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Bioshock Infinite


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So, one of my most anticipated games of the past few years is out today.  Picked it up on PC (360 & PS3 versions also available) and I have to say that it leaves an extremely strong first impression.  Looking forwards to this a lot. :) 

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That first hour is magnificent. The original BioShock opened strongly, but this tops it. I can just about run it at ultra on my PC (though I'm playing with a 360 pad on my big TV) and it's absolutely beautiful.

I love that you can turn on World of Warcraft style floating combat text too. I'm always a total sucker for that. :D

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I've not played the second either, but then BioShock 2 was made by completely different people to the original BioShock.   Infinite is made by the people who made the first game. 

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I had Bioshock in my possession (a mate left it at my house). Played for about an hour and thought it was alright and nothing more, then never touched it again despite me having it for another couple of months.


I take it I should have given it a second chance?

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Yes. BioShock builds to one of the greatest moments in a game this generation, possibly ever. It's a game about games.

It's easy to spoil and will sound shit if somebody spoils it for you but it's as cool as **** if you play through it.

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Picked it up this morning also, about 5 hours in now, its stunning. The beginning is sublime, tge atmosphere is fantastic and I've loved everything about it so far. Looks and plays great on 360 by the way. Got my own theories about what's going on in Columbia so I'm interested to see where the story is heading. Elizabeth is amazing.

So far its 10/10 for me. Truly excellent.

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Someone posted posted huge massive game ending spoilers in the thread on TSR about 10 minutes after it had been started today. If I was really looking forward to this and/or had played the other Bioshock's I imagine I would be really pissed. As it turns out I'm satisfied with my new found knowledge of what the big reveal is. Regardless, the game looks fantastic

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Someone posted posted huge massive game ending spoilers in the thread on TSR about 10 minutes after it had been started today. If I was really looking forward to this and/or had played the other Bioshock's I imagine I would be really pissed. As it turns out I'm satisfied with my new found knowledge of what the big reveal is. Regardless, the game looks fantastic


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Had a quick go this evening...


Can't really draw any conclusions yet, theres been a couple of nice... moments. World building really. It's awe inspiring as Bioshock was on first firing it up. 


Doesn't help that it's, so far, not got that political philosophy gone mad running under it, which I loved with Rapture and it's Objectivist world.

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Played it for just under two hours and I've been looking around a lot of the time. The scenery is pretty amazing and I stood and watched a few of the people on stage etc. Great start to the game and I can't wait for this upcoming four day weekend.

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I've probably played three hours of the game so far.  I've completed the first big quest, so to speak, and I am bowled over by just how good the game is.  The sense of place is incredible and I love some of the choices they have made for the music.  







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Someone posted* huge massive game ending spoilers in the thread on TSR about 10 minutes after it had been started today. If I was really looking forward to this and/or had played the other Bioshock's I imagine I would be really pissed. As it turns out I'm satisfied with my new found knowledge of what the big reveal is. Regardless, the game looks fantastic



The Student Room - a big forum. As the name suggests, it's supposed to be for students, but eh. It's great fun. They have a section for sexual health & relationship problems, where people can post as anon. If you ever read the letters pages in teen girl trash mags, it's just like that. Hilarious stuff. There was one the other week about a girl who had dumped her boyfriend so he, uh, dumped in her jewelery box (|¬: She cleaned it all with disinfectant, but couldn't bring herself to wear it as it was tainted with his poo. I laughed so much. Just thinking about the thought process the guy mustve gone through just cracks me up. 'Got to get back at her somehow...what does she like?...yeh....yeaaah, all that stupid jewelery in that box! Ima shit in it!'


ANYWAY that is nothing at all to do with Bioshock Infinite. But thinking about it really made me laugh, so that's good at least.

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About an hour or so in and my need to get every collectible has seen me screwed over big time. I googled the location of the first side quest key and followed the link to gamefaqs forum. In the topic someone had posted a question about the key only for a helpful little clearing in the woods posted a game-ruining spoiler in response, the equivalent of that moment in Bioshock. **** hell. I suppose I will play through anyway.

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It's a completely separate story from BS1&2 for anyone wondering, although it's unclear whether it's set in the same universe.


I was fairly sceptical about it in relation to the hype, but having watched some footage it does look really fantastic from world-building perspective, at the very least. I was initially worried that Columbia wasn't as impressive a creation as Rapture, but from the looks of it I was mistaken. I won't buy it until the price comes down in a few months though, because the combat does look a little fatiguing like it was in the original. NPCs look a bit cardboard too.

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Thoughts so far (all about gameplay, nothing about the story at all) 


I love it.  It's gorgeous.  The lighting is pre baked and it does leap out at you, but I think that is only because it looks so good. I've been capturing screenshots periodically with FRAPS and I will dump them on here. My PC is just about handling it at 1080p on ultra settings (i'm getting 50-25 fps) but I'd be interested to see what it looks like on console.  I tried going into GAME earlier, but they had Skylanders, a Wii U and something else I've already forgotten about on their display screens.

The sound is something else.  I've been playing through Dishonoured as well and that looks fine but the city feels like a film set where you know only three streets actually exist. It's the same kind of deal in Infinite but the ambient sound really sells the sense of place. It has the buzz of a living, breathing place.  That walk through the fair at the start of the game has to be one of my favourite things I've seen in a game ever. I must have spent more than an hour just enjoying the scenery and I think the ambient noise was a huge part of that. 

Shooting is decent. I'm playing with a controller because I decided to play on the big TV so aiming isn't as quick as I'd like but I've got no real complaints.  I feel the game is happy for you to hang back or to get stuck in at point blank range. I still haven't decided which way to go yet, but I'm not sure this is a game which requires you to min/max your character. 

I'm a tad concerned that the powers vigors might all do the same thing but with different graphics. There is the odd example where enemy type A is immune to vigor type A but vulnerable to vigor type B but they all seem pretty much the same.  Maybe the upgrades will differentiate them a bit more. I've been using the Murder of Crows one the most and the upgraded version of that is hugely powerful almost to the point where you can lock down an entire area with it with next to no effort or thought (you lay a trap, and any enemy killed by the trap becomes a trap themselves, so you can have huge chain reactions in crowded areas while you hang back and pick off the stragglers. 

Elizabeth is just a joy to play with.  The tears are a fantastic idea because they really allow you to **** around with tactics, and they allow the developers to throw you a bone from time to time.  I am a bit worried that I am starting to see tears (well, prompts for tears) before I see enemies and that means I know some shit is about to go down, but it's a minor concern.  

I have no idea how far through I am, somewhere in act 2 if we are using the three act scale of progression and even if it goes to shit at the end there has been enough so far to put it up there with the best games I have played in the last three or four years.

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