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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Regarding Ticket Prices..

Surely nocking say £5 of each ticket would of made so much differance. Plus they would of made there money back by food and drinks sold during the game surely?

Id rather have a full house and villa making the money through the catering etc, rather than a empty ground.

To be quite honest it wouldnt have made any difference whatsoever.

If someone wont pay £32 they wont pay £27.

You'd have to drop it a ridiculous amount (£15 or so per ticket) before anything like that would have gone on.

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General ,

Re the bricks that are outside the Trinity Road where fans have their inscriptions engraved in them , are there any plans to release any more ? And some of them are looking a bit worse for wear ( The one my wife bought me looks more than a little worn ) will these be replaced or repaired ? I don't mind paying for mine either !

Any news on what the plans are for the back of the HOLTE END concourse ?



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With regards to the Cup game tickets I think the Season Ticket holders should get a substantial discount on their tickets for Europe and Cup games, with games appearing live on Telly too, we should push for a sell out, looks better for TV, surely the TV money helps us subsidise this? and its more of an incentive to have a season ticket?

anyway my question to the General is Newcastle have a 100% Season Ticket holder arrangement. i.e. they dont sell match day tickets or very few if that.

Would Villa consider doing this in the future if demand rises?

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General Krulak here:

1. Sorry I was gone so long...but am glad to be back.

2. Brommy: Thank you for your post and complete rundown of the day. I have provided your input to Alison Plant so she can take necessary action where required. As for your timeline, it may be a tad ambitious.

3. As I have indicated before, if a fan has a ticket issue, it is important to get that issue into Nicky Keye and her folks...she is VERY customer-centric and will do all in her power to sort things out. None of us are perfect and we will make mistakes but Nicky works hard at having the most responsive ticketing office in the Premiership.

4. Fuse...Ticket Prices for ManU game: Let me try a different approach to this issue. Simply put, YOUR Club has some of the lowest ticket prices of any club in the Premiership. This isn't by chance! This is a deliberate call by Randy and the Directors. You will find the same situation with the Cleveland Browns Football Club. Randy does NOT try to take advantage of the fans and I think he has proven this time and time again. ManU was a Class A game and was priced accordingly. It also came right after Christmas and New Years...it was on the Telly...and some would say had other "distractions." I don't think it is fair to say that the ticket price was solely the reason for the attendence numbers. The idea that Randy should somehow "subsidize" ticket prices is not a fair call...he is doing more than almost anyone to keep things within reason.

5. I do not think that our Club would consider only having a Season Ticket holder base...we would always want general admission fans who continue to be very important too. Some people just cannot afford a full season package or cannot make all games due to distance, etc. We need those folks too...they love Villa also.

6. Yes, we will be selling more bricks.

7. Executive Boxes: Often companies will lease these boxes and invite customers who might well be "away" fans. We would be shooting ourselves in the foot if we started to tell these companies that they could only invite Villa Fans. What we do monitor and do try to control is the "away fan display" that sometimes occures.

8. John Handley, Head of Security, meets with the police before every game and lays out the security situation as he sees it. He also works with our own stewards. There will always be times when we miss the mark...the fans become too unruly, a steward fails to do his job, etc. etc. In those instances, we try to take immediate action. Most Fans do not hear about the success stories...only the nightmares. That is to be expected. Suffice it to say that we are VERY worried about fan security!!

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1. Welcome back

4. I appreciate we are a value club to watch, however most Villa fans think the club missed a trick with the ticket pricing for the Man U game. Given what you said about why the attendance was so low, Christmas, New Year, Telly, then perhaps the club could have given the fans a break, £20 a ticket would have seen a sold out game.

5. Spot on, I have a season ticket now, but with the baby on the way it may be hard in the future, although I will hopefully get one next season.

6. Cool, but my name is printed in the 1988 yearbook (or was it 87?)

7. Away colours are banned from executive boxes but the club has to take the business under its own rules.

8. The stewards where I sit (stand) are very good at what they do, Janet is very good/scary, they are all Villa fans themselves to be fair.

One last question General, when we play Liverpool away on the 21st, there is a beer and balti going on in the Holte, you gonna come get yourself a balti? I'm sure you wont want for a drink or two ;-)

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Myself personally, it wasn't the £32 for my ticket that was the issue. I just think £19 for a kids ticket was too steep for the vast majority of people the week after Xmas.

I would have personally said full cost for adult, £10 for season ticket holding kids and £15 for other kids would have probably seen a sell out.

This is my worry for Europe if we get there, if we are in the UEFA cup, we will have two home games in that competition per month - on Saturdays prices that would be £140 in UEFA cup games alone in one month for me and the two kids - no chance so instead of having three fans there - you will have one (and maybe only for one of those games). An lets face it, at this stage of the competition its usually against sides that even the most ardent football fan has never heard of !!!

I know we have one of the cheapest tickets but all I ask is the board keep this in mind when prices the (hopeful) european matches next year,

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General, I know you guys were aware of this but Brummies (and those Villa fans from outside Brum) are very price sensitive.. We may be tight but we also want to see value for money and I guess on saturday a lot of people did not see full price as value for money.

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General Krulak here:

2. Brommy: Thank you for your post and complete rundown of the day. I have provided your input to Alison Plant so she can take necessary action where required. As for your timeline, it may be a tad ambitious.

Thank you for noting and forwarding my experience of the Holte. A few minor tweaks will elevate a visit from very good to great.

I have received a detailed letter from Claire Peakman which explained why the problems with the Pantomime occurred and apologised for any inconvenience. Despite the fact that the faults were outside of Villa's control, I find it very commendable that Villa took ownership of this relatively minor matter and I have now received a full refund. Please pass on my family's thanks for handling the issue in such a fair and professional manner.

If my guess at completing the North stand for August 2010 is 'a tad ambitious', it doesn't leave much time for completion and use before the 2012 Olympics (maybe August 2011 to spring 2012?). Does the use of Villa Park for the Olympics have any influence on the reconstruction of the North Stand?

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Surely It does not matter what Man U think, they could protest and then we could turn around and say we consider you a Villa Value game, look at the way small heath take the mickey every time we go there. Perhaps then, knowing manure are coming to VP, we can make extra money by fining them for failing to control their fans, i.e. flares on the pitch, manure fans in the holte inciting a riot, need i go on? Its no co-incidence that seat exchange does not include games agains manure and blose That's not how it works, the FA cup rules say the 2 clubs have to agree the price for the match tickets. Blandy

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....Ticket Prices for ManU game: Let me try a different approach to this issue. Simply put, YOUR Club has some of the lowest ticket prices of any club in the Premiership. This isn't by chance! This is a deliberate call by Randy and the Directors. You will find the same situation with the Cleveland Browns Football Club. Randy does NOT try to take advantage of the fans and I think he has proven this time and time again. ManU was a Class A game and was priced accordingly. It also came right after Christmas and New Years...it was on the Telly...and some would say had other "distractions." I don't think it is fair to say that the ticket price was solely the reason for the attendence numbers. The idea that Randy should somehow "subsidize" ticket prices is not a fair call...he is doing more than almost anyone to keep things within reason.....

General, at the risk of labouring the point, I think there's more to be said.

I accept that the ticket prices for League games at VP are not as high as some other clubs, and for that I am grateful. However, I do think that CUP games are a different matter. Particularly cup games which are televised on national (rather than satellite) TV.

Simply put, whilst you say the game was a category A game, that was a decision made by Villa&/or Man Utd. which in my view was not the right one. It should not have been. I do not really accept that "subsidising" is the right word to use regarding the game. Whatever price was charged, that ticket price, plus TV money (£150,000) is essentially "bonus" income for the club above and beyond league ticket revenue and Premier League TV revenue.

To me the equation is simple. 33,000 people at 32 quid a shot = just over 1 million

25% more people (41,000) people at 25% less ticket price (£24) is the same ticket revenue. - That's no subsidy, it's just filling empty seats and continuing the good feeling that fans get from the club, that the team gets from playing in a full stadium and so on.

It's not a criticism of Randy, or a request for "subsidy" - it's about both the fans and the club getting the balance right.

I cannot know that more tickets would have been sold had the prices been lower, but I sure as heck believe they would have been. It just seems a shame to me, that IF it was Villa who set the pricing, it didn't tally with all the good things that have otherwise been done with and for the fans, to the benefit of both the fans AND the club.

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EDIT: Both ianrobo1 & blandy's post are bang on.


I know we have some of the lowest prices in the Premiership and nobody would argue with that but the club is in denial if it doesn't think it got it wrong with last Saturday's game.

The ticket price WAS categorically the main issue amongst all my Villa supporting friends. Had an adult ticket been priced at £25 and a junior at £10 we would have filled the ground and the club would have probably made the same amount of money.

How can you possibly excuse charging £19 to take a six year old to watch HIS favourite football team knowing full well Christmas has just been and gone?

The reason many of us buy season tickets (whilst knowing we may not be able to attend all the games) is because we cannot afford the matchday prices even if they are some of the lowest.

These games are extras and should be priced with some common sense in mind. Just look at where this category A pricing policy got you on Saturday: 8,943 empty seats.

I just hope the more successful we become you don't price us out because if we get into Europe and the prices are similar to Saturday's my family just won't be able to afford it I'm afraid and I know we're not on our own.

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Surely It does not matter what Man U think, they could protest and then we could turn around and say we consider you a Villa Value game, look at the way small heath take the mickey every time we go there. Perhaps then, knowing manure are coming to VP, we can make extra money by fining them for failing to control their fans, i.e. flares on the pitch, manure fans in the holte inciting a riot, need i go on? Its no co-incidence that seat exchange does not include games agains manure and blose That's not how it works, the FA cup rules say the 2 clubs have to agree the price for the match tickets. Blandy

Ok Blandy, I'm not having a go, but answer me this, if the two clubs don't agree, what happens? Does the game get called off? Both teams knocked out because they could not agree? I'm sure if we dictated the price, we'd have won that little squabble as the home team. Its simple, as a club we have 3 different price structures, we classify this one in the lowest, its our stadium, our choice. Did arsenal tell Burnley "you have to charge your own fans £60 a ticket"? The hell they did

this is a thread for the General, hence this edit, not a reply to the post. Basically if they can't agree, the FA adjudicate. It is rare this happens, buit when they do, they invariably mandate that Full Equivalent League Game ticket prices are charged. Blandy

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The whole ManU attendance and ticket price issue has been debated to death several times over elsewhere. I've had my say already and I was very disappointed at the attendance and the general negative attitude of Villa fans towards the game. Imo the ticket price was certainly not the main factor for the empty seats.

In hindsight I feel that after many years of being offered no incentives whatsoever by the old regime, you (the new regime) have spoiled us a little. I think it was expected by some that the ticket prices would be reduced. I agree that we should not expect Randy to subsidise tickets and I am grateful for everything he, and his associates, have done to date. This one instance does not mean we are taking Randy for granted. It is about giving and taking, keep up the good work and the rewards for everyone will come to fruition.

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Just a quick suggestion for next years season tickets really. A little cheap plastic wallet type thing to hold the season ticket card in would be nice, with a fixture list printed on the inside of it. Its nice to have the fixtures to hand, beside your ticket.

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General Krulak here:

1. I give up on this one. I have said, in as many ways that I can possibly say it, my thoughts on this issue. I have read pages on this topic...on this thread and 4 others. I have heard people say that this was a chance for Randy to "give something back to the season ticket holders"...that we were gouging the fans...etc. etc. As everyone on this site MUST ACKNOWLEDGE, when I think we have screwed up or not done the "right" thing, I am the first to say so and to apologize. This one has been taken way too far. If you as the Fans truly believe that Randy, the Board and the Club charged too much for the game...so be it. At the same time, what if the score had been 2-nil Villa and you had been there, in your seat, to see it? How much would you have paid to see it? We didn't go inot the game to lose...or to have 2 goals against in 10 minutes. We went into win...in a game between Aston Villa Football Club and Manchester United. It was an "A" game in every respect. If I sound a tad frustrated, I am. You have an owner who cares about the Club and the fans more than probably any owner in the Premiership and I find myself wading through pages on this issue. I have said my last on this one.

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