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Gym Routine


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Ramadan coming up so I am going to have to take a hiatus from the Gym.  Need to do some good exercises at home to make sure I don't lose muscle.  Any tips anyone?


I fast for three weeks yearly in March and I try to continue my routine as much as is possible, although you can't help but switch gears a bit. Generally, I'll go down to a very simple diet—something like yogurt and granola in the morning and a protein shake at sunset. I'll usually work out just before sunset, if possible—or I'll run before I eat in the evening and then lift weights afterward, if I have the time or energy. Obviously, you don't have the same strength you would normally, so I'll cut back on weight (or when I'm running, distance) as necessary and focus on doing what I can. Really, I just view the period as a physical reset or consolidation period and not "lost time" or anything like that. I find I often come out of it ready to regain what I've lost in terms of strength and endurance in relatively short order.

If you're going to skip the gym entirely, I suppose I'd focus on simple bodyweight exercises—pushups, pullups, crunches and planks—in addition to as much cardio as you're comfortable with. Or switch gears entirely and try yoga or something for a month.

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Thing is I won't be able to eat until 9.25pm every day so I have limited window of time to eat and exercise.  I am thinking some exercise at home to maintain muscle and a good diet!

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Yeah, I suppose that's a whole different thing, then. I thought Ramadan was sunrise to sunset? Or is it somehow tied to sunset in Mecca?

Either way, then, I think consolidation is the name of the game. Resign yourself to losing some muscle weight, focus on leaning up a bit, and then hit the ground running so to speak in the third week of July. I'd still consider the idea of yoga or one of those 'Insanity'-type programs you can do at home. If you view fasting as a kind of built-in yearly reset, it doesn't seem so detrimental to your routine.

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I've been going to the gym for over a year now and I've ever so slowly been improving in my lifts. Speaking to others I'm gaining TOO slowly. Just wondering what I could be doing wrong? I've downloaded myfitnesspal to my phone so I'm going to start tracking what I'm eating and nail down a bit more on that side of things. (My diet is good, just haven't been tracking any macros as such!) 


I'm 6 ft, 85kg and 12.7% bodyfat. I have no idea how many calories I should be eating though? 

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Chuck your details in here http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/


Get your BMR and then like JB said, use the Harris-Benedict formula to find your maintenance calories. Then you can decide how much you want to go above that, typically 200 calories for a cautious bulk I believe.


For example my BMR is 2010.75.


Using the HB formula i'll times that by 1.55 to find my maintenance calories.



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And we're back to 70kg bench just like that :hooray: Had a light squat just to re-familiarise with the technique too. So I've done the 4 compounds over the last 2 workouts. Onwards and upwards. Now I'm dying for a pint :-P

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Back from holiday. Haven't dared try the scales yet to see how much of my 25 pounds I've put back on after 2 weeks on an all inclusive. Think I'll do a couple of weeks back in the gym before I dare check :D



Stevo, How you finding the Bullnox? I ordered some (ran out of C4) and I've been using it for a few sessions now. Must say its a very clean energy compared to C4, I really like it!.

I like it. As I said previously I've not had much experience with pre-workouts but the difference is definitely noticeable. For me it's those last sets of an exercise where previously I'd burn out or fail through fatigue. Now I'm pushing through that.


Very happy with it.



No not really.


Squats have actually gone up since christmas. Only deadlifts have suffered, but that's more through injury.


Don't get me wrong, I've stood still, I'm not adding to many lifts. But I don't feel like I've lost much strength.


What you eating Stevo? I assume a click or two would give me the answer but if you wouldn't mind saving me the hassle  :)



2000 calories a day. At least 200g of protein a day. Not religiously tracking my carbs and fat, but it's usually around 50g of fat and let the carbs take care of themselves.


I started on higher calories but I adjusted down over time to keep the cut going.



I still don't think I look as good as I thought I would in my head after the cut. I'd like to lose more. But the holiday pics were pretty decent anyway ;)


I think my goal now will be get back to pre-holiday weight over the next month or two and then start the bulk from September ish

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Wouldnt waste your money, if you want creatine then buy creatine powder from somewhere like myprotein rather than a gimmick product


It's not creatine. I agree though that the advertising on it is a bit OTT as are a lot of the added ingredients.

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Wouldnt waste your money, if you want creatine then buy creatine powder from somewhere like myprotein rather than a gimmick product

It's not creatine.


3 types of creatine with added caffiene and zma which barely raises testosterone.

Its a gimmick product to sucker people into thinking they can raise testosterone and get a physique similar to the people used to advertised it.

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From personal experience the only preworkouts that actually worked were the ones that got banned for containing dmaa.

You can save alot of money now to get the same effect of the current preworkouts by simply purchasing caffiene tablets and sipping on bcaas during the workout.

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Wouldnt waste your money, if you want creatine then buy creatine powder from somewhere like myprotein rather than a gimmick product

It's not creatine.


3 types of creatine with added caffiene and zma which barely raises testosterone.

Its a gimmick product to sucker people into thinking they can raise testosterone and get a physique similar to the people used to advertised it.



I know it has creatine in it. That doesn't make it a creatine only product though. It's a pre-workout and if people feel it helps them during their workouts then its fine.


If people are stupid enough to buy it based on the people in the adverts then yes, they've been suckered in but it doesn't mean that's the case for everyone.

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From personal experience the only preworkouts that actually worked were the ones that got banned for containing dmaa.

You can save alot of money now to get the same effect of the current preworkouts by simply purchasing caffiene tablets and sipping on bcaas during the workout.


I'm inclined to agree with this but I do think that beta alanine is a useful added ingredient. In many cases I think pre-workouts are a mental placebo. 

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