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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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the gf moaning about how much sky costs, I pay for it all, she just complains to me that I don't need the movies, I don't need the sports, I don't need HD etc etc I don't think she even knows how much it costs, its just "too much" according to her



It is too much though 



its all relative though isn't it, sky costs me £90 a month, to which most people are gobsmacked and start saying why do you do it... I don't have a phone contract, ive got a company phone, that's £40 a month straight away, its only too much if you cant afford it


but my gf is one of these people who is convinced they'd be ok watching the 4 channels, it would drive me insane, id probably end up spending just as much on Netflix, boxsets and ps3 games

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Some ponce at the gym told me that the sound of the weights hitting the floor as I was deadlifting was 'breaking his concentration'. I swiftly told him to '**** off', he then went to the counter and found someone to complain to, however they didn't approach me. 


It does anger me that people like this go to gyms, he is the typical sort of clearing in the woods you find in your typical London gym, I guess I should have known this before joining 'Soho (LOL) Gyms'. 

Depends how you're dropping them, to be honest.

I'm assuming you're just letting the weight drop quickly but still "controlling it" on the way down?


There are some people who just release the weights at the top of their lift and let them fall to the ground. Or even throw them to the ground. In that case, I'm on board with people being annoyed.


(we'd better be quiet, people tend to get annoyed when we talk about the gym...)


As you know, a deadlift isn't something you should have a huge amount control over as you 'go down', I don't just drop it at the top of the movement, I'd say I "control" it down as you described it, it makes some noise but nothing like just dropping 150kgs from that height.  


If it upsets some bellends doing their curls, well, they can **** right off. 

Edited by Dr_Pangloss
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Some ponce at the gym told me that the sound of the weights hitting the floor as I was deadlifting was 'breaking his concentration'. I swiftly told him to '**** off', he then went to the counter and found someone to complain to, however they didn't approach me. 


It does anger me that people like this go to gyms, he is the typical sort of clearing in the woods you find in your typical London gym, I guess I should have known this before joining 'Soho (LOL) Gyms'. 

Depends how you're dropping them, to be honest.

I'm assuming you're just letting the weight drop quickly but still "controlling it" on the way down?


There are some people who just release the weights at the top of their lift and let them fall to the ground. Or even throw them to the ground. In that case, I'm on board with people being annoyed.


(we'd better be quiet, people tend to get annoyed when we talk about the gym...)


As you know, a deadlift isn't something you should have a huge amount control over as you 'go down', I don't just drop it at the top of the movement, I'd say I "control" it down as you described it, it makes some noise but nothing like just dropping 150kgs from that height.  


If it upsets some bellends doing their curls, well, they can **** right off. 



I could imagine a row been dropped and getting a few looks but to drop a deadlift high up .....sure your asking for an injury bar againt the leg etc 

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Huge community of adult guys that collects pony figures and loves the show "my little pony".


I shouldn't mind. I mean, i'm here, there there. We're not interacting, I'm not been forced upon anything. They are happy and should be allowed to like anything they like.





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How do you discover such a thing?

Surely you have to be looking for it? :P


No man, I'm much more masculine than that. I was searching for ways to make the perfect ponytail and then these phags show up.


I was like... :rolleyes:

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Fecking cricket. The ashes have been won. Cancel the final 2 games and shut the **** up about it.

Very much this.


They've already changed one of my sports channels to "Sky Sports Ashes"









Nobody cares about this "game". I fully congratulate England. We're slightly better at standing in a field doing nothing than Australia. But for goodness sake shut up about it.

Edited by Stevo985
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Some ponce at the gym told me that the sound of the weights hitting the floor as I was deadlifting was 'breaking his concentration'. I swiftly told him to '**** off', he then went to the counter and found someone to complain to, however they didn't approach me. 


It does anger me that people like this go to gyms, he is the typical sort of clearing in the woods you find in your typical London gym, I guess I should have known this before joining 'Soho (LOL) Gyms'. 

Depends how you're dropping them, to be honest.

I'm assuming you're just letting the weight drop quickly but still "controlling it" on the way down?


There are some people who just release the weights at the top of their lift and let them fall to the ground. Or even throw them to the ground. In that case, I'm on board with people being annoyed.


(we'd better be quiet, people tend to get annoyed when we talk about the gym...)


As you know, a deadlift isn't something you should have a huge amount control over as you 'go down', I don't just drop it at the top of the movement, I'd say I "control" it down as you described it, it makes some noise but nothing like just dropping 150kgs from that height.  


If it upsets some bellends doing their curls, well, they can **** right off. 


What you do is fine.


As I said it's the people who just chuck the weights down and look like they're trying to make a scene that are annoying.

Not only annoying, but dangerous too.

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