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Fabian Delph


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That and because I have no doubt he's as greedy as the rest of them when it comes to financial gain.



If that were the case, why didn't he let his contract expire and leave on a Bosman and big wages somewhere?


He could have been earning a lot more than he currently is for the last 6 months.


Sorry I don't see any basis for that view of him currently.

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That and because I have no doubt he's as greedy as the rest of them when it comes to financial gain.

If that were the case, why didn't he let his contract expire and leave on a Bosman and big wages somewhere?

He could have been earning a lot more than he currently is for the last 6 months.

Sorry I don't see any basis for that view of him currently.

I'm not confident the interest was there then. He was playing absolutely shite at the time.

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That and because I have no doubt he's as greedy as the rest of them when it comes to financial gain.

If that were the case, why didn't he let his contract expire and leave on a Bosman and big wages somewhere?

He could have been earning a lot more than he currently is for the last 6 months.

Sorry I don't see any basis for that view of him currently.

I'm not confident the interest was there then. He was playing absolutely shite at the time.



Oh come off it. You are telling me that if Delph had let his contract run down and been on a free this week he couldn't have got a bigger contract than he is on now from a club like Liverpool or Spurs or West Ham? 

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I'm not with you? If he'd have let his contract run down how would he have been on bigger wages for the last 6 months?


His wages went up in Jan with the new deal. But even with that increase he could have earned far more moving forward than he has even with that pay rise these last 6 months.

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Yes but knowing the clause is there (if it is there) he would know he could go onto a bigger contract and still get extra cash for the last 6 months off us. I don't think it's too far fetched.

I don't think it's something that would have been malicious but I think one thing has been overlooked in all this - just how much fabian delph has increased the amount in which he has looked after himself. Whilst that's understandable, I think it lowers the level of loyalty.

I think true loyalty consists of no demands. And I think he would have had demands.

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Yes but knowing the clause is there (if it is there) he would know he could go onto a bigger contract and still get extra cash for the last 6 months off us. I don't think it's too far fetched.

I don't think it's something that would have been malicious but I think one thing has been overlooked in all this - just how much fabian delph has increased the amount in which he has looked after himself. Whilst that's understandable, I think it lowers the level of loyalty.

I think true loyalty consists of no demands. And I think he would have had demands.


I've not over looked anything, I've answered these or similar points previously in this thread so I won't repeat them.


But a moment ago you were saying he was playing badly in Jan so couldn't be confident of a summer Bosman and now you are saying he would know he could go on to a bigger contract. Its a little contradictory.


I've got to be honest, I don't really understand your cynicism towards Delph, at this moment in time it has no real basis in anything other than hearsay and press speculation. Given his words and actions in January I think there is far more credible reasons to have faith in him.


Come the 8th August I think you'll see him in our colours, not because he didn't have a choice but because he chose to be here.

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So why do you think he had such a low buyout clause written into his contract Trent?

I'm sticking my two-penny's worth on this one if you don't mind.

I believe that it was a relegation release cause.

However if it's not , prehAps it was a safety net for Delph if a takeover does not happen.

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I'm not going to fully reveal my source *cough Alan H, cough cough* but I'm pretty sure Delph's release clause is far from what is being reported. As far as I'm told, any clause is related to us having being relegated, but i've not been told any specific amounts.


Having said that, if Delph was freely available at £10m or less, he would have had offers from everyone from Bournemouth, Watford, Southampton, Sunderland, not to mention Liverpoo.


This had not happened, nor has the bid from Man City at a bargain price. I firmly believe he's not even had a decision to make thus far.

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Having said that, if Delph was freely available at £10m or less, he would have had offers from everyone from Bournemouth, Watford, Southampton, Sunderland, not to mention Liverpoo.




I was stated in one of the papers that he had a release in his contract allowing him to go to a clu. b that was playing in Europe. If true that would limit the number of clubs

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Having said that, if Delph was freely available at £10m or less, he would have had offers from everyone from Bournemouth, Watford, Southampton, Sunderland, not to mention Liverpoo.




I was stated in one of the papers that he had a release in his contract allowing him to go to a clu. b that was playing in Europe. If true that would limit the number of clubs


So surely West Ham would have snapped him up by now then?

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Maybe he's not captain anymore? I'd rather see Clark as captain anyway.

You serious? 4 decent months and you want him to captain the team! Wow expectations for the team really have fallen more than I realised.
More about the person than the ability (although Clark had a better season than Delph imo), Clark seems much more vocal and acts more like a leader out there than Delph (not a dig at Delph).

I don't have a problem with Delph being captain, but if you asked me who was more suited to being the captain I'd say Clark.

I, as a fan, feel more unqualified to judge who should be captain than just about any other player assessment. How can you really judge who's better to be suited as Captain? Because one player yells? Not convincing to me. Has no bearing upon respect in the dressing room, which should be the key component (and a regular on the pitch of course).


For what its worth i've seen Delph point and yell plenty of times. Also this whole release clause thing is just conjecture and speculation right? People are talking like it's a real 100% confirmed thing...

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So why do you think he had such a low buyout clause written into his contract Trent?

I've already given my thoughts on this a few pages back mate.

The one thing I'd add though is we still don't actually know if there is a clause or if there is what it is. Contrast that to Benteke where Sherwood confirmed the clause.

That he hasn't done so with Delph is curious in my view and means that just perhaps what is being printed in the tabloids isn't quite accurate.

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