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I enjoy his music. A lot.


ghey. :o  ;)




I didn't expect that sort of admission to go down well in the world of VT. After all, people have heard of Michael Jackson ;)


But I'm not fussed, I'm a huge fan. History was the first album I ever owned and that reeled me in!


Incidentally, the more I listen to Xscape the more I like it. For what it is, I'm pleasantly surprised.

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There's no doubting MJ was a phenomenal recording artist. I'm especially partial to his work with the Jackson 5. It's an interesting debate though, as to if we should seperate the art from the private life? Wagner was racist and an anti-Semite for example, yet he's still considered a brilliant composer, and people still enjoy his music. Personally I'd not buy anything by MJ now, knowing what I know, but I own records that I brought when I was younger, and I'd still listen to them.

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Like I said, I think delving into that subject will ruin this thread, so might be worth starting a new one if we want to discuss that subject, which I'd be open to.

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Musically it went tits up for Jackson when he parted with Quincy Jones.


If I was Sony, it would be unreleased material up to '87 that I'd be looking to get out there.

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I think half of them would fit that criteria, not unsurprisingly the better half of the album.


The standout track is the one that's been released (Love Never Felt So Good), originally recorded in 1983.

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An old favourite. Listened to it on the way to work this morning. I always thought I liked the version of Cocaine Blues best, but I was reminded how great the version of Orange Blossom Special is on this recording. 

Orange blossom special is my favourite cash album, you are right its a great version on this album and this is a pretty damn good album. To be contrary I think Pa Osteraker, a swedish prison album is great, worth anyones time. Its the better of his prison albums. Its from a good period, in my eyes at least, and its not got the usual Cash hits on it at least on the original, the rerelease did. Great album.




My mate put a load of Cash albums on my external hard drive (he's a massive fan and has most of his albums), so I'll have a look to see if it's on there.


If you have it, have a listen to Were You There When They Crucified My Lord, its a gospel song and its the greatest thing ever recorded, anita carter comes in near the start and I have not heard anything that comes close to how good that song is. I appreciate that its one mans opinion, at the very least its a great tune. 


ive just gave that song a listen. fantastic, very deep and full of meaning. I should investigate his back catalogue as I like country to a degree. the mrs is a huge patsy cline fan and I admit I don't mind the odd number by her. I love old cowboy and western films and find the music on those films great, so I should look into getting myself some albums.

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you've got to love bellboy. one of my favourite who songs.

Not a great Who fan but I like "Slip Kid"
some of their songs are some of my favourite songs ever, but I don't rate them that much as an album band. A lot of their albums are very average imo, although some of their albums are great. Great live band though.
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'Off The Wall', 'Thriller' and 'Bad' are great pop records.


I feel a bit sorry for Jackson. Joe Jackson wasn't a nice father, navigating the boy between paychecks without any thought of a balanced upbringing.


As an adult he attempted to purchase the childhood he never had. It's not surprising he was warped.

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'Off The Wall', 'Thriller' and 'Bad' are great pop records.


I feel a bit sorry for Jackson. Joe Jackson wasn't a nice father, navigating the boy between paychecks without any thought of a balanced upbringing.


As an adult he attempted to purchase the childhood he never had. It's not surprising he was warped.

I think Dangerous is a great record as well, although undoubtedly behind the three you mentioned.


History is underrated but flatters itself by being accompanied by his first greatest hits collection (I think). Still a couple of very good songs on there though on the second disc


After that it did all go a bit pear shaped. I would guess MJ got more and more control over what went on the albums. Which is why Invincible was full of gushy stuff (crap gushy stuff at that) , which I always felt was his weakness.


The less said about Blood on the Dance Floor and "Michael" the better.

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(Also, the Jackson 5 were active first time round right up to 1989 so Mike's actually being more generous than you, Xann ;) )

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