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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Having to give a goodbye kiss to children, particularly those unrelated to you.


It's unnecessary and bloody awkward.


Every time I visit my in-laws I have to give a goodbye kiss to my other half's two nieces. I get no choice in the matter, so I give them the cheek and get the hell outta there. It really bugs me. 


We're not French, we're British for goodness sake.

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Some guy I had issues with when I was 18 and who I hadn't seen since 2005 I happened to bump into recently. He said to me ''You have no friends''. if you haven't seen me or spoke to me for that long, and we have lived in completely different areas since 2007, how would you know how many friends I had? Some people are ridiculous.

Edited by Voinjama
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Having to give a goodbye kiss to children, particularly those unrelated to you.


It's unnecessary and bloody awkward.


Every time I visit my in-laws I have to give a goodbye kiss to my other half's two nieces. I get no choice in the matter, so I give them the cheek and get the hell outta there. It really bugs me. 


We're not French, we're British for goodness sake.



Will the "they made me do it" defence hold up in court?

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Having to give a goodbye kiss to children, particularly those unrelated to you.


It's unnecessary and bloody awkward.


Every time I visit my in-laws I have to give a goodbye kiss to my other half's two nieces. I get no choice in the matter, so I give them the cheek and get the hell outta there. It really bugs me. 


We're not French, we're British for goodness sake.



Will the "they made me do it" defence hold up in court?



I hope so!

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Having to give a goodbye kiss to children, particularly those unrelated to you.


It's unnecessary and bloody awkward.


Every time I visit my in-laws I have to give a goodbye kiss to my other half's two nieces. I get no choice in the matter, so I give them the cheek and get the hell outta there. It really bugs me. 


We're not French, we're British for goodness sake.



try Hungary .. have to kiss Goodbye to the men as well  .. this poxy peck on each cheek stuff and when you greet each other as well  Grrrrrr


it took me bloody years to get it down to a handshake with the In-laws

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Having to give a goodbye kiss to children, particularly those unrelated to you.


It's unnecessary and bloody awkward.


Every time I visit my in-laws I have to give a goodbye kiss to my other half's two nieces. I get no choice in the matter, so I give them the cheek and get the hell outta there. It really bugs me. 


We're not French, we're British for goodness sake.



try Hungary .. have to kiss Goodbye to the men as well  .. this poxy peck on each cheek stuff and when you greet each other as well  Grrrrrr


it took me bloody years to get it down to a handshake with the In-laws



I think I could just about excuse that under the cultural differences clause, though it would still grate with me every time I had to do it.


Actually, I couldn't excuse it at all, that's easily on a par with my complaint.

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It also reminded me that when I was little I used to think people with missing appendages used to go to a farmer to buy a weak scrawny baby sheep.

I remember asking my dad why the girl at school with a stumpy arm never went to buy a pathetic lamb :(

True story.

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The Paralympics and Paralympians

Specifically the media attention to it and them.

Can you elaborate on this? Why? I find them inspiring?

My thoughts on this are that for years people with disabilities wanted to be accepted as normal human beings, to integrate and be treated like anyone else....which I think, in the main, has happened.

The paralympics was an event where they seemed to be singled out and be overly publicised....as in...'look at these athletes, they are special', when really they are just athletes. Surely we should focus on there athletic ability and not there dis-ability.

Or more to the point the media should

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People who repeat themselves multiple times when telling a story. You know the type, they say something, and them immediately say the same thing again after you have acknowledged it.


Even worse when it's supposed to be an amusing anecdote. They'll say it, someone will laugh, so they'll say it again but with a different inflection to try to force more laughs.


**** offffffffff

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The Paralympics and Paralympians

Specifically the media attention to it and them.

Can you elaborate on this? Why? I find them inspiring?

The Olympics is about the absolute best at something in that field in the world. Only the absolute best can get to the Olympics and compete. So many Athletes put their lives into their sport and don't get to the Olympics because they aren't good enough.

But for Paralympians you just have to have some injury that stops you from competing in the Olympics, but an injury that still let's you compete. Then you get to compete in the paralympics.

But many people have tried as hard or harder to get to the ordinary Olympics and they don't get there. But just because you've lost a leg you get to go compete in paralympics with the same level of media attention.

I have no problem with the paralympics. I just don't see why it should have anywhere near the level of media attention it does get.

Cold as it may sound but I don't care about how fast a midget can swim in this competition. I know the media attention is only as big as it is because of people wanting to feel better about themselves by elevating the importance of people who've had some bad injury or disability in their life.

Kids die of starvation in Africa. They deserve more of the efforts of people than this media fawning over the paralympics.

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The Paralympics and Paralympians

Specifically the media attention to it and them.

Can you elaborate on this? Why? I find them inspiring?

My thoughts on this are that for years people with disabilities wanted to be accepted as normal human beings, to integrate and be treated like anyone else....which I think, in the main, has happened.

The paralympics was an event where they seemed to be singled out and be overly publicised....as in...'look at these athletes, they are special', when really they are just athletes. Surely we should focus on there athletic ability and not there dis-ability.

Or more to the point the media should

Far better put than I could. This is what I meant.

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