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Serious incident in Woolwich


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I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.


People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.



What mess?  

They'll be baddies and goodies no matter what.



The mess of a dead soldier lying in the middle of a road in Woolwich.

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Probably being one of the more qualified people on here to speak about being Muslim in Britain. i have frequented mosques in London, Birmingham, Leamington, Manchester, Nottingham, Essex  and so on and I have yet to hear one hint of Muslims wanting to take over Britain,....ah forget it.  What is the point. It just angers me at the ignorance.  People attacking my faith with their nonsense calling the Quran the Kerrang.  I mean seriously?  What do they actually know with a comment like that?  I welcome intelligent debate and respect it.  Pure ignorance though is just depressing. 


Sadly the EDL thugs seem to be growing by number. Civil War! Ludicrous.  Trying to hype up something that isnt there.  99.9% of Muslims in the UK are just getting on with their lives, trying to provide for their families and live a good, honest life.  These two murderers in Woolwich have nothing to do with my faith. 

RIP Lee Rigby.  My thoughts are with his family in all of this.


Britain is full of clearings in the woods.  That I don't doubt.  Just go out on a Friday night in any major city and see for yourself.  However on a whole Britain has been exposed to a multitude of cultures and religions more than most but it is still a relatively new phenomenon on the whole.  What 50 years?

Think of how rife out and out racism was just 20 years ago

On a scale of multiculturalism this country scores pretty damn high, and people are continuing to be more enlightened.  When a hate crimes happens like it did the other day, the idiotic minority speak loudest and in turn our facebook feeds turn to shit. 


Not so sure the leaders and people of many 'Islamic' countries would be any more aware of other beliefs and cultures, but I agree there is still a lot of work to be done here.



I thought you wrote 'on a scale of 1 to multiculturalism this country scores pretty damn high' and I was gonna high five you through the screen.




Was going to...? So should I consider that a high five withdrawn?

For the love of God/Allah/Steve, a withdrawn high five results in instant damnation.

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I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.


People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.



What mess?  

They'll be baddies and goodies no matter what.



The mess of a dead soldier lying in the middle of a road in Woolwich.



So that's the fault of the liberals, not the fault of two psychopaths wielding a machete?

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It's not just two psychopaths though is it? For every successful attack British Muslims have carried out on its own people, there have been 10 failed ones.




The article above is an example of this. Genuine question, Does this not worry you a bit?


You can spin the argument all you like by saying its just two 'psychopaths' but the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Islam is a disgraceful religion, not just in the sense it's the reason so many innocent people die everyday in so many countries, more-so in the sense they believe there's a fella named Allah living above the clouds. But I suppose thats a different argument.

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I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.


People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.



What mess?  

They'll be baddies and goodies no matter what.



The mess of a dead soldier lying in the middle of a road in Woolwich.



So that's the fault of the liberals, not the fault of two psychopaths wielding a machete?



It's not just two psychopaths though is it? For every successful attack British Muslims have carried out on its own people, there have been 10 failed ones.




The article above is an example of this. Genuine question, Does this not worry you a bit?


You can spin the argument all you like by saying its just two 'psychopaths' but the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Islam is a disgraceful religion, not just in the sense it's the reason so many innocent people die everyday in so many countries, more-so in the sense they believe there's a fella named Allah living above the clouds. But I suppose thats a different argument. 



Yes, I am worried about men that wish to harm me.


Islam is retarded, just like the other Abrahamic religions, however it is not inherently evil. 


Generalisations get you nowhere and you could apply it to no end of situations.  

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I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.


People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.



What mess?  

They'll be baddies and goodies no matter what.



The mess of a dead soldier lying in the middle of a road in Woolwich.



So that's the fault of the liberals, not the fault of two psychopaths wielding a machete?



It's not just two psychopaths though is it? For every successful attack British Muslims have carried out on its own people, there have been 10 failed ones.




The article above is an example of this. Genuine question, Does this not worry you a bit?


You can spin the argument all you like by saying its just two 'psychopaths' but the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Islam is a disgraceful religion, not just in the sense it's the reason so many innocent people die everyday in so many countries, more-so in the sense they believe there's a fella named Allah living above the clouds. But I suppose thats a different argument. 



Really? That's what bothers you more?

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I spent an evening on a video on FB, telling the bigots why they're bigots. Needless to say, they don't listen to a word you're saying and just say things like 'you bum muslims' and waffle on about sharia law. It's fairly entertaining if you're having a slow night.


EDIT: And the fact that they're growing in stature scares me too.


People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.



What mess?  

They'll be baddies and goodies no matter what.



The mess of a dead soldier lying in the middle of a road in Woolwich.



So that's the fault of the liberals, not the fault of two psychopaths wielding a machete?



It's not just two psychopaths though is it? For every successful attack British Muslims have carried out on its own people, there have been 10 failed ones.




The article above is an example of this. Genuine question, Does this not worry you a bit?


You can spin the argument all you like by saying its just two 'psychopaths' but the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Islam is a disgraceful religion, not just in the sense it's the reason so many innocent people die everyday in so many countries, more-so in the sense they believe there's a fella named Allah living above the clouds. But I suppose thats a different argument. 



Really? That's what bothers you more?



Both bother me to be honest.

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For every successful attack British Muslims have carried out on its own people, there have been 10 failed ones.

I would have thought that was a large underestimation of the failure rate but as we're both guessing then who knows, eh?

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Bloody liberals.


It comes to something when calling someone (a) liberal is seen as an insult.

It has been in the US for a few decades now... arguably further back than Reagan

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People like yourself scare me a lot more than people who want the best for the country they live in.


Bloody liberals. You're the reason we're in this mess.



It's not just two psychopaths though is it? For every successful attack British Muslims have carried out on its own people, there have been 10 failed ones.




The article above is an example of this. Genuine question, Does this not worry you a bit?


You can spin the argument all you like by saying its just two 'psychopaths' but the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Islam is a disgraceful religion, not just in the sense it's the reason so many innocent people die everyday in so many countries...

There's no very much consistency in your argument is there? - if it's "bloody liberals" who are the reason we are "in this mess" I struggle to see who exactly you mean - Do you mean twisted psychopaths as in the people who committed the horror are bloody liberals? I'll grant you the "bloody", unfortunately, but liberal? clearly dismebowling and decaptitation of a random, innocent, person is not "liberal". Or perhaps you look deeper and feel that the wars started by the likes of George W Bush and the Neo-Con Rebublicans in America are to blame for bringing death to places like Iraq? - But they're not liberals either.

Perhaps these people have suffered racism and been turned against white people by their treatment? Well you couldn't blame that on the "liberals" who oppose racism, can you?

Well maybe it's the poverty caused by rampant capitalism, causing radicalisation of people? - Rampant capitalism isn't "liberal" either.

Then you go on to talk about it being the Islamic religion's fault. I'm not sure the liberals started Islam either. And surely it's bigoted to claim that believing in a cloud fairy makes an entire set of people guilty by association? And if your not blaming the people who believe in the cloud fairy, just blaming the concept of the cloud fairy, then I'm not sure that (even by your own admission) the cloud fairy is liberal.

It seems to me that you don't actually know who you blame, really.

Maybe start with the two people who did it. Then look at why they did it, look at why people anywhere commit terrorist acts. But that might be a bit "liberal" for you, perhaps.

So really your comment just looks like lashing out at people you don't agree with.



I like this post.


BUT at the same time I think he was referring to immigration, and open immigration is generally a "liberal" idea.

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It has been in the US for a few decades now... arguably further back than Reagan

True but then he's railing against inconsistency (of actions and opinions) in that song rather than liberalism really, isn't he? Edited by snowychap
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Since liberalism (of varying stripes) has been the overarching ideology/civil religion in the US for roughly nine quarter-centuries, anybody of a revolutionary bent is going to have a deep disagreement with liberalism, per se; indeed, liberalism is so deeply rooted that it's only a particular (arguably rather illiberal...) variety of it that tends to get called that in the US.

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More Muslims die from terrorist attacks committed by so called Muslims. You make general sweeping comments about a religion of which you know nothing about. Just what you have read on the Internet. Arabic is one of the most complex languages around where one word can mean 3 things. If you want to know more about a subject I'm more than happy to answer questions. If I don't know the answer I will find it out for you. Happy to educate. Blaming liberals is just idiotic.

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