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On this theme, there's a dual carriageway near my parents' (fox hollies road between acocks green and hall green) that has been 40 mph for as long as I can remember.

They've changed it, but all they've done is removed the 40 mph signs. No signs to say anything's changed, and not even any 30 limit signs. Just no signs at all.

Drove down it yesterday, a police car parked at each end. Luckily my Dad had already warned me.

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Oh yeah, I know that.

It's just a bit cheeky that for a dual carriageway that has been a 40mph limit for 40 years (according to my Dad), they change it down to 30 and just take away all the signs.

How many people that drive down that road every day will notice that?

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A mate of mine had a breathaliser recently in the pub and a load of the plastic white tubes so we did what any group of lads having a beer or two would do, we tested ourselves.

It was really surprising the difference in the results for each of us despite each drinking the same amount at the same rate.

I never have so much as half a pint when driving and I'm glad after our little experiment because its next to impossible to gauge what is going to be okay beyond that first pint.

As for speeding, been pulled over twice and was guilty both times so held my hands up and both times I was let off.

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Yeah I can imagine the drink would effect you differently depending on the situation.

Like if I've had a huge curry, I could probably have a case of beer and be fine.

But if I'd not eaten all day and then been to the gym, then a mere sniff of alcohol would probably send me over the limit.

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I got done for speeding, on a snowboard.

I thought I read somewhere that they put speed limits in place on some slopes in Switzerland .. was there a rozzer hiding behind a tree with a camera like the sneaky buggers do on the roads here

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I think if they breathalise you and you refuse to take the white mouthpiece they have to fill out a bit more paperwork which is always nice.

You are technically allowed to refuse the breathaliser at roadside and they take you to the station to do it there. You can then request a lawyer to be present before you do it. Ridiculous that people can be given time to sober up like this.

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I think if they breathalise you and you refuse to take the white mouthpiece they have to fill out a bit more paperwork which is always nice.

You are technically allowed to refuse the breathaliser at roadside and they take you to the station to do it there. You can then request a lawyer to be present before you do it. Ridiculous that people can be given time to sober up like this.

So this bloke is weaving down the road, and gets pulled by the police.

The copper hands him the breathalyser and he replies: "Can't do that, I'm asthmatic, and blowing hard could trigger an attack".

"(Sigh) OK, we'll take a urine sample then"

"Sorry, I just can't, won't need a piss for at least an hour"

(Getting annoyed) "Right then, you can come down to the station and give you a blood test"

"Ooh no, I'm a haemophiliac, and I'm not allowed to have injections"

"Right, we'll do it the old-fashioned, tried and tested way"

(He takes out a piece of chalk and draws a line on the road) "Walk along that line"

"Nah, sorry, no can do"

"FOR ****'S SAKE WHY NOT???"

"I'm pissed as a word removed..."

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What do you mean kidlewis, I've never been breathalised.

I have been breathalised before and after they ask you to keep the white mouthpiece they fit onto the breathaliser.

If you say no, you keep it. I think they have to fill in more paperwork in regards to DNA (i think).

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They have to take you to the station to do it on their proper machine even if you do take it at the roadside and fail.

The roadside equipment isn't accurate enough.

So if you're like 0.01 over at the roadside, you'll probably not get done because you'll sober up a bit by the time you take the proper one.

Just stall like a really bad person!

Dunno why I'm giving that advice. just don't drink and drive

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They have to take you to the station to do it on their proper machine even if you do take it at the roadside and fail.

The roadside equipment isn't accurate enough.

So if you're like 0.01 over at the roadside, you'll probably not get done because you'll sober up a bit by the time you take the proper one.

Just stall like a really bad person!

Dunno why I'm giving that advice. just don't drink and drive

thats also my planned strategy in case i ever fail a breath test.

i don't know why i've had that strategy planned for years, seeing i never drink & drive!

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Exactly. I guess the only time I ever come close is if I've had a particularly heavy Saturday Night, when i have to drive to play football at half 9 on Sunday mornings it may be close now and then.

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They have to take you to the station to do it on their proper machine even if you do take it at the roadside and fail.

The roadside equipment isn't accurate enough.

So if you're like 0.01 over at the roadside, you'll probably not get done because you'll sober up a bit by the time you take the proper one.

Just stall like a really bad person!

Dunno why I'm giving that advice. just don't drink and drive

Not that simple, if youve necked a couple before getting in your car, then you might be fine at the roadside and stalling then has the opposite effect as it starts entering your system

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