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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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Finally finished Death Note yesterday. Never thought I would be so sad to see a serial killer die, and really kind of wish he got away with it all. Baww~


I've never seen the series but loved the movies. Might have to pick it up at some point.


Yeh, I saw the live action versions first too actually, but they are very different to the anime. Which, actually, follows the manga pretty much spot on, I hear. It's 39 episodes long, has some incredible moments, but kind of shoots itself in the foot by moving at an incredibly fast pace at times, only to then slow right down and you find yourself waiting for something major to happen every episode, which, of course, it doesn't.


I've never seen the live action movies, though I got bought them for Xmas from my sister. I tried watching a bit of the first one since it was on Film Four a couple of years back now, but it just didn't work for me.

The anime is one of my absolute favourites of all time, partly because of the speed at which it moves at. However... I'll put this in spoilers despite your above post being a huge one :P...


A...as soon as L dies and Near and Mello come in to succeed him it starts being a bit crappy and slows right down. The overall ending was a bit disappointing. I was kind of hoping L might fake his death and then come back, either that or Light would actually win, but I think we always knew that could never happen. Still, the first season of the anime is absolutely phenomenal. Think I'll have to watch it again.


I think the mangaka (whose name escapes me) kind of didn't know what to do after

he killed L, so, knowing he had to end it by Light dying, he had to invent someone with equal genius to L to defeat Light. Problem being, we always knew what L was thinking, how he was working things out - Near just kind of came to the correct conclusions, and was basically just not that likeable. I liked the brief arc with Melo getting hold of the Death Note, and liked Light going pretty bananas after the reveal that he was Kira was done, and also the little monlogue from Ryuk, also actually, I really liked that it was Matsuda that killed him. So the end wasnt so bad.


Now thats that's done, I've started watching Game of Thrones. Watched the first three eps so far, it's good!

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Yeah I'd agree with that summary of Death Note, and that the writer wrote himself into a bit of a corner, which is a shame. Such a good idea for a story though.

I can't believe you've gone this long without watchin Game of Thrones at all. I thought you were a nerd like me?

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I can't believe you've gone this long without watchin Game of Thrones at all. I thought you were a nerd like me?

Sorry man, I've clearly let the side down haven't I... But I'll make up for it!

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I sentence you to read all the books, they will help you make sense of the TV show and its many, many, many characters. That and they're awesome and a lot more detailed.

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I sentence you to read all the books, they will help you make sense of the TV show and its many, many, many characters. That and they're awesome and a lot more detailed.


Yeah, I had a look at this on wiki. They started years ago, and still have two to go, huh? Is it plausible that they'll catch up to the latest book on TV, and then have to make anime-esque filler episodes to await the release of/a long enough period in between the new book? Watched 6 episodes now, think I have the bug. Spent most of the morning at work humming the theme tune. hmmmm-hmmmm hm-hm-hm hmmmmmm hm-hm-hmmmmmm.


What I'd give to see The Dark Tower given the same sort of budget and treatment on the big & small screen, as was supposed to be happening...doesn't seem like it's going to though.


I wana see Roland fighting the Lobstrosities dammit



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Anyone watched 'Lilyhammer'? It's a Netflix exclusive series featuring Steven Van Zandt from The Sopranos. There's only 8 episodes but I think they're making a new season soon.


Definitely worth a watch IMO.

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Anyone watched 'Lilyhammer'? It's a Netflix exclusive series featuring Steven Van Zandt from The Sopranos. There's only 8 episodes but I think they're making a new season soon.
Definitely worth a watch IMO.

I am up to episode 4 and I do like it. It's different,quirky , funny and quite dark in places .
I still can't believe how quickly he learned the language mind you . :huh:  :D


You are nearly right in it being a netflix exclusive as it was a top rated show in Norway with some of the highest viewing figures the country had seen .


It's fun seeing Silvio being a bad ass in a really strange environment !

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Won't be watching TV this evening, it'll be wall-to-wall Thatcher.


Down the pub.


But... but... tonight is Game of Thrones?

As for your concerns regarding the TV show potentially catching up to the books Hogso, it is very plausible considering George R.R Martin now seems to take about five years + to write a new one and he's still working on book six at present. Christ knows how long it'll be for book seven.


I thought if this ever happened then they may do something akin to what they did for the first anime version of Full Metal Alchemist, i.e. keep to the manga until you catch up to it and then the TV guys write their own ending. In theory it sounds like it would probably be shit, but the guys at FMA did a really good job in my opinion, then obviously when the anime finished they did it all over again with the proper ending, which never quite felt the same to me. It didn't help that they rushed through some of the most memorable moments at the beginning just so they could get to the new stuff a.s.a.p.

Either way, Martin has told David Benioff and D.B Weiss how it all ends, he just doesn't know for sure what happens in the middle. I fear that with him being as old as he is, and being considerably overweight, that Martin may never finish the books, which would be a tragedy.

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Won't be watching TV this evening, it'll be wall-to-wall Thatcher.


Down the pub.


But... but... tonight is Game of Thrones?


(a) I only have Freeview 

( B) No desire to watch Game of Thrones

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So this Robot Combat League on SyFy. Anyone watching?


They havent actually got to the robots fighting part yet, but it looks like it might be...pretty rubbish.


Chris Jericho is hosting it, and it's all very American. In terms of, like an American TV show. Or a UK TV show copying an American one. They keep switching to little videos of the people taking part how they feel about 'things' for no apparent reason. All I want to see is these big robot things smash each other up, and they're explaining to me how they work. I don't caaaaare.


Also, curiously, one of the people on it is George Lucas' daughter. She's an MMA fighter. Heh.

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anybody watch Arne Dahl on Saturday on BBC4. saw bits of it and looked quite good. not sure if a series or a one-off

It was fine. As soon as I saw new Swedish crime drama it was straight on series record - time was I wouldn't have gone near a thing like this.

This story 'The Blinded Man' (Misterioso) is in two parts, but there are 10 epsiodes in the run so I guess its 5 stories. Arne Dahl is the name of the author - famous books out there apparantly.


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