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The VT Musicians Thread


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My first electric was a cheapo no-name Japanese SG copy. I thought it was OK until the first gig. Under the lights it would NOT stay in tune from one song to the next. Or even from the start of one song until the start of the solo. Nightmare. I subsequently did a Townshend on it - not on stage, although with hindsight I should have done.


My second was the Gibson Sonex I still have today. Would stay in tune through a nuclear attack.

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I'm currently in a band called the Plastic Cardigans. They don't actually play music or indeed exist. I created them so I could blag into VIP areas. I've created a monster. A mate of mine even got pulled out of a club queue in Liverpool and brought straight in to the place because the bouncer recognised him as one of our members.


How did you think of the name? 


I ask because a few years ago I set up a Google blog - there's no content in it, I just created it because you had to have a blog to read other blogs. Dunno if that's still true, but anyway... I had to think of a unique name. And I remembered a completely random phrase that a friend of mine at school came up with in about - oooh - 1969 or so. It was "Plastic Dog Cardigan". Didn't mean anything, just a silly phrase.


Plastic Dog Cardigan.

Just came to me on the spot.
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I still have my first electric. It is absolutely garbage. One of those Squire jobbies, and I've taken it apart and reassembled it so many times that it just sounds terrible. But I kind of love it, in a way. I remember trying to learn classical pieces on it during school because I was too poor to get a decent classical guitar, and I'm not sure if anyone else has tried finger picking electric strings while trying to learn some old waltz, but it utterly destroys your fingers, and sounds **** terrible. So much so that when I'd practice in school with the real deal, the sound would always shock me.


I'm looking for a decent classical now but I need to save some money and stop spending so much on books.

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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I know the feeling, CED. Charity shop books is the way to go. But new ones are still alluring. 


Thread crossover. 

Edited by mjmooney
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Morpheus - what a great guitar. What year was it made ?  a very versatile instrument as you  say.

So - as a tribute http://youtu.be/A4RWdwkqqDU. Larry Carlton !!!

Thanks for that mate. Its an 2009 model. Gibson only made 200 of them at the time and are already quite rare. Purchased it off a guy on Ebay for £1400 buy it now who needed the money quickly and have already been offered £2,500,00 by a collector although i'm not going to sell her unless i become desperate for the money.

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My main weapons.

Nothing to shout about unless you're a beginner. I have a yamaha guitale and a steel string acoustic too.

My youngest started with the same guitars as that but left handed. You won't get a better starter geet then the Yam.

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There used to be a band in the 70's from Leicester  called 'Showdwaddywaddy'; they had affair few top 10 records IIRC. The drummer was black and I was told by another muso that he was Dion Dublin's dad. I later found out this was not true but it seems the geezer knew Dion's dad and in fact Dion's dad was a drummer.

Sadly when thinking of musical acts from Leicester, Englebert Humperdinck springs to mind ! 

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Sadly when thinking of musical acts from Leicester, Englebert Humperdinck springs to mind ! 





I should have known that you would come-up with them !  Ace band.

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I have got a new found love for my banjo, cant stop playing it since I sorted the action out on it, I've been having some great fun with it the last few weeks.

I'm still not brilliant at it but I'm getting better everyday, My guitars have taken a real back seat for it

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