not a lot, especially as the first one came in a period when the league was much more open Losing the first game or two is not a slow start, Arsenal haven't has a slow start IMO this season despite losing to us. Also, harking back to Pre-Ambramovich is going back a long way, 10 years is a long time in football and using seasons from 10 years ago to predict how a team will do is silly.
  20. I've got a season ticket at the Tigers so went down there yesterday. An underwhelming win by all accounts if I'm honest. Although we got the bonus point and never really looked like losing, if we had been playing against a better team they would have punished us. Still, a good start to the season, and looking forward to lifting the trophy again this year. I saw that Lamb had a bit of a stinker with the boot, but it's good that we can grind out wins without our main threats in the backs. I imagine if it was against someone like Saracens then we probably would of lost then? I suppose it's quite promising that we can get bonus points against teams and still have Youngs and co. to bring into the side. I'm pretty hopeful for the season, I reckon at least the Premiership Final and semi's of the Heineken
  21. I'm going to guess this is aimed at me for what I said (due to the rolling eyes), but I don't see what's so ridiculous in what I said. Yes, Gabby probably won't have a single hair on his head touched and the threats are mostly empty, I'm not worrying about that. The fact of the matter is, and it's completely OT now, this is not the first time these 'fans' have sent out death threats to people, and it's often to normal people who happen to criticise the band, and it ruins their life as they get constant abuse for a throwaway comment. Gabby will be able to handle it and nothing will come of it, however the only way to stop these 'fans' from acting in such a vile way is for them to get a little scare from their parents/police or if their 'heroes' tell them it's not the right way to behave. Obviously what I said is laughable though, and just cause they won't follow through with their threats we should just let them behave like little shits and get away with it I read it as the 1D guy should come out (of the closet) i.e. admit he's a bit fruity. Maybe, and apologies to Pez if I mis-read it, but i've noticed a lot of the comments on the last page seem to be making fun of my post, at least that's what it seemed to me as the post mocking the fan's threats came after.
  22. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/rugbyunion/article-2415458/Leicester-prop-Dan-Cole-faces-disciplinary-hearing-alleged-bite.html Didn't see the game so can't really say what happened but from the picture in the article it looks like Cole got tackled in the mouth, if he gets a ban for that it's ridiculous!
  23. I'm going to guess this is aimed at me for what I said (due to the rolling eyes), but I don't see what's so ridiculous in what I said. Yes, Gabby probably won't have a single hair on his head touched and the threats are mostly empty, I'm not worrying about that. The fact of the matter is, and it's completely OT now, this is not the first time these 'fans' have sent out death threats to people, and it's often to normal people who happen to criticise the band, and it ruins their life as they get constant abuse for a throwaway comment. Gabby will be able to handle it and nothing will come of it, however the only way to stop these 'fans' from acting in such a vile way is for them to get a little scare from their parents/police or if their 'heroes' tell them it's not the right way to behave. Obviously what I said is laughable though, and just cause they won't follow through with their threats we should just let them behave like little shits and get away with it
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