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The New Condem Government


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It makes me snigger to see Tony trying to peddle the same stories that a lot of Tory blogs are running. The fact that the Tory party are even being ridiculed by tax dodging people like Ashcroft with their crass advertising campaigns shows that rather than defend their cack handed self serving policies they feel they have to deflect on to Labour. At the Lib Dem debacle last week the usual Tory Lite rhetoric from Clegg and the muppet one had to include a reference to Labour as some sort of justification for a whole load of broken pledges. Similarly the Tory party are imposing policies on the UK based not on what they got a minority Gvmt out of but more on what their financial backers want.

The Tory party are getting desperate now and when they do that they typically get even nastier. God help anyone in the NHS, god help people needing help from Gvmt. God help anyone needing the state to help them through some of the worst times, because the Tory backers are not keen on that.

Also interesting that so little is made of the facts that Osborne (as predicted) has screwed up the economy so much that we are more in debt now and need even more borrowing. Double dip recessions on the back of sever ill thought out cuts have resulted in very few, typically only those who pay into Tory party coffers are benefiting. But I suppose the real important issues are things like who should be Archbishop of Canterbury, that seems to be Cameron's priority at the moment

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miliband seems to be doing a good job of falling out with the unions labours biggets backers

I really fail to see your point here.

Milliband has said that some of the plans put forward by Unions were not what the Labour party wanted. Are you saying that is a bad thing? Or should the Labour party be like the Tory party (which is funded massively more by tax dodgers and the like than Labour receive from elected bodies like Unions) and just look after those who pay money into it?

Maybe if workers had more rights unlike that which is being proposed by the Tory party and scandalously supported by Cuckold Clegg, then the UK as a whole would prosper more.

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Have austerity measures ever worked?

Depends who you bank with

HSBC seems to be the bank of choice where Keith Vaz deposits his funds of a "suspicious nature " :winkold:

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miliband seems to be doing a good job of falling out with the unions labours biggets backers
Well that's certainly the message they want to come across

Conspiracy theory or the latest in official Conservative and Unionist Party of Great Britain briefings ?

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Have austerity measures ever worked?

Have austerity measures ever failed?

The experiment in Europe is going great guns thus far.

Without the accompanying relief of currency devaluation in individual countries (an option they do not have inside the euro) it won't work.

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miliband seems to be doing a good job of falling out with the unions labours biggets backers
Well that's certainly the message they want to come across

Conspiracy theory or the latest in official Conservative and Unionist Party of Great Britain briefings ?

There are some people who are capable of independent thougt you know.
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