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Black Ops 2


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I heard that there is going to be a mode of team deathmatch where it is 4 players on a team and there are 3 teams in the game! That sounds pretty good to be fair. I also like that you will have to switch to your knife before using it. **** you, panic knifers! I set up my pre order a few weeks ago. Looking forward to November.

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I heard that there is going to be a mode of team deathmatch where it is 4 players on a team and there are 3 teams in the game! That sounds pretty good to be fair. I also like that you will have to switch to your knife before using it. **** you, panic knifers! I set up my pre order a few weeks ago. Looking forward to November.

Yeah Multiplayer TDM!!

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I heard that there is going to be a mode of team deathmatch where it is 4 players on a team and there are 3 teams in the game! That sounds pretty good to be fair. I also like that you will have to switch to your knife before using it. **** you, panic knifers! I set up my pre order a few weeks ago. Looking forward to November.

I like how they constantly try and stop cheap tactics.

Panic knifers now can't really do that if you have to switch to it. The dolphin dive was a way of trying to limit dropshotting. They generally make quickscoping very difficult to be successful and the 3 way thing will pretty much stop spawn trapping, for that gamemode at least.

Maybe it's early, but my complaint visually would be the guns look a bit toy-like.

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Yeah, on the new video that was released it shows a clip of a player seeing through a wall. I'm split on this. On one hand it will be good to see if there are campers before you run past and on the other hand the campers could use this to their advantage as they would be able to see you coming towards them. I'm sure there will be a perk to disable it though, like blind eye or assassin.

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I really liked Black Ops and played it quite a lot... I didnt get on with MW3 at all. The maps were just so much better on BO compared to MW3. Hopefully they will be on BO2 as well.

Exactly the same here. I thought that Black Ops was ace, but that MW3 sucked balls. The maps were just dreadful.

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Some multiplayer details here.

On the gameplay videos I've seen, it's worrying that the guns seem to basically be MW3 insta-kill guns and the maps look fairly small - the 2 biggest things MW3 had wrong with it. If those turn out to be the case, it's going to be shit.

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I saw a full list of the guns and it's not great. If the list is complete and they don't reveal anymore guns then I'll be disappointed. The perks are not much different either, although I was glad to hear that if you are using the ghost perk and you are not moving around you will show up on the mini map, which makes you think they are trying to weed out the camping BUT having a riot shield that you can plant into the ground and stand behind, crouch behind and go prone behind is only going to encourage camping! A lot more details will be released at Gamescom over the next few days though so we'll see what happens.

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You don't need to sit completely still to camp. And I hope it's not simply a case of not moving = showing up on radar, because that's truly shit. Especially when you're actually playing the objective like planting a bomb.

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Brumerican will be loving the "positive gameplay" score streak rather than a killstreak, tbh I prefer this aswell, this should also discourage camping in games like CTF and Domination!


When you're a suicidal flag cappin muthafucka like moi things like that would be nice.

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Edit: There will be panic Knifing, and Also Quick Scoping :(

Ohh treyarch, how you Disappoint me.

You will have to switch to your knife before using it instead of a quick panic swipe. It showed this in one of the gameplay videos.

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The gameplay looks changed from BO which isn't a good thing.

Stuff they've added does look cool though. The way create-a-class is done is really great and the new game modes are superb.

I'm quite sure if you'd go back and watch the BO trailer you'd see the same sort of gameplay. Trailers are hard to judge by, you're seeing what they want you to see. The only bit of gameplay I saw looked like it had the same bullet damage as BO, that was literally the only positive in it though.

Zombies is about 50% the reason I'm getting this, the rest of me is just hoping they follow up on BO without changing too much. Less killstreaks too, they've taken it too far in recent games.

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