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Barry Bannan


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Bannan's a brilliant passer, remember this beauty?



The funny thing is that he put Suarez through AGAIN in this match AFTER he did this cock up for an even better chance... TWICE in one match yet he hasn't put a Villa player through once all season! Amazingly Con came on here after this match and couldn't see what was wrong with Bannan's performance. The stats you see, didn't show him putting Suarez through on goal twice.


Unbelievably shit. Good riddance.

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And I don't even know what you're trying to get at here? Are you trying to say that a miss from 6 yards IS proof he can play at the highest level? This is **** ludicrous. 



Watch the movement. Movement created the chance and, eventually, the goal.



He stepped into space and missed from 6 yards. WHAT A PLAYER

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It's a shame that Bannan hasn't scored a goal, or even done a defence spillting pass all season otherwise Con might be able to post that instead of an open goal missed from 6 yards as his highlight of the season.


Without Bannan's creative movement there would have been no goal.


This is probably his season highlight.






However, this pass shows what he can do - defence piercing, forward ball



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So you are saying that a 10 yard pass, which my mum could have done, with no one around him is the highlight of his season? And that a 20 yard pass which wouldn't be an uncommon sight within a League Two match is what we can look forward to from a Premier League playmaker?


Words fail me. They really do.

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It was a superb pass. 30 yards, on the floor, straight as an arrow. Rarely see passes like that right up the middle. It was a well worked goal by all involved.


BTW Delph and Bannan haven't played in midfield enough together.

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As I said, words fail me. There is absolutely nothing out of place here in a Sunday League football game.


I can't believe you are making these remarks with a serious face.


Simply can't bee serious. Its either bannan himself or a moron.

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It was a superb pass. 30 yards, on the floor, straight as an arrow. Rarely see passes like that right up the middle. It was a well worked goal by all involved.


BTW Delph and Bannan haven't played in midfield enough together.


That "superb" pass was against Ipswich in the cup...now show me one against a premier league team.....

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Hmm. Let's see. A. Makes sense since be has had a lot more free time lately. But would he go that far? B. Could be it but would he use so much time on it? C. This is my bet. Makes sense really. Does be have a younger brother?

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Con, In all seriousness. What was the point you tried to get across by posting gifs of Bakers and Westwoods own goals?
Not so seriously, you forgot to post a picture of Delphs own goal.

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Delph hasn't a single goal or assist, and has a worse game record.

He's got 2, actually.  Tranmere and Brighton.  You can't even get the bloody stats right.

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