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The General's thread - do not respond to other posts!


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General Krulak here:

1. There is little I can say about today's game. Like most of you, I thought that we looked fine going forward. Our back line had a tough day. It was NOT because they didn't play hard but the impact of missing some of our seasoned lads was evident. We had our chances and we made some chances. I am gutted.

2. imavillan: Seriously, I cannot answer such questions as you pose. I think, as a businessman yourself, you recognize how Randy might operate. Everyone has goals. But for me to come on an open site and discuss those goals would be foolish. It is easy to point fingers at everything when things are going bad...there are, in my opinion, some areas of positive movement...even if they are not readily apparent.

3. ChrisNichollsToe: Thank you, it is the first laugh I have had this week.

4. I will be off the site until Wednesday...I have a few things that I am being told to do.

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I have held off on this since wednesday.

But the tactics on wednesday didnt pay off on wednesday and they didnt pay off at all today. Young looked again a spoilt brat turning the ball away from Bent for the penalty, he got brought down if he didnt dive he should give the ball to someone else, if you get taken down in the box you shouldnt be taking such a big opportunity moments later unless you dived and you quite simply shouldnt be diving in the box, you should be taking a shot.

I want a refund for my ticket on Wednesday. I spent over a hundred pound going to that game, which is not something I think the club should be bothered about but the money i spent on the ticket was a complete waste, nothing paid off and we now have another 2 weeks off after 2 disgusting losses.

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Has the management structure at Aston Villa got a problem with sensorship?

I say this because for quite a while now I have been more than intrigued about how, at the sign of anything remotely negative printed from the press, it is rubbished by yourself in such a way as to leave an impression on me. The tone of your posts when talking about the press leaves me in little doubt about your opinion on this sector. This is something mirrored with our chairman's reluctance to talk to the Press and keep himself very much to himself, a fact which could, admittedly, just be part of his personality.

No doubt you will point to the fact that the BBC were allowed an in-depth look inside the club this season on Football Focus. However I would suggest that was very much staged in the fact that the club knew exactly what was going to be reported on and from where.

But the real reason I have raised this question now is because today the Daily Express has exposed a blatent attempt to silence the Press and in doing so, keeping the fans in the dark. Do you honestly believe, in the 21st century, this is a reasonable way for the club to behave? I believe you are quick to criticise the workings of the press (eg. lifting stories from websites such as this) but then Aston Villa's own PR department has been caught out doing something far worse.

Do you think it is right to try and sensor what the Press report from a Press Conference? Which, by the very definition, is a public engagement. The law would suggest you should wholeheartedly think this is wrong. However if that's the case, what are you going to do about it to make sure this doesn't happen again in the future?

I'd appreciate a response.



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General Krulak here:

1. There is little I can say about today's game. Like most of you, I thought that we looked fine going forward. Our back line had a tough day. It was NOT because they didn't play hard but the impact of missing some of our seasoned lads was evident. We had our chances and we made some chances. I am gutted.

Without meaning to sound too harsh, or be too blunt...

Our defence has been shit since O'Neill walked on us. Which would therefore mean that it has been shit since our defence coach walked out along with O'Neill.

Would that not indicate a need for a defence coach, since, as has been pointed out, we don't have one!?

This isn't aimed at you per se, but you're the only way we can get through to the coaching staff and Randy.

I would personally like Houllier to pack his bags and get out of the club I love, however if that isn't going to happen, I'd like us to at least employ someone who can sort the utter shambles that is our defence out.

Also, why the hell did we play a right back at centre back, when we had a centre back at left back!? Luke Young has proven perfectly able at left-back in the past, Baker is a young player who should surely be playing in his strongest position. Why have 2 players out of position rather than one?

Sorry if this is all rather harsh, but it's just how I feel.

I sincerely hope that Houllier is made aware of the fact that the vast majority of fans are extremely displeased with him right now.

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General how many times in the last four years have you had to come on this site and say things such as "We know how you feel, we are all hurting but I can assure you we are all wrking hard to put things right" ? Because it may be me but it seems you have to say such things nearly every time you post this season. Why do you think that is and what do you think the club could do to make sure you do not have to post such "calming" words each time you come on this site?

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You have failed to answer every single question in relation to the managers team selection against Man City and subsequent comments and the fact that some of these comments club officials asked the media not to report and tried to cover up. Why have you failed to answer?


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French bloke in charge next season also no season ticket for me

Scottish bloke may I also add name me a club he as not been sacked by

No season ticket for me and my son only way I can protest for bad decision on appointment don't expect an answer haven't got the balls to admit it

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Please answer my question when you return, it is a BIG problem! Also, next season, I will probably renew my season ticket but if Houllier pulls one more stunt like Liverpool away or Man City away, takes 1 more step out of line or fails to end the season on a high then as a supporter all of my life I will continue to support Aston Villa but I will give Houllier absolute hell at games if this continues! They say 3 strikes and you're out, well he's had 2 already! The fans won't tolerate one more Houllier moment!

Liverpool Away Houllier comments, Man City Away team selection, AVFC PR failed attempt to cover up GH's latest interview cock up, surrendering the 2011 FA Cup dream, losing 21 points from leading positions this season, having FX PRO cancel our sponsorship deal, Houllier failing to recruit a defensive coach, losing to Birmingham in the Quater Finals, our manager falling out with a number of players, Stephen Ireland giving his opninion of the club from working at Villa, the delayed kits, MON taking the club to a tribunal.

That's a huge list of the worst parts of this season, not all the fault of Villa or Houllier but it has been an awful season for us fans in which we are still not safe from a relegation fight. I will be supporting Aston Villa next season whoever is in charge but the club should not complain next year when the inevitable happens and the fans leave Villa until changes are made to stop making this great club appear as a laughing stock to the rest of the league.

I do not expect a reply to all of my points made but it needs to be summed up because next season I will still attend because I'm 100% loyal but Aston Villa will have smaller crowds and I think we all know why. Changes need to be made!

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You have a difficult decision to make whether it be now or the end of the season. Look at the form, the events that have angered the fans on numerous occassions and rightly so and poor press conferences and weigh that up against playing better football and changing the clubs philosophy. These things take time but we are in a results business.

Randy Lerner and the rest of the board need to think long and hard to whether this man is right to take the club forward, I think you have the general consensus of the fans. If we cast our minds back to Sunderland we was giving Houllier a chance because of January being around the corner. There are no more excuses General for this club to continue to underpeform with what we have out our disposal.

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Many of us can see the BIG PICTURE and even if it means going one step down before coming back so be it. The change in football style already is a VAST improvement and it's easy to see where we'll be once the manager's been given free reign to assemble his own team. Days like yesterday happen to all the best sides, it happened to Bayern Munich in 1982 to our benefit for one. We couldn't have played much better, and we will (and have) played much much worse and won in the past. The phrase that sums that kind of result up perfectly is "shit happens".


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Please could all posters abide by the thread rules - no discussion between posters, don't repeatedly ask the same question/make the same point and understand that the General will not answer questions where the media will pick on quotes and stir trouble. Thank you

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Our manager is quoted in a national newspaper as stating the following:

Houllier does not like Villa's zonal marking system and said: "It is true we have conceded too many goals at set-pieces.

"We have to address that. I came to this club on September 18 - they had their habits, they have them for four years.

"I am not going to change them in the middle of the season but next year it is obviously something I'll address"

The Sun

The stats over the previous 4 years that Houllier mentions show the following:

2006-7 = 41 goals conceded/ 1.08 a match

2007-8 = 51 goals conceded/1.34 a match

2008-9 = 48 goals conceded/1.26 a match

2009-10 = 39 goals conceded/ 1.02 a match

Under Houllier 24 games 41 goals conceded/1.71 a match

Seems like he is pushing the blame on to the wrong people and needs to look a little closer to home and I'd suggest he need look no further than in the mirror.

He is playing a very dangerous game General blaming people who are no longer at the club and who can do sweet fa about the situation he has guided us into. He really needs to man up and take responsibility for what is happening before its too late.

What are your thoughts on the above?

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General, what do you and Randy think of Houllier from a PR point of view?. IMO since he has got here he has been an out and out disaster, and if it was anyone else from a massive company they would have been sacked long ago.

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I have to say General, I am a big fan of Houllier and think that despite the results he was a good appointment. The state our club is/was in was in need of a long term project and I salute Randy for acknowledging his mistakes in letting MON run wild with ridiculous wages, it was a mistake and fairly expected of a new owner who maybe didnt understand the game? I dont know, but I think Houllier is good for the club.

That said if by some magical witchcraft You, Randy or PF could convince Louis Van Gaal to take over at the helm of the club I think I would fall in love with you all all over again. It has to be said our results have been poor but I understand the work being done in the background but Van Gaal is a master of clubs with great youth set ups.

Ajax and Barca are 2 clubs he has managed and probably the 2 most successful Youth Academies in the World. His teams always play possession football and he always seems to strive for beautiful, attacking football. Exactly what we are striving towards. If Houllier does have to go (which I dont believe he does). This guy would be perfect and an absolutely huge coup for the club. Cant stress that enough.

That said, and no disrespect to our own club, this guy is in another class, i cant see his reputation being too tarnished after 1 bad season at Bayern, after all the only reason he didnt win the CL last year was because his old apprentice/protege Jose Mourinho happens to be one of, if not the, best manager in the world..

Can see Van Gaal in a much 'bigger' club who are already pushing for honours in Europe.

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Hello General.

Hope all is well.

Someone asked this question a few days back, but couldnt find the answer.

With plenty of clubs already advertising their season tickets for 2011/12, when will Villa release information for theirs?

As youve read on here lately, some fans won't be renewing, mainley due to GH, thats fine, its their money + opinion.

No one person is bigger than the club, i support Aston Villa Football Club, and that includes good or bad experiences.


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Hi General,

I'm sure that the backing of GH in the transfer market in the summer will shut some of the moaning up. That said, we are in a real slump financially and money is tight.

Apart from Villa, are there any other clubs that you enjoy watching?

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general i love the idea of being able to select your exact seats for games now but what will the club do to stop there being loads of single seats left all over the stadium due to fans wanting extra room when they book tickets (as they now a lot of single seats never get sold)

Thanks in advance

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