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close the GTC

I was under the impression that no one will miss the GTC and that most teachers weren't really aware of what the GTC did for them

Granted a lot of teachers aren't aware of what the GTC did for them but that is largelly because until they need the GTC then they wouldn't really need to be. Many just see it as something they need to register with and pay money for without knowing what for it doesn't though automatically follow that there aren't any benefits.

For a start, at the moment it is a legal requirement for every teacher employed within any form of state education to be registered with the GTC. The same applies to unqualified teachers (instructors) and also to Oversea's Trained Teachers (OTT's).

One of the duties and benefits of the GTC is that it monitors and tracks the qualifications and careers of its members which enables employers, should they be schools or temporary supply agencies to vet their staff. The vetting of staff has since the introduction of the GTC been far easier which has a direct impact upon the suitability of staff employed and in turn the safety of those children they teach.

In addition to this the GTC is/was extremely important in giving schools, teachers and headteachers means of settling disputes. I'm not talking about a teacher using someone else's mug in the staff room here, I'm talking about serious issues such as sexual discrimination or abuses of power over NQT's for instance.

Such cases at present are taken to the GTC and heard infront of a panel, believe me when such things happen to a teacher they will soon discover the benefits of the GTC. I have personally sat in on a number of GTC hearings and seen the GTC in action and though most teachers could go their careers never coming into contact with it those that do will realise its importance.

Another important aspect of the GTC is the role it plays in dealing with or allowing headteachers to deal with under performing, incapable and bone idle teachers. The GTC allows a method for these teachers to be brought to book and in some cases dismissed.

It is hard enough to dismiss teachers on performance grounds as it is, without the GTC it will be near impossible which can't be a good thing.

Closing the GTC would be acceptable if there were some sort of plan to replace it or to transfer its duties and responsibilities to another body or department but at the moment there appears to be no such plan in place which is concerning to me and to many others working in or around the education sector.

The problem is the general public at large won't bat an eye lid at this piece of news, most won't even notice and as you rightly say many in the education sector itself don't even realise its importance.

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good on cam that he is doubling the amount of money for the heroes in afganstan

How convenient at a time when there were questions being raised about the monies and the number of the SpinMeisters (more than Labour ever had) in Downing Street. Call me a cynic if you want but the timing of the releases of info are pretty interesting

Also this is not a doubling of the money for the Armed forces -

The PM said he wanted to give troops "proper support" by doubling their operational allowance, which currently stands at £2,380 for a six-month tour.

140,000 per year for Cameron's chief spin doctor - or in allowance terms 58 Armed forces allowances

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the number of the SpinMeisters (more than Labour ever had) in Downing Street

it could well be more but you didn't give us a source to see where you got your figures from :winkold:

however the actual spend is £1.9million less than the £6.8million spent during Gordon Brown's premiership

taxi for Liam ..........

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however the actual spend is £1.9million less than the £6.8million spent during Gordon Brown's premiership

I hope that's projected spend, he's only been in there for a month!

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What the heck are you talking about Tony?

I seem to remember the indignation of the Tories in particular about "unelected" advisor's and now we hear about transparency and cutbacks and what do we find - the ConDem's are actually worse than Labour. As you say Taxi (despite the ConDem's saying public transport should be used)

The Hypocrisy word is shining like a big beacon

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You say it like hypocrisy is a fault only found within the current government.

The pair of you make me laugh, you both seem to think that your party does no wrong, and the other lot are evil. Do you agree with everything your party does?

Even if your preferred policies are much closer to one party, it'd probably do you some good to realise that they're all a bunch of clearings in the woods who'll sell you out as soon as they get a sniff of power.

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the number of the SpinMeisters (more than Labour ever had) in Downing Street

it could well be more but you didn't give us a source to see where you got your figures from :winkold:

however the actual spend is £1.9million less than the £6.8million spent during Gordon Brown's premiership

taxi for Liam ..........

and of course Alastair Campbell gave his time for free
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Davakus - the point is that for the past few years we have heard nothing but indignation from the Tory supporters and as soon as they get into power they are shown up as massive hypocrites - within hours of taking residency in Downing Street. Please excuse me as I enjoy showing up this perfect example of ConDem lies and hypocrisy.

As for being sell-out's - oh how I agree with you. As some have said on here, politicians at all levels cannot be trusted - born liars and hypocrites it would seem

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The appointment of some special advisers has already caused a headache for Mr Cameron. Iain Duncan Smith, the Welfare Secretary, has been criticised for recruiting Philippa Stroud, who failed to win a seat at the election. Ms Stroud, who is paid £69,250, had been involved in a row after claims – which she denies – that she helped set up churches which attempted to "cure" homosexuality.

How nice and convenient

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As for being sell-out's - oh how I agree with you. As some have said on here, politicians at all levels cannot be trusted - born liars and hypocrites it would seem

:crylaugh: how very sad

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the ConDem's are actually worse than Labour

so they have fewer special advisers than labour , they are spending less on Spin Doctors than labour .. but somehow they are worse

Keep taking the tablets

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the ConDem's are actually worse than Labour

so they have fewer special advisers than labour , they are spending less on Spin Doctors than labour .. but somehow they are worse

Keep taking the tablets

How rude, but to be expected I assume

There are still nominated posts to be filled - when these are filled the cost will be more - despite the clamour for cutbacks and reductions in pay and numbers of staff.

Hypocrisy and lies from the ConDem's - shame that as soon as they are in power all of the indignation is forgotten about.

It seems that Tory politicians say one thing to some but another thing to others - good job we have quotes from their "friends" to back up the truth eh?

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There are still nominated posts to be filled - when these are filled the cost will be more - despite the clamour for cutbacks and reductions in pay and numbers of staff.

there were 78 under Brown

it's now 68 which includes seven vacancies

so it is still less and still cheaper , but keep at it you might even convince yourself one day :-)

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The appointment of some special advisers has already caused a headache for Mr Cameron. Iain Duncan Smith, the Welfare Secretary, has been criticised for recruiting Philippa Stroud, who failed to win a seat at the election. Ms Stroud, who is paid £69,250, had been involved in a row after claims – which she denies – that she helped set up churches which attempted to "cure" homosexuality.

How nice and convenient

I don't think she did actually deny them did she? This is fairly disgusting actually. She quite rightly wasn't elected, then gets paid an MP's level of salary anyway. That's crap, poor choice from IDS.

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There are still nominated posts to be filled - when these are filled the cost will be more - despite the clamour for cutbacks and reductions in pay and numbers of staff.

there were 78 under Brown

it's now 68 which includes seven vacancies

so it is still less and still cheaper , but keep at it you might even convince yourself one day :-)

SpinMeisters (more than Labour ever had) in Downing Street.

78 SA's in Downing Street? - maybe to the Gvmt as a whole? 68 now SA's to Cameron and Clegg? Even I don't get those sort of figures, but hey ho there is a WC to get publicity miles from I suppose now so let's see what else we can hide

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good on cam that he is doubling the amount of money for the heroes in afganstan
I thought the Debt was holding us back in spending more? Hmmm I guess not on other things.

It is coming from savings in the defence budget in other areas and is not new money.

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