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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I don't what pisses me off more: the fact that OT (e.g. General Chat) has now actually become TOO laddish and bad taste, or the fact that I am pissed off by it at all.

It's not that I really object to all the smut, obsession with porn and general immaturity - let's face it, I contribute to it myself on occasion - but you know what? It's getting boring.

There, I said it.

+1 (and I know that I've contributed to it, but everything in moderation, including moderation)

+1 aswell. I'm all for going into the finer details of most things, but I know when it has served it's purpose :)

I think it all stems from Dante going out with a hooker..

Woah :x

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The current issue of New Scientist is "The God Issue". That's OK. There's an article about how we have evolved to be naturally receptive to religion. The conclusion? 'Children are born believers... of what I call "natural religion"'.

O rly? Then I see that the article is by one Justin L. Barrett - 'director of the the Thrive Center for Human Development at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California'.

In New Scientist. Shame on them.

I am disappoint, son.

That's something that even Dawkins has said though. That they're more inclined to believe things that give meaning to things where there is none.

It was even part of his program on faith schools.

I don't think you can really argue that a child when given the choice is more inclined to believe a purpose based reasoning than a random one, simply due to everything in their lives being purpose based so why wouldn't they then extend that to everything in nature as well?

That wasn't my problem with it. One of the most useful tools that evolution gave us was a recognition of causality - A is so because B happened. Unfortunately, we have a tendency to push that into every corner of our thinking, so that when we come across something that is hard to explain, we tend to throw in the default cause: God must have done it.

Which is pretty much what the article says. My quibble is that the article is not by a scientist but by some pseudo academic from a "theological college". Who should not be given credence in a serious scientific journal - even if they are saying something (stating the bleeding obvious, IMO) that happens to tally with actual science.

It's bad enough (as Dawkins said) that 'proper' universities should be teaching subjects like theology and divinity, let alone colleges of mumbo jumbo getting space in scientific journals as if their academic status was equally valid. It isn't.

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Somebody on his mobile at work is talking extremely loudly whilst walking right behind me for about 30mins, back and forth, and i'm on my lunch trying to sort out my passport.

**** OFF!!!!!!!!

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Somebody on his mobile at work is talking extremely loudly whilst walking right behind me for about 30mins, back and forth, and i'm on my lunch trying to sort out my passport.

**** OFF!!!!!!!!

To be fair, that is something that SHOULD piss you off :winkold:

Perhaps we should take off the last couple of words of the thread title.

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Seriously, no need for a comment like that. If that was said to my face I'd have knocked him out by now.

Was that aimed at me? I thought you had a sense of humour, my mistake.

You'll be busy over the next few hours if you're going to be having a tantrum about every joke about your girlfriends profession.

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Seriously, no need for a comment like that. If that was said to my face I'd have knocked him out by now.

Was that aimed at me? I thought you had a sense of humour, my mistake.

You'll be busy over the next few hours if you're going to be having a tantrum about every joke about your girlfriends profession.

Sorry, but calling her a hooker is a bit too much. I can take the banter about her stripping, a few jokey comments about 'extras' and such, but that was a step too far imo.

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Where's the pic of the guy who pulls up a chair and sits down to watch the drama unfold :) It's better than the MJ one but I can't trace it.

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Where's the pic of the guy who pulls up a chair and sits down to watch the drama unfold :) It's better than the MJ one but I can't trace it.

Here you go mate...


Yeah that might be it. I think I'm mixing him up with the "did not read" guy but I might be wrong :)
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