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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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15 minutes ago, blandy said:

Nah, that's wrong in my experience. There are plenty up here, too. I suspect the difference in a way is that there are a number of successful teams located up here. But there are Liverpool, Man U etc. fans all over places like Blackpool, Preston, Bolton, Blackburn....

A few years back there were people in Newcastle shirts all over the place. Chelsea too, Arsenal...it's not much different. Plus of course, how many of the Man U fans in and around Manchester are "glory hunters" and how many are from a long line of Man U fans - i.e. just because they're from the area doesn't mean they're not glory hunters.

I see almost as many Man Utd shirts as Liverpool in Southport. It seems like you drive past Formby and the glory hunting grows exponentially

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3 hours ago, Xela said:

Agreed. The midlands does seem to have more than a fair share of glory hunters. 

You rarely find that in the North. 

You certainly do in County Durham. Yes, there are a lot of people who support local North East sides, but Liverpool and Man Utd in particular have massive support here. 

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Moved house (again) today.  I hate renting now.  It's a beautiful house, but the owners have dogs so of course the place still smells of them.  They paid £500 to get the place thoroughly cleaned, and the cleaners have clearly mugged them off.

I really want a place I can call my own.

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10 hours ago, dAVe80 said:

You certainly do in County Durham. Yes, there are a lot of people who support local North East sides, but Liverpool and Man Utd in particular have massive support here. 

I wonder if part of the reason (apart from Sky, etc.) is the fact that few teams have any local players? If your local team is full of Spanish, Italian, French, etc. players, it has nothing to distinguish it from every other team with the same mix. 

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16 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

When people leave a place of work and decide to go to every single person's desk to say goodbye one by one. Mate, I have spoken to you 3 times in the space of half a decade, just get out will ya...but thanks, thanks for making me suffer such an awkward experience.

You'd hate France then.

I worked from our office in Paris a few weeks back and everyone who comes into the office to start the day comes over and shakes your hand (and everybody else's) and says good morning, then again when they leave (although I ducked out before the end of the day so avoided that malarkey again!).

Apparently it matters not if they know you or not as I knew nobody!

Made me feel like the rude English bloke as I didn't do it when I arrived

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16 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

You'd hate France then.

I worked from our office in Paris a few weeks back and everyone who comes into the office to start the day comes over and shakes your hand (and everybody else's) and says good morning, then again when they leave (although I ducked out before the end of the day so avoided that malarkey again!).

Apparently it matters not if they know you or not as I knew nobody!

Made me feel like the rude English bloke as I didn't do it when I arrived

That must royally **** up productivity if the office is big!

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13 minutes ago, Jon said:

That must royally **** up productivity if the office is big!

It was bizarre. I was really busy that morning so to have to keep shaking hands and saying hello was a bit annoying. Must have been 25 people.

I also found it very weird that there was no introduction. None of them knew me, so if it had been a hand shake and then a "hello, nice to meet you, I'm Jean Marc etc etc" then I'd have thought it was friendly.

But it's obviously just part of the culture. That's what you do.


I found it odd. but I'm sure they found it more odd that I didn't do it :D 

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45 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I worked from our office in Paris a few weeks back and everyone who comes into the office to start the day comes over and shakes your hand (and everybody else's) and says good morning, then again when they leave (although I ducked out before the end of the day so avoided that malarkey again!).

Next up 'faire la bise'. ;)

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11 minutes ago, snowychap said:

Next up 'faire la bise'. ;)

Or the more familiar "Je veux faire un langue coup de poing à votre boîte fart"

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2 hours ago, mjmooney said:

I wonder if part of the reason (apart from Sky, etc.) is the fact that few teams have any local players? If your local team is full of Spanish, Italian, French, etc. players, it has nothing to distinguish it from every other team with the same mix. 

Maybe, but I think it's mostly just down to the fact that those teams win / used to win a lot of trophies. It also seems that a lot of people who support the local teams in the lower leagues (Darlington in particular), often also support Liverpool or Man Utd, and I've got some mates who follow Darlo and Newcastle.

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Went out on Friday with work peeps.

Had a good night, got smashed.


However, it's only dawning on me today how drunk I was. Spent the whole weekend thinking I wasn't too bad, but turns out there's a load of stuff I don't remember!

Hate that.

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2 hours ago, dAVe80 said:

Maybe, but I think it's mostly just down to the fact that those teams win / used to win a lot of trophies. 

That's kind of my point. If your local team is no more 'local' than any other, you may as well just pick one that wins things. 

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

However, it's only dawning on me today how drunk I was. Spent the whole weekend thinking I wasn't too bad, but turns out there's a load of stuff I don't remember!

Hate that.

and me, put me off drinking for a while, basically spent a christmas so drunk i spent all my money and didnt remember enough of it to be able to claim i enjoyed it, thats definitely something that changed as ive got older, my drunken memory is shocking

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4 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

and me, put me off drinking for a while, basically spent a christmas so drunk i spent all my money and didnt remember enough of it to be able to claim i enjoyed it, thats definitely something that changed as ive got older, my drunken memory is shocking

It makes me feel really guilty.

I showed a girl in the office a text I had from her on Friday and said "I have no memory of this". She laughed and told me what a state I was in!

She assures me I wasn't embarrassing or anything, and that I was just very drunk. But it still gives me that horrible guilty feeling.


It's definitely way drunker than I intend to get on a night out.

Thing is, it's absolutely my fault. I bought everyone shots and it all goes blurry after that.

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i drink myself to oblivion pretty much every time now, dont see the point in quitting when you get a tingle in your belly

fortunately my drinking pattern has changed too, we'll start at midday and then if you're lucky you're last man standing around midnight, none of this pre drink stay out to 4am posing nonsense, you have the crack for half of it and then just let the haze take over

the problem comes when i have things like the christmas do and i turn up to a free bar at 8pm having started drinking at 1pm pretty much unable to hold a conversation

the other problem is drinking at a rate of knotts and moving on to the 3rd shot before the 1st shot has even kicked in

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5 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

i drink myself to oblivion pretty much every time now, dont see the point in quitting when you get a tingle in your belly

fortunately my drinking pattern has changed too, we'll start at midday and then if you're lucky you're last man standing around midnight, none of this pre drink stay out to 4am posing nonsense, you have the crack for half of it and then just let the haze take over

the problem comes when i have things like the christmas do and i turn up to a free bar at 8pm having started drinking at 1pm pretty much unable to hold a conversation

the other problem is drinking at a rate of knotts and moving on to the 3rd shot before the 1st shot has even kicked in

My problem was your last sentence on Friday.

But the late nights seem to be a thing for me recently. Especially with the crowd from work.

I got in at 5am on Saturday morning, and that's the EARLIEST I've got back after a night out with those guys.

:( It makes the rest of the weekend a write off.

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2 hours ago, mjmooney said:

That's kind of my point. If your local team is no more 'local' than any other, you may as well just pick one that wins things. 

The majority of the people I'm talking about are 30 plus, so would have started watching football, pre Premier League. I'm told by a few mates that Newcastle gained a lot of support, in the area, when they first got promoted to the Prem, under Keegan. Previously a lot of Newcastle fans had been Liverpool, Man Utd, Arsenal, Leeds, Everton, and even some Villa fans.  

Edited by dAVe80
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That companies manage to weasel their way out of me opting out from spam emails.

I seem to be constantly unsubscribing from newsletters and mailing lists. I'm sure I technically signed up to them when I joined whatever site it is they come from.

But I get some that I know for a fact I've unsubscribed from before, yet eventually I seem to be back on them.


I'm assuming there's some loophole that allows them to re-subscribe me to them every now and then.

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