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quitting smoking


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I Have smoked for 32 years and have tried to quit many times previously - i am now on my 6th week and today due to a culmination of things had a fag - initially it felt wonderful and relieved the stress - now i just feel like shit and most importantly felt that the whole 6 weeks of quitting was a waste of time. Ever since that one this morning all i have thought about is another. Its really sad how addictive they are (those that have never smoked or quit easily do not know how lucky you are)

I have reduced the size of patch this week and due to lots of shit at work and at home it all got too much today

I am determined to do it but i actually enjoyed smoking - it was the health of my body and my wallet that has made this choice

If i could honestly regulate myself to "only when i drink / go out etc" then i would continue - but i know after a couple i would be back to 20+ per day

I sympathise with anyone trying to do it - it is and can be bloody murder at times

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Keep it up Kent. It is common for people to relapse due to a number of things happening in your life. I wouldn't be feeling down about it. You aren't the first person to give in. The important thing is to cut down slowly. That's what I have done and I feel a lot better. Going 6 weeks is a tremendous achievement and should be viewed in that way.

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Stopping smoking is easy, you've just got to think about something other than smoking when you get a craving. Like a big cream cake. :D

Seriously, you just need to think about something else when you get a craving. It is that simple.

I smoked 20 Lucky Strikes the day before I gave up, and now haven't had a cigarette for over 8 years.

If you dwell on the craving it will only get worse. Think of something else. **** it, even eat grapes when you get a craving, it will go away in less than two minutes...

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Stopping smoking is easy, you've just got to think about something other than smoking when you get a craving. Like a big cream cake. :D

Seriously, you just need to think about something else when you get a craving. It is that simple.

I smoked 20 Lucky Strikes the day before I gave up, and now haven't had a cigarette for over 8 years.

If you dwell on the craving it will only get worse. Think of something else. **** it, even eat grapes when you get a craving, it will go away in less than two minutes...

Thats what I did. Every time I wanted one I thought of something else, eventually I stopped wanting one. I had tried quitting before though and I couldn't do it, I think knowing I HAD to quit made it easier for me this time around.

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I smoked about 15-20 cigarettes a day for about 12 years, same as you. I was so disgusted by the habit, I tried several times to quit, cold turkey. Eventually, it worked. That was 9 years ago, haven't had a puff since.

Don't lean on other things like nicotine gum, the patch, etc.

Ultimately it is all about will power.

And it's not the mountain you might think it is.

Good luck.

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must admit I had a few last night at the gig (cracking gig by the way) and it didn't really bother me the hassle of pushing and shuving to get outside to have one was a pain in the arse

any way I patched up again when I got back home and I think that them few fags mite actually have helped me out cuz after only 2 days of not smoking you can see what a ball ache it is

oh yeah has any one else noticed that wearing the patches during the night makes you have proper erotic dreams? I know that it says mad dreams can be a side affect to them but fook me I was not expecting them types of dreams every night

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must admit I had a few last night at the gig (cracking gig by the way) and it didn't really bother me the hassle of pushing and shuving to get outside to have one was a pain in the arse

any way I patched up again when I got back home and I think that them few fags mite actually have helped me out cuz after only 2 days of not smoking you can see what a ball ache it is

oh yeah has any one else noticed that wearing the patches during the night makes you have proper erotic dreams? I know that it says mad dreams can be a side affect to them but fook me I was not expecting them types of dreams every night

Think about it mate - for years you've been putting long, phallic shapes in your mouth and sucking in repeatedly for pleasure - did you not think this might reenact in your dreams!?


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The Allen Carr book worked a treat for me.

I say it worked a treat, I still smoke 15 a day, but when I really wanted to quit, for six weeks it was a breeze. I suppose that gives you a decent headstart, particularly if you've got better willpower than me.

It's all in the mind, man. And the fewer you smoke, the more you idolise the cigarettes you do smoke, which in terms of quitting is counterproductive.

Most interestingly, the physicality of nicotine pangs are mild, you just amplify them in your head. I mean, they don't wake you up during the night do they?

*goes for a fag*

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still going well on the no smoking front, I had a bit of a lapse on friday night but there was copius amounts of alcohol involved then so I dont mind so much

other than that though I have been going since tuesday and have only slipped up twice, still on the patches and still struggling every now and again but i'm getting there slowly i think

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I've started to quit this week, been smoking for nearly 3 years. Only smoked about 10 a day, then over the last few months cut down to 2-3 rollies a day. Today is my first smoke free day, i don't crave bad, but when i see the other people in my house lighting up i just shut myself in my room ( chill on xbox or pc). Getting through work is a stroll in the park for me. Luckily for me when i do drink i hate smoking (bit weird). 1 day down so far :D

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i'm on Day 5 and not even come close to have a rollie in my hands, im finding myself eating more fruit mind you. The back of my throat feels smooth too. If i quit smoking am i still allowed a smoke of the green herb time to time? like once a month or sumat?

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What is the best brand to smoke in terms of quality against price? My boss smokes Royals but the box looks cheap so they're a no. If i started, i think id go for marlboro or amber leaf rollies. Got a mate who smokes Jin-Ling (i think its called that?) smells nice.

I realise this helps in no way what so ever so erm...yeah! keep going! :thumb:

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