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Black Ops 2


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Yeah, I think the hit detection in Black Ops is worse than MW2/MW3. I hate quickscoping, but in Black Ops the hit detection meant that it was almost impossible to even use a sniper rifle properly.

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It can't come soon enough. I literally force myself to play MW3 so I don't feel as ripped off, but I last about 2 games and leave it. I'll go on a mad kill streak and die by an assassin sitting in the corner who quickscopes me in the back for his montage.. who'd have thought tiny maps with crazy bullet damage would encourage more camping? Genius move.

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Don't like the look of so many machinical things. Hope it's all single player related.

I doubt it. The multi is set in the near future setting a lot of the single player is in - expect overlap on the drone stuff.

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  • 2 months later...

Still 4 months away. :(

It seems there will be no quickscoping as they've taken aim assist away on snipers. A few videos of fanboys crying about how they're going to lose half the community by it. Oh well, I'm sure they'll survive being only the best selling game of all-time.

Looks like we'll see a return BlackOps bullet damage (hurrah!) as someone involved in the game says stopping power is not going to be in the game (which I'm assuming means also not built into all of the guns automatically like MW3).

This leaves the map size as the only thing they really need to get right, which they've done on the past 2 games so I don't see why they'll change it now.

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This leaves the map size as the only thing they really need to get right, which they've done on the past 2 games so I don't see why they'll change it now.

I disagree! The maps on MW3 are too small. They definitely need to have some bigger ones in Black Ops 2.

Some changes that need to be made:

Respawns - The amount of times that I've respawned and been killed straight away is a joke.

Find game - You search for a game of team deathmatch, it puts you into a game that has already started, it loads and you see the score... your team 3400 vs the opponents with 7300 in a game that ends at 7500. There should be a search option where you can choose to be put into a pre-game lobby that doesn't have 12 players in yet.

Matchmaking - Whenever I'm in a team deathmatch pre-game lobby I'm usually top of the lobby leaderboard. This doesn't mean that the noobs should all be placed on my team!

Kills - If you are getting shot you shouldn't be able to run at full speed and stab me!

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I would love it if they added a game mode where you had to constantly be on the move. If you were in the same place for 3 seconds you would get killed and be respawned somewhere else. This would definitely stop the campers! I honestly don't see how you can get enjoyment out of a game by sitting in corners waiting for people to run past you.

Another thing that is annoying is when you are sorting out your killstreak and you get killed. You should become invincible when you are controlling your killstreaks eg when you have a reaper, chopper gunner or even predator missile.

I could go on and on but one last thing. This is one is not a complaint, more of a game **** up. Have you ever noticed when you're in a pre-game lobby and the map votes are being cast it sometimes puts you into the one that had the least votes? It happens quite often, eg Dome 7 votes, Seatown 2 votes and it ends up being Seatown OR a map that wasn't even one of the options!

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This leaves the map size as the only thing they really need to get right, which they've done on the past 2 games so I don't see why they'll change it now.

I disagree! The maps on MW3 are too small. They definitely need to have some bigger ones in Black Ops 2.

By last 2 games I meant Treyarch's last 2 (WaW and BO).

I agree that it's annoying to be put in games already started, but this has to be done. It would be shit if you were on a team where a few people leave, knowing nobody will ever join your team.

I was totally happy with Black Ops so if they basically keep it at that + different maps/guns + a few things from MW3s create-a-class like the different point streak setups and being able to assign one to each class, I'd be totally fine with it.

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This leaves the map size as the only thing they really need to get right, which they've done on the past 2 games so I don't see why they'll change it now.

I disagree! The maps on MW3 are too small. They definitely need to have some bigger ones in Black Ops 2.

Some changes that need to be made:

Respawns - The amount of times that I've respawned and been killed straight away is a joke.

Find game - You search for a game of team deathmatch, it puts you into a game that has already started, it loads and you see the score... your team 3400 vs the opponents with 7300 in a game that ends at 7500. There should be a search option where you can choose to be put into a pre-game lobby that doesn't have 12 players in yet.

Matchmaking - Whenever I'm in a team deathmatch pre-game lobby I'm usually top of the lobby leaderboard. This doesn't mean that the noobs should all be placed on my team!

Kills - If you are getting shot you shouldn't be able to run at full speed and stab me!

Aside from the match making and respawns, those are IW problems (MW2 and 3)

And the match making would be very difficult to do, you'd end up with games that, once 2 or 3 people left would become dead as nobody would come in and replace those players. Although I do think they could do something where say, you can't join a game in it's last minute or something. If you play alone, you end up joining almost all games half way through, even in a party of two you tend to get lobbys.

Respawns also, Black Ops wasn't perfect for it, but a damn sight better than MW.

I'm still not that excited for this game, debating whether I get it on release or not, every year I get less and less interested in the newest CoD. At least it has zombies though, which is an extra selling point.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I loved BO because the maps were big and it didn't feel overly cramped with everything. On this it looks like there's lot of things flying about, maybe it just looks that way because they want to show stuff of and it's not overly intrusive - hopefully.

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